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Posts posted by Denosaurus813

  1. 15 hours ago, Azamagon said:


    I like your spike-ideas for it, both as a basic idea, and its interaction with Petrify. Sounds fun!

    Personal old ideas, which could work splendidly with your spike-idea:

    • The bulwark's health also boosts its damage. That way, using the initial invulnerability-timer can make it mighty powerful, in the right circumstances
    • Atlas can punch a bulwark with Landslide if right next to it. This destroys the bulwark, sending shards forward in a cone (or spikes all over the place, as per the OP's idea). Damage of this "detonation" is based on its basedamage, health and Landslide damage. Gives Atlas a means of attacking from some safety.
    • The boulder has a Gravity-like effect, pulling enemies in a moderate radius as it rolls around. Gives it a new niche as an enemy-collector (good for efficient Petrify+Landslides)
    • Grants Rubble when it's destroyed. Just makes sense.


    I don't think a complete do-over is necessary. Just some smart additions:

    • Their attacks increase (and benefit from) Atlas' melee combo counter count. This way, they have a good use while alive, and a reason to be kept alive..
    • They no longer have a duration, they last until they are destroyed (or if Atlas recasts to detonate them). Makes the "Petrify heals them" a way to maintain them efficiently.
    • Every time a Rumbler is hurt, it drops Rubble. This has a cooldown (affected by duration. More duration = Shorter cooldown). This even further makes the "Petrify heal them" a useful synergy.
    • Augment: Numbers buffed to 200/250/300/350% hp & dmg of a single one, its attacks are all big AoE attacks and it no longer has a speed penalty

    I like this idea, especially the elimination of their duration. I just wonder if the Rubble dropping will work well considering the Rumblers like to be across the #*!%ing map from Atlas. Usually this would make them completely useless bc their duration is wasted but having them around permanently the extra bonus to damage might help them a little bit. I just hope DE can tame their adventurousness.

    P.S.-Flak Cannon Tectonics when punching the wall with Landslide is great, should definitely grant Rubble and oh boy I love the Gravitation+Spikes effect

  2. So, as Equinox Prime is coming very soon, I realize that Atlas should be coming up soon afterwards. Hopefully, Atlas is changed a bit before he gets primed as he could use it, and here are some ideas for how I would do that. 

    #1 and most importantly-Either remove the Rubble cap completely or AT LEAST make it a lot higher


    Out of the four abilities, this and Rumblers are the only ones that need changes I feel, considering Landslide is his bread and butter, and Petrify is Petrify.

    I have a couple different ideas of different varieties for this one, and none of them are scrapping it. (saved that for Rumblers)

    Idea 1: Charged

    Hold the Tectonics button, skip the wall and go right to the boulder. Only problem I see with this is if they change the wall in its niche state.

    Idea 2: the Boulder

    The Boulder is something I thought about a lot as it’s currently terrible. I have a couple ideas here:

     1. Give the boulder spikes. When the thing explodes, send them flying out all over the place, dealing [insert base damage amount] puncture damage. If you use Petrify on it, the spikes will Petrify S#&$ they hit. Obviously the strength affects the damage, range might affect the range the spikes fly. I wish it was slash but puncture just makes a LOT more sense.

    2. Remove the boulder’s damage entirely. Instead, it now petrifies enemies who touch it. When the boulder itself is Petrified, it’ll have a trail behind it, like Path of Statues, which petrifies enemies.

    You could probably do both of those in some way, these are just ideas.

    Idea 3: Crafting

    This is the weird one that could also be applied with any of the other ones but changing how things work a bit.

    Rubble, hopefully with its cap now removed, is a resource for this ability. Reduce/remove energy cost, the ability will consume Rubble. 

    With Rubble consumption, we can get a Fortnite-esque building system to make the wall better, as you can actually make wall useful, 3x3 grid would be best I think, so very Fortnite-esque. Petrifying the wall will either make it Petrify things it touches, OR knock the wall over, dealing Impact damage, affected by the size of the wall and Power Strength.

    A lot of this is pretty questionable, but I’m looking for a way to make Atlas more than just the One Punch frame, so building on things seems like a good idea.


    Atlas’ ultimate, supposed to be his most powerful ability, I and I think many would agree is his worst ability.

    I honestly don’t completely know how to fix it. Whether it’s an AI thing, a damage buff, so I think it should be scrapped and be replaced by just one Rumbler, Atlas. (Rumbler is my proposed name because similarity, as it’s an attempt to make Atlas into a better Rumbler)

    First off, I don’t know if this would be channeled or duration-based but I’m leaning towards duration. 

    As Rubble already makes Atlas look more like a Rumbler as he picks it up, let’s take that to 10 here, doubling the armor given by Rubble and allowing for Atlas to be visually completely covered in stone.

    While Rumbler is active, Landslide (and Tectonics if it doesn’t by default) costs 0 energy. 

    Landslide petrifies enemies on hitting them, Tectonics is limited to boulders that do more damage and embed enemies in the ground when it rolls over them, and Petrify can be used on allies to give them extra armor, visually putting rocks on them like Atlas’ Rubble visuals. If Petrify is used on petrified enemies, it will cause them to begin eroding, taking damage over time, but giving you less Rubble.

    Petrification duration is doubled for all sources of it, affected by ability duration obviously.

    This might be a bit OP? Not really? Idk, I can’t exactly test it but I tried to make it synergize with everything while also making him more like a Rumbler

    Anyway, that’s all, his passive is great and I’m looking for feedback or possible different ideas. 


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