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Posts posted by HawkFang022

  1. Warframe Grendel


    These are my suggestions and thoughts on Grendel

    Also why is Feast and Regurgitate 2 separate abilities.  In my opinion they should be one ability and function that if you hold down your one button Feast on your enemies and pickups.

    ·         Once you've consumed enemies tap your one button to release the enemies that Grendel has consumed (Regurgitated enemies should deal 40% damage “scale” based on the enemy’s health, while dealing an explosive viral or toxic damage)


    Now that two abilities function as one there is still an empty slot.  My proposal to fill the now empty slot would need Grendel to open his mouth with a tongue inside. But this won't be for style as it will have a function, the ability will be named Lick.  Lick will allow Grendel to open his mouth an release a large tongue from his mouth. 

    ·         This ability could behave in almost the same way to Cora's first ability, but it will be gas damage base instead of puncture.  With this ability Grendel will extend his tongue at an enemy within 12 meters covering an enemy in slime.  Causing them to stop and/or slowdown dealing toxic damage over time.

  2. I’m sending this bug in on behalf of "ChochyGames, as they were not sure how to enter a bug report"

    Completed practice test for Rank 11, and completed successfully, then went to do the final test (all via simaris's acess to the practice and qualifiers. When I went to, I clicked through to start one time and nothing happened, I remained in the simaris room, so I went and clicked again and when I confirmed wanting to enter, this error appeared telling me I cannot train multiple times a day (which I can do... if I select practice I can still practice) but also that the test cannot be taken again for a whole day. This confused me as it implied that I had not already done the real test, and even if I had by mistake, I should have got rank 11 as I passed. Pls fixxx

    Everywhere in the game seems to believe I failed.

    Warframe0023.jpg?width=400&height=225  Warframe0024.jpg?width=400&height=225

  3. First thing first, Revenant is a fine name and I would not change it.  It suits the theme of the Warframe just right, unlike others who should not be named…... Gara!  Main topic of interest this is only a suggestion, for the New Sentient Warframe based on what we've seen.



    First ability – Mark

    If you were to cast it on the ground could it affect a small area of enemies instead of a single target.  Casting on allies should grant a BUFF such as More Damage, Movement speed, Damage resistance or perhaps even make an ally immune to status effects just as an example.

    Rather than what's been shown castings needs to make the "infectious" afflicted, the cast has to have a small AOE of affliction, these enemies that walk by will be automatically be afflicted, actually infectious and are trying to spread it, casting on previously afflicted enemies will make them switch to a passive state and after that, a state where they attack other enemies (if cast again) and then after this it cycles back to infectious (think Venari's three types).  In a fast pace, multiplayer game such as Warframe you cannot always rely on your allies giving you time to cast your abilities.  Which is why I supposed to remove the double cast for Mark and, instead give it a functional similar to Khora Pet (Venari's has three commands that you can give it).  This way you won't have to fight your allies to build your army.


     Second Ability - Sentient Pack

    This is a very underwhelming ability and for my present opinion it should be part of his first ability or a passive ability.  Curious, will Sentient Pack also work on allies the same way within Infinity range?


    When [DE] Rebecca demo this ability, she used melee combat-based units.  What if their projectile based enemies?

             Will the enemies be stunned from afar?

             Will the damage be observed and converted into additional damage for Revenant (New Warframe) and allies?

             Reflected at twice the damage?


    Third Ability – Affliction

    Based on what I seen when [DE] Rebecca Transform into a cloud of mist she was unable to control the direction in which she travelled.  Not only that but it seems that her movement speed was decreased.


    What if when players became a cloud of mist they would be able to control their Direction of travel while being drained of energy overtime.  As well as a slight movement speed BUFF while in Mist form.

    Magnetic damage will be applied to enemies that pass through the mist, as well as a portion of their health drain.  The ability will ignore armor and shields and only drain health overtime.  Health will continue to drain once the enemy is covered by the mist, the magnetic status will remain, even if they're no longer shrouded by the mist.  The magnetic prock only applies to enemies that have not been affected by the affliction (First ability – Mark).  Enemies that are affected by Mark will not receive a magnetic prock.


