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Posts posted by ArsVampyre

  1. Aren't there a few items who if you quote their name in chat Kickbot will give you a ban?

    That should be an indicator to the people at DE that the people they're letting handle this aren't doing the right thing.

    Instead, Jesus is considered profanity.


    If you ever want to know why the Bitter Vets don't spend time helping people in Region, this should be a big clue. No one wants the nanny-ing.

  2. 18 hours ago, the_caleban said:

    it seems to happen every week ~ im not the best at this game and it seems to infuriate some people to the point of abusing me. i havent played MMOs with such small groupings before, maybe thats why i havent encountered it.

    i guess the latest one got to me, someone screaming at me that i was AFK and they were going to report me and get me banned...puzzling when one of the other players was doing as badly as i was...(and didnt get the abuse i did)

    I'll be honest, this isn't a high-skill game. 

    I don't know what timezone you play in, but if you want I'll help you out. I usually get on around 10:00 pm EDT (US east coast time). My clan all use Teamspeak, so if you want voicechat you'll have to use that and I'll get you the server info if you want.

    To be frank, I'm thinking whoever was yelling at you wasn't really a veteran. Unless you're running a Raid or something, I can't think of any content in the game that a veteran couldn't solo, even with 3 AFK moochers. And at worst, I think they'd just bail at the first opportunity and try running with a different pub group.


  3. There is never going to be a better way than friends explaining things to other friends. Being able to ask questions, get suggestions...

    You can find 'beginner guides' on Youtube, though I don't know if they're up to date, and that would be my second suggestion. Can't really ask it questions, but you can get a sense of what you 'should' do until you figure out how to decide that for yourself.

    Otherwise, the game has to be linear to force the player down a particular path so that you can explain it, and Vor's quest is that linear tutorial. As I remember it, there's a section on putting on mods, and while it could be better, frankly I think at some point the player has to want to learn more. Perhaps links to video tutorials or something for particular topics.

    But I would rather DE not continue focusing effort on material that doesn't really help retain players; I think most of those 3 out of 4 who leave (if the number is really that) won't stay anyway. Warframe is good, and popular, but it's not that good and popular, and a 25% retention rate is pretty good, IMO.

  4. I'm having a weird issue. On certain threads, my account is automatically signed out. If I back out of the thread, I'm signed back in. If I click to sign in, I'm told I'm already signed in, but if I go back to that thread, I'm signed out again, seemingly only for that thread.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this a 'feature'? 

    I am not a frequent poster though I have been involved with WarFrame since the closed beta. Perhaps this is something I would know about already if I spent more time on the forums, and if so, I apologize for my ignorance. 

    An example of a thread for which I have this issue is Rebecca's thread regarding datamining in the developers forum. I'm not signed out on the thread immediately below it, but on every instance of entering that thread, I am signed out. The thread is not locked from what I can see.

  5. No, i


    I'm a cybersecurity professional, I tend to browse AT quite a bit. Unless that's your personal clan forum. Either way, I'd love an invite when you get the chance.

    Go into Gaming, Extra Strength Caplets, post in the Warframe thread. Someone will hook you up.


    I'm at work right now; I'm usually on after 10 PM eastern. In Game Name is ArsVampyre. 

  6. As your Warlord, I approve. Slow cooked chicken is far more important than unnecessary airtanks for your warframe/drone that doesn't breathe. 


    There's always another T4 key.


    I still prefer beer-can chicken. Just remember Tenno, use your Ignis, not your Nukor. Microwaves and metal do not mix well.


    Next time on Ars Tenno moments, getting that Rad proc while using the Kulstar and taking out the whole cell.


    Good times.

  7. Is there already a report of the massive bug with reviving? 


    If you bleed out in mission and revive, your controls are stuck in the revive selection mode; your avatar will stand up, can take damage, etc, but you can't move, fire, or activate menus. You can chat. You can see the mouse move on screen. Your avatar can pick things up in range, but the controls are stuck.


    If you alt-f4 out (kill the evolution engine process) you can start back up, log back in, and potentially reconnect to your mission, but you can't recover any other way.


