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Posts posted by (PSN)play-stationer_2

  1. I wanna first make this clear. When I say "I get downed by teammates", I don't mean they didn't back me up or anything. I mean every once in a while, friendly fire is on for a split second and I get destroyed.

    One incident with this is about a week ago I was on the node Ani in the Void with some randoms. We kept moving in a group so we can get more EXP. Then, the Ash on our team used Bladestorm to clear out the room. But about 2 seconds later, the animation of Ash jumping on the enemies shoulders and slitting their throat was placed on me and I was downed immediately. Max shields, health, no status proc was placed on me at the time.

    Does anyone else have this problem? And can I have an explanation on why it happens?

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