    In addition, allies who come in contact with the mist would have all negative status procs stripped as well as a 10 second immunity to new negative status procs.


    Fourth Ability

    It looks good so far, I wonder will it deal damage over time?


    A New Passive – (codename) Sentient Defense

    After a status effect does 15% damage or 35% to Health, Vlad could become immune to thet damage type for 5 to 20 seconds (Revenant can only be immune to 1 damage type at a time).


    Vlad will not be immune to 1 kind at a time, but maybe can only be affected by one kind of stat effect at a time, so while not immune, the stats effects cannot stack and only the latest status effect will be the one that he's immune to.


    This way revenant will be more sentient like in his behavior.  This is not overpowered, as most enemy factions deal 3 different kinds of damage types.  Example A Ghouls:  Ghouls, uses Ice and Toxic damage

    For the second part of this passive it could go 1 of 3 ways.  These bonuses are only in effect so long as he's invulnerable.

             While in vulnerable Revenant could receive an armor BUFF

             Passively regenerate lost health and shield

             Deal additional damage

             Or apply this principle to the existing passive



    Just a few side notes

    As a side note  Could you also make some adjustment to help the Warframe be an alternative to healer Trinity?  

    Also make a new death animation for the sentient Warframe.  EX: he would leave behind a part of himself

  4. Certain bosses will not spawn in the mission (such Vay HEK) and for whatever reason during his last boss fight he somehow heal himself. I don't recall him ever doing that. Or haps it could have been my team Trinity that was healing him. Uncertain about that could you please look into that.

  5. Hydroid-Tempest Barrage

    Tempest Barrage damage should scale to the enemy’s level.  The higher the enemy level, the more damage Tempest barrage deals’. Tempest barrage will target enemies that are in its area of attack, knocking any and all enemies down that are hit by the attack.  When Tempest Barrage is cast from Undertow, shots from Barrage will hit enemies cot in Undertow, dealing additional damage to enemies.


    o   Removing the chargeability from Tempest Barrage

    The removal of Tempest Barrage chargeability will maintain the fast paced gameplay.  Therefore, Tempest Barrage would be an instant attack.  So Hydroid could assist, allies in a moment’s notice.  As not every ability needs to be a press hold, and release.

    o   Augment mod- Tempest barrage

    Should be changed, to allow the stripping of armour and shield.  Also removing enemy’s abilities once they are hit by the attack.


    Hydroids-Tidal Surge

    Tidal Surge should become a press and release ability.  This way the moment you release it Hydride will come to a complete stop.  The longer you hold it the larger the wave becomes (effectively, the size of the wave is also affected by strength mods).  The wave should also be able to turn at an acute angle, while maintaining its forward momentum.  Energy cost, drains 2 energy every 4 seconds.



    Enemies that are cot in Undertow.  Should remain in Undertow while it moves, unless they are killed.  Also Undertow should not drain additional energy while moving and Undertow speed should be increased by 25% or 45%.

    After casting Undertow Hydroid can now leave Undertow.  Undertow will remain, for an added duration of 20 seconds.  And so that the game feel does not become an ocean, only 3 puddles can exist at any time.  While attempting to cast a fourth Undertow before the duration has ended, on the first Undertow.  If the duration has not ended the first one will dry up.  Undertow duration, isn’t affected by duration mods.

    Casting an ability from Undertow should give a damage buff to all abilities.

    While in Undertow Hydride will regenerate a percentage of Health and Shields.


    Hydroid-Release the Kraken

    The tentacles should ensnare enemies.  Holding an enemy in a single position, as it's grip the enemy is crushed to death.  Enemies killed by tentacles should have a 25% chance to drop energy.

    Tentacles won't flail around in any random Direction.  In fact, if a tentacle is not within range of an enemy.  The tentacle will move closer to reach the enemy.  Once a tentacle has gripped an enemy, it will no longer move until the enemy is dead.  The tentacles are able to move, but they don't have unlimited range.  They are only able to move within the initial cast area.