    This may not affect the mission host, though when I was a host it did affect me, but when someone else hosted it didn't affect them but affected everyone else in the mission.


    All of these examples were while fighting the juggernaut so perhaps that's related. It did not crash the engine, but you couldn't escape.


    If the mission completed while you were still up, you got your rewards and could then operate normally.

  8. The "funny" thing is on the same stream Rebecca mentions how Carrier is the most used sentinal and off camera Steve says "something has to be number one".

    Carrier isn't #1 because of it's weapon, it's #1 because of vacuum. If you could put that on another sentinel, I'd use that instead.


    The pickup dog is not the same. Carrier is about collecting loot. Killing stuff is secondary. In fact, I bet many of the carrier users have the Striker precept off so it won't steal their melee kills.


    Regardless, the point stands. NO matter what they do, there will be 'mandatory mods' because people enjoy min/maxing and they'll find a way to do it in whatever the situation is. I think DE needs to stop trying to fight that and just embrace it, and let people choose different paths by making the under-used mods stronger, not making the 'mandatory mods' weaker.

  9. Remember Hydroid "nerf" like two weeks ago? Me neither.


    People will cry for a day or two, complain about how Steve touched them in the locker room the devs are evil, and go back to farming Draco.


    In my opinion, this is hardly a "nerf." If multishot was never intended to work the way it does now and they are fixing it, that just seems like a patch to me.

    I don't see people playing hydroid anymore. You might take the hint from that.


    This multi-shot change? Watch people stop using the Soma and Soma prime as much. Why? Because they're already terrible at ammo economy. The Kohm? Dead.


    Hope you got that Quanta Vandal. If not, best 'git gud' with the Opticor (which is an awesome weapon if you know how to use it).


    And the "Its a bug"? Remember coptering? Remember them telling you it was a bug? Well, I was there when they said they'd NEVER remove it from the game. It was 'emergent gameplay'.


    Multishot not requiring additional ammo isn't a bug, it's working as they intended it. This isn't a bug fix, this is a nerf, the mod isn't any less required, you'll just be required to make up for it with an ammo mutator mod, thus requiring more mods, not fewer, and narrowing what most players consider viable weapon choices to guns with good ammo economy, like the Quanta Vandal.


    Please, consider things a bit further rather than just toeing the company line. Skepticism is healthy.

  10. As pointed out by many, this whole thing is a terrible idea and simply creates another required mod rather than removing one. 


    If you really hate multshot mods, don't use them. No one makes you use the mod. Sure, you're making your gun weaker for no reason, but it's your choice.


    Don't argue to remove someone else's choice so they have to play your way.




    I don't know why I bother. I argue this every time and the whining never stops. Everyone on this forum is  always excited about making everyone else play the way the forum wants. It's terrible and you should feel bad. 

  11. I would suggest that instead of multishot, DE remove Serration and put damage into leveling the weapon instead. It frees a slot for the needed ammo mutator, retains the damage, and gives people without Serration the feeling of progress as they level the weapon, even if they don't have the 'required mod'.


    Here's the issue with the proposed change, from my perspective. Some weapons already have an issue with ammo consumption; the Soma is a prime example (pun intended). It does great damage but it's ammo economy is already terrible. Now, we're going to actively make it worse, or require another 'mandatory' mod to counter the change in Multi-shot (yes, the OP has it 100% right)? That's stupid.


    Now take other weapons with high-damage output per shot. No, not sniper weapons. Lets talk the Quanta vandal. The ammo economy for damage output is significantly flipped; no one will care that multishot eats more ammo on it because it's ammo consumption is so low anyway.


    This will have the natural consequence of 1) requiring more mods rather than fewer and 2) pushing people into using a more limited selection of weapons rather than opening up more choices for them.


    This is the opposite of the intended direction. One of parkour 2.0's purposes was to give players more freedom on melee weapon selection. Why would the developers want to turn around and limit primary weapon selection?


    I sincerely hope DE is listening and not just already decided. This is a worse decision than doing nothing; this actively makes the problem they say they're trying to fix worse.


