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Posts posted by (PSN)gimmie3steps_

  1. 26 minutes ago, cxll said:

    Void traces are not needed to open relics. 
    Void traces are used to refine relics into increasing the chance of obtaining an item lower on the drop list, which is sorted by rarity.

    To open relics, you need to collect reactant, which appears as yellow orbs dropping from killed enemies in fissure missions. These orbs consequentially grant traces too, so when running fissures without a relic, collecting the reactant will give you traces.

    I didnt know you still got traces without a relic good to know. that helps some even if you don't open the relic. 

  2. I'm an older player who took a break and has now started playing again. when I left we had void keys with endless missions .  that has now been replaced with the relic system and I can see why but what I don't understand is why I got to run around and pick up 10 void traces to actually unlock my relic. is it to prevent afk players? I really don'the know why and it seems this requirement could just be removed. I get collecting the void traces to upgrade relics. I am just saying remove the required 10 to pick up requirement for loot drop.


      for continuity in the mission just have the lotus say to expose the relic to the void for 5 waves or 5 minutes for defense and survival. And some other text for the other missions. collect void traces for upgrading relics and if you don't get enough between relics so what you still get your loot

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