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Posts posted by Byrd3242

  1. Nope that was my first thought to check lol. It was a veil proxima survival. And confirmed that turning on and off one of my two channeled abilities affected ammo consumption. My guess is there isn't really any natural way to have 2 channeled abilites on any warframe, and it seems desecrate is somewhat inconsistent with how it acts as a channeled ability. So this is kind of an outlier rare scenario (it is repeatable however) that wasn't tested for. I think I could try subsuming gloom onto ivara and giving it a go as well to confirm. Again I'm really looking more for clarification I don't want to get tagged for bug abuse lol 😅 because this seems broken. 


    EDIT 11/30/23 

    It appears this has been fixed now and was in fact a bug 😁

  2. Not sure if this is intended or not, but being in a survival with nekros and having gloom subsumed I believe I observed 100% ammo efficiency with gloom and desecrate activated. The incarnon evolution description only says with a channeled ability active +50% ammo efficiency it doesn't specify per active channeled ability which leads me to believe this is unintended. Clarification would be nice and if this is intended mods please delete thanks :)   

  3. On 2020-06-24 at 12:34 PM, NekuZX said:

    This is a bug i've encountered twice now and in both cases under very similar circumstances.
    When doing bounties for Fortuna, the "search for lost agents" objective will pop up, and upon interacting with any of the bodies, the game teleports me into this weird, small room that kind of resembles some kind of hollow concrete box with some cave plants, near some corpus metallic structures. In this room I always find myself stuck in a wall, unable to move and forced to extract in order to get out.

    The first time it happened to me was while playing Mag, but dismissed the bug as an isolated event. However just today it happened again. I cannot tell for sure exactly what triggered the events, but i can tell from the best of my memory what was i doing at the moment the bug happened:

    1. I was playing Volt on fortuna, just finished the first stage of a bounty, an excavation.
    2. Using the speed boost ability of Volt approached the second stage, investigate area.
    3. As i arrived, I bullet jumped and glided around only one time before i found the first two bodies.
    4. I released the right mouse (glide) button to stop gliding, but kept pressing the shift (run) button as i ran towards the closest body.
    5. Without releasing the shift button, i pressed X (interact) on the body to inspect it, then i was suddenly teleported to the aforementioned small room of the bug.
    6. Once in the room, i was stuck on a wall unable to move in any direction, though i could jump and look around as the camera clipped through some of the walls.

    Here are some images of the room in question:


    Did you try "/unstuck" in chat?

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