    Now, if they are just wanting to artificially make end-game content harder so you have to farm more, then I guess this works. It also makes the game less fun, and as I'm rank 20, I think I could move on from the game if the intended goal is to make the game less fun. Fallout 4 comes out this year, after all.


    TL;DR: The OP is right. I suggest removing mods that only add base damage and putting that base damage into level progression on the weapon instead, in exactly the same amounts, freeing a slot for use with ammo mutators, if desired.

  12. The warframes are suits designed to enhance the power of the Tenno. The tenno are former children sent into the void, mutated into having special powers by it, and then put into the suits in order to turn them into child soldiers for the Orokin to fight in their war against the Sentients. The players are not the tenno because each tenno is different.


    Or, the warframes are the corpses of the child soldiers, turned into blueprints and replicated, and the Tenno are energy beings/remote operators who control the warframe suits from outside.


    Or some other ludicious half-explanation because the lore is full of plot holes and doesn't fit together. I'm not really sure Steve knows for certain himself. I personally am a fan of the idea that the player is the tenno, and that the Tenno are energy because 1) then sex of the frame wouldn't matter and the frames are gendered and 2) I like that better than the remote operator idea even though remote operator makes perfect sense with things like revives and the like.

  13. Why would you copter away? You copter through. The ancient is dead and you keep moving.


    This is another reason why I think people just weren't very skilled with coptering when they complained about controlling it. Slow reflexes and missing the obvious. 


    P.S. Why mobilize? Piercing step is 18% to Mobilze's 20 and adds damage. Again, I'm not sure you've thought this through. And I can use it AND Rush.


    Rhino Prime still runs faster than he jumps, and it's more than 2% faster.


    My opinion is still the same. Parkour 2.0 is fixable, but overall worse.


    P.S. I'm really trying not to say 'git gud'. 

  14. 20 tyl regor runs with nekros not including the dozens i did for the Equinox parts and NO FREAKING final harbinger drop...


    does this stance exist? i do not think i have even seen a single mod drop off manic variant...

    I've got one. It's good stuff.

  15. The grattler costs too much and has too small a magazine. It's beyond mastery fodder; it's insulting to your players.


    The Harpak is just uselessly bad. It's not good at anything. The paracyst was a terrible weapon no one likes to use; why make a grineer version that's even worse?


    The other weapons are great.

  16. I posted a longer version in another thread, but basically Parkour 2.0 has some merit but it's not good.


    Wall jumping looks bad and works bad. Bring back wallrunning, let us seemlessly change the angle of the run instead.


    Bullet jumping to sprint slide and back works, but it's just as painful on your hand as coptering. It's also less reliable and less useful.


    Most of the old tilesets don't work well with Parkour 2.0 and very little of the underwater set either. Lots of places you can't wall jump at all, lots of places you'll go up and disappear and be reset like you fell off the map.


    Coptering was better. IT worked well, it was reliable, and it was useful. If you didn't like how it varied per weapon, a better fix would have been to make all the weapons copter the same (I guess you did, but set it the distance to zero). Right now, if you melee swing out of a bullet jump, you lose your momentum and drop like a rock. It's bad.


    As a friend of mine said; "I can't wait for Parkour 3.0" is the best thing to be said about Parkour 2.0. Sorry.

  17. Ok, so I've had a bit with the new Parkour system.


    Positives: Bullet jump is easier to perform and more reliable. With practice you can move from bullet jump to sprint slide and back repeatedly without too much effort. You can control your wall-hopping pretty well on surfaces that allow it. It totally broke the old obstacle course in the dojo. You are free to use whatever melee weapons you want now without detriment based on choice. Stamina is gone, which was always a bad idea to have anyway in a game about movement.