    For scaling the “Kraken” become stronger with every enemy, killed in its grasp.  This mean once an enemy is held by the Kraken regardless of how it dies, the “Kraken” still becomes’ stronger.  “Kraken” will remember the amount of enemies it has grip, even after the duration runs out.  So it's damage will continuously scale with each enemy it grips.

    Unless they were cast on top of Undertow, in which case the tentacles will remain stationary.  Even after hydride comes out of Undertow.  They shall remain stationary, until their duration runs out, or Hydroid recast the ability.  Should Hydroid move as Undertow after casting the tentacles, they will follow him.

  6. Suggested changes to Hydroid Undertow

    The present state of Hydroid Undertow, in regards to Crowd Control.  Function is to, deal damage over time by drowning “Hydroid’s” enemies.

    This is ultimately flawed by 2 common problems.  As it removes enemies from the Game Feel and once the enemy is removed, the only damage that can be dealt to said enemy is the damage that is done by Hydroid’s Undertow.  So any chance of additional melee damage (by your allies) is impossible.  Because Undertow has removed said enemy completely from feel.


    Now my suggestion, Instead of Undertow, completely removing the enemy from game.

    Only the lower body (half) of the enemy will be submerged by water (Undertow) (think of it similar to quicksand if you will) while leaving his upper body exposed the enemy is now susceptible to additional damage by your allies.  Therefore, exposing the enemy to additional damage melee or otherwise possible.  While preventing said enemy from attacking your ally, and It could still deal damage over time.


    As an additional bonus, Hydroid would still be able to drown enemies by pulling them in (using the fire button as Undertow). I believe that's a new feature that was added in this rework.  It's only the enemies that walk on the puddle (Undertow), that would have their lower body submerged.

    This is only an elaborate aversion of a post that I made earlier (Page.27)

  7. Hydroid uses so much of his energy

    That you would require a Trinity or mod of some kind that replenishes his energy.  That's because he consumes energy at an obscene rate with no way of actually regaining his own energy.

    Could something be done to reduce energy consumption or give, Hydroid a new passive to regain his own energy.  By the way he needs a new passive something useful.

     As an example consider Nidus, Nidus is self-sufficient due to regaining a portion of his energy with each enemy he kills.  Could something like that be done on Hydroid.  Thus eliminating the need for a Trinity or Mod.


    Tidal Surge

    While an issue has been addressed with Tidal Surge.  There are still a few more to be had.  The travel time for Tidal Surge has been decrease, weather this is for the worse or better (time will tell).

    a)      Hydroid is still unable to stop tidal surge by activating the move a second time.  Theimplementation of allowing Hydride to stop, tidal surge with a single press, without going into any other animation would be very effective.  A seamless transition from a short mid-range tidal wave (Stop, maybe fire some weapons or melee attack before go) to a longer range (tidal wave) attack would truly help Hydroid game mechanic.


    b)     As well slightly change Direction while propelling forward as Tidal Surge.  Changing directions without losing the momentum, would prove quite useful.  This way you can go directly into Tidal Surge without targeting the enemy first.  Thus keeping the fast paced gameplay that is Warframe.  Just don't add no ridiculous angles like making a direct U-turn as a tidal wave.  An L-turn (as a tidal wave) in either left or right Direction would be fine.



    While undertow is now a mobile ability, it still feels quite hindered by 3 factors.  Maybe I'm asking for too much, but I just feel if these 3 things were cleaned up or tighten up a little bit more undertow would be a great ability

    a)      The speed in which you move as, is yeah.  Could you increase it by25%?  As it is now it's quite underwhelming and at the amount of energy, it consumes while moving it's not worth it.  Yes, I know that you're able to move undertow, faster by activating Tidal Surge but that comes at the cost of more energy to which I mentioned earlier Hydroid consumes a lot of energy… and has no way of actually regaining the energy without pickups.


    b)     Which brings me to my second point. Tidal surge does not deal a large amount of damage to enemies, with that in mind.  Why does it consume additional energy at the cost of moving?  Couldn't it consume shields (instead) or consume nothing at all, and just allow Hydroid Undertow consume the regular amount of energy while moving.


    c)      As a quality of life change for Undertow.  Instead of having Undertow completely in golf your entire enemy, thus protecting the enemy from your allies’ attacks.

