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Posts posted by ---GrumpyCat---

  1. Clan name: Grumpy Cat Company

    Clan tier: Ghost 

    Clan platform:  PC
    Clan role: Founding Warlord

    Premise: If I'll win the ''1st'' place I will finally make an emblem and i'll replace every banner. 

    Here we are!!! Tenno, get ready for the adventure. You're going to become involved with Engineering... Kingdoms... Piracy... Sorcery... Mysticism... Mythology... Mayan civilization... Ancient astronaut... Occultism... Faith... Native americans and last but not least: ''Darvo's rivalry'' !!!  <_______<

    And please do not forget to load all images and to see them on fullscreen !!! 


    Thank you for watching !!! 

  2. As the title says ''Vacuum'' doesn't pick istantly RUBEDO as other pickups sometimes.. it does in 5-10 seconds which are extremely annoying... especially for who looks at the minimap the most of the time like me. I thinked was a sculpture and instead was just a ... rubedo bug, for some months. :facepalm::heartbroken:

  3. As the title says, I recommend to add a category for Prisma Shade (and who know maybe in future for others Prisma sentinels) named ''Special sentinels'' making him tradeable in the same manner of Prisma Weapons which are categorized as ''Special Weapons''. Or... at the worst, just remove him from the research of existing orders in the web market. That's all and requires a small fix to be fair. :heart:

  4. nice nice , why we don t remove also all dps warframes and dps weapons from the game and nova molecular prime for a frustrating endgame?! ;) Probably u will be then in the camp that thinks that enemies should be nerfed ;D

    It's a point easy to handle subjectively, u should just solo or play with friend who don't use it or in alternatively u can play with leechers! Yes leechers, i guess u like them who go with bow against infested in def missions giving 0 contribution! Woh look how many space did u find, u cannot notice now the enemy's pressure. Take a look the minimap, how many red triangles there are! It's enough fun for u now do pratically all in several minutes without a strong gear?!

    Try to play with 10 fps with an accurate weapon, then we see if it's fun on 9/10 miss. That's the point U DON'T KNOW.

  5. Instead to make these cancers marketing decision ''letting people get p***** off and discouraged farming so they spend plat on the new toy'' cit. Captain_Pep why DE don't u make anothers excelents skins like banshee soprana and most of deluxe skins?! Ah yes the best designer in warframe is kinda out.. shame DE shame!

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