    Negatives: OH boy. It's slower. Massively slower. Even with bullet jump, the frames move much slower. My Rhino Prime, with Vanguard and maxed rush, runs FASTER than any amount of bullet jumping parkour. The wall jumping is even slower, and it looks horrible. You don't look like a ninja, you look like a Mario reject. It's beyond ridiculous. Worse, wall climbing up looks like you're about to begin a "lord of the dance' sequence. Who thought this looked good? Wall hopping needs to have a better animation; preferably one that looks like running and not bouncing like a bunny. The keyboard moves required to do the bullet jump sprint slide combo to keep your speed up are just as painful on the hand as coptering. That problem was not solved. The maps and tilesets weren't prepared for Parkour 2.0 and it shows; lots of surfaces you can't wall hop on at all, lots of places you get randomly stuck for no reason, lots of places you get that reset you to the ground like a fall, just in the course of normal movement. All that supposed control were were going to use to make us feel more like ninja is there, but useless. It feels very 'consolized', which to a PC player means made weaker and more useless in order to make console players more capable with it because of the limitations of their control scheme (gamepads are inferior). It does not flow well into air-melee attacks, in my experience, from bullet jump. In fact, to get the most speed out of bullet jump I often get caught above doorways in ways that I never had problems with using coptering. I've found aim-glide to be relatively useless, but that may be because I kill all the enemies too quickly and don't need it. I was doing the John Woo kills in the air without aim glide, and with it I don't shoot more people. Part of that may be the unreliability of the targeting in bullet jump; it doesn't seem to jump where I'm aiming at the time half the time.


    How do you fix it? 


    First, ditch bunny-hopping on walls. Just change it to wall-running with the ability to run in not-straight lines. Hell, the old wall running looked better, and it included the ability to fling yourself at high-speed off the wall. It took skill to use right, but you could do it and do it reliably.


    Second, bring back coptering. WAIT. Before you all drop your collective intellect in an effort to whine, let me finish. Bring it back, but set all of the weapons to have the same movement effects from the copter. Even the heavy melee. I know some people had trouble using it, but when you mastered it (which wasn't difficult) not only was coptering an effective and RELIABLE movement method, it wasn't any worse that the current bullet-jump-sprint-slide move required to move half as fast, and you had the added bonus of doing damage along the way. I'd mastered not only landing exactly where I wanted to, but taking out enemies along the way, and finishing my slashes or attacks in the middle of a crowd. It made melee a much more viable strategy than it is now, because no I can't close in a reliable way without taking damage (60% isn't enough). I need that ability to spin-slash past my enemies, hitting them in the head as I go by, and begin attacking my next target immediately, not waiting for either a roll I don't want or a slow-stand from a crouch when I land. 


    Third, and this is the hard one, redo the tilesets to make the surfaces wall-runnable and to make the invisible 'jaggies' you get caught on disappear. Close up the holes in the map that exist because no one thought you'd be able to get there when they made it. Polish the old tilesets to work with parkour 2.0.


    Fourth, allow momentum based on the speed of the frame, so faster frames don't get nerfed using Parkour. Loki should feel fast jumping around, but it doesn't anymore. Rhino Prime shouldn't run faster than he can jump-slide. If I put Rush on my frame, I expect it to jump faster as well, not exactly the same in a way that makes me stop wanting to jump around.


    I played some missions with Rebecca and a clanmate, and she asked what our opinion of Parkour 2.0 was. I told her that it was slower, and that I didn't think I was adjusting very well. Well, now I'm adjusted, and it's still not better. My clanmate later confessed to saying he wanted to tell her he couldn't wait until Parkour 3.0, but didn't want hurt feelings. (BTW, if you get the chance to play with Rebecca, do so. She's awesome.)


    Parkour 2.0 is mostly polished, but frankly, it doesn't work well in my opinion. Maybe with adjusted tilesets some of the issues would go away, and certainly I'll work around it like I've worked around all of DE's other decisions I thought weren't very smart, but I beg DE to at least look at the opinions about the bunny hopping. No one I've talked to, even those who like the new Parkour system, think it looks anything but bad. It might move better or more controlled, but it looks bad.


    It's not a mess. It's just not better than before, IMO. It's fixable. 


    But the wall bunny-hopping. Ugh. No more.

    This would be a valid argument if anyone had ever actually used parkour 1.0 wallrunning. In what parkour 1.0 situation was there ever a reason to wall run?


    I did. You could gain massive speed-boosts wall running and attacking off the wall. Faster than coptering, which you could also lead directly into coptering. I could run around the columns in the dojo great halls (we have some of the old-style with round columns). The old system worked well if you knew how to use it. Most people didn't try.

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