    Why not have it in golf the enemy up to its waist and have the enemy struggle to break free, but it's held in place by the Kraken (sea monster) while still dealing damage overtime (the damage dealt over time are the effects of the Kraken crushing their bones).  While leaving part of the enemy exposed, it's still susceptible to damage.  That way undertow would no longer protect enemies from your allies’ attacks.


    As a small mention, this does not directly relate to Hydroid.  However, I still feel that it's worth mentioning.  Have you considered Duel Passive for Warframes?  Not all Warframes needs a Duel Passive but would benefit.

    Such as Frost.  It always kills me that Frost.  Whom is the “embodiment” of Ice, or create his own ice out of air, can take damage by other ice effects.  When Ember, whom the “embodiment” of Fire, absorbs all fire type attacks.  Something to consider going forward with Warframe.

  8. Hydride needs a new passive or a passive in general.  Hydride present one is not very effective or useful, please replace it. 

    Consider this as a new passive. If Hydride is standing in water or even becomes water, he could recover a percentage (+0.5) of his Energy and/or Health per second.  And as in negative effect any and all fire damage done to Hydroid in his basic form will deal double Damage.

    It's basic form meaning when he's not transformed into water.  As Hydride takes no damage when he becomes water.

    Also could you, allow Hydride to move in his puddle forum.

  9. The foliage Now uses all of your energy color.  I like how the foliage used to look only using part of your energy color.  Not having the entire thing consumed by your energy color.  Could you change it back please, or give the player the ability to turn off or on the full foliage color.

    Also there are few things I would like to make mention, in regards to Oberon Hologround


    After increasing the Range on Oberon-Prime, Hologrounds Plants no longer appear as a full garden. Instead little patches of grass appear, every couple of metres.  Could you fix Oberon-Primes’ hologround.  So as you add Range mods the plants would still appear as a full garden, instead of patches of grass.

    Also could you increase the duration of Hallowed Ground by say 10 seconds, I would even take 5 seconds.  Just- please increase Hologrounds’ duration.  So that I don't have to keep spamming Oberon-Primes Hallowed Ground every 20 seconds.

  10. (not sure if this is the right place to ask my question)

    Could we possibly see a rework design for older Prime Warframes?  With a great design, visible prime armour accessories and unlike Oberon Prime… maintain white black and Gold colour scheme, add some colour to it like Banshee Prime and not just for the energy colour.  For example, Prime Rhino, Prime Frost, Prime Mag and Prime Ash.


    Also, keep the other old Prime designs but change their colour.  So that they're no longer, look like a Prime Warframe and use them as a skin.


    Some Tenno may have lost faith in your ability to create a stylish prime Warframe, but after Banshee Prime.  I have not lost faith in my DE design capabilities.  It just makes me wonder what happened to Oberon Prime.  That is not to say that I completely dislike the entire design but the helmet… No comment. Other than could we please get a new alternate helmet for Oberon?

    And remember think, dream, eat, and breathe, Fashion, Frame.

  11. Are there any plans to add mod slots specifically for augment mods?

    If you were to add new slots (say 2) for augment mods.  That will give us a little bit more flexibility in our builds.  That way a single Bill wouldn't have to be built around an augment mod & squishier frames such as, Volt will benefit from this.

    Just for the reason that, slots that are not used for augment mods could be used to add extra Shields or Health to your Warframe .  As well as making augment mods a more frequently used mod


    I want to make sure that this is understood as clear as possible.

    I am proposing to add slots not replace, and only augment mods can be placed in the added slots

    There was some misunderstanding over on YouTube.  Where I first posted this idea but once there was a clear understanding player’s, agree with this suggestion more or less.

  12. I understand that it would take too much time to give Oberon Prime a new design.  But, could we see a new alternate helmet in the near future with a Warframe Prime/Bull as a theme?  Please DE

    Also increase the Deration for Oberon and Oberon Prime hollow ground by at least 5 seconds

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