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Posts posted by (PSN)imObvioslycrazy

  1. My name is Isaiah Jones and I'm a student currently taking a Research Methods class in Psychology at Grossmont College. As part of this class I'm required to conduct a research project. I am interested in exploring the relationship between a video game, it's community, the player's overall experience and enjoyment. Keep in mind, this survey is specifically interested in the context of Video Games.
    If you could please help me by taking and/or sharing my survey, it would be greatly appreciated!

    UPDATE: We have reached over 1,000 responses in less than 5 days! Thank you for your support, but due to data analysis, we will be closing this survey to further submissions.

    In pursuit for representation for all our volunteers, our "other" options have indeed been attacked by memes. Especially those of the helicopter variety. Do not fret too much however (or perhaps rejoice?), as research methods has ways to deal with faulty (and meme) data submissions.

    Thank you all again for your support and interest. If you have any questions about our results, you can check back with this thread/forum (where you found our link) in a few months when the project is finalized.

  2. My name is Isaiah Jones and I'm a student currently taking a Research Methods class in Psychology at Grossmont College. As part of this class I'm required to conduct a research project. I am interested in exploring the relationship between a video game, it's community, the player's overall experience and enjoyment. Keep in mind, this survey is specifically interested in the context of Video Games.
    If you could please help me by taking and/or sharing my survey, it would be greatly appreciated!

    UPDATE: We have reached over 1,000 responses in less than 5 days! Thank you for your support, but due to data analysis, we will be closing this survey to further submissions.

    In pursuit for representation for all our volunteers, our "other" options have indeed been attacked by memes. Especially those of the helicopter variety. Do not fret too much however (or perhaps rejoice?), as research methods has ways to deal with faulty (and meme) data submissions.

    Thank you all again for your support and interest. If you have any questions about our results, you can check back with this thread/forum (where you found our link) in a few months when the project is finalized.

  3. This revisit gets undue hate because people want a different frame entirely or just want infinite kill potential. I love the quality of life improvements, but I admit, he is still kinda clunky.

    Deep Tendril (Passive): Was hoping for a change to his passive. Lone tentacle is practically useless to say the least.

    Maybe more damage, fire rate, or charge speed to throwable weapons? Trident-type weapons like scourge fit thematically, and glaive-types and dualweilding would benefit from a specific frame. Just as excal is the king of one-handed swords, Pirate Hydroid is Mr. Throw-it-in-your-face. 

    Tempest Barrage: Charge rate should inverse scale with duration (i.e. Ivara's Prowl steal time; higher duration, faster charge), and/or should be effected by Natural Talent.

    I really like the charge mechanic, but would like to see a reversed effect of charged vs uncharged in terms of duration. Make uncharged barrage shoot for 10 seconds (4 per second). Make full charged shoot for 5 seconds but with the same amount of hits (8 per second) and retain double damage double cost. This would combo nicely with his augment Corroding Barrage to strip armor faster as needed, while still giving the option for extended knockdown CC.

    Tidal Surge: If this is now intended to be a movement ability, cost needs to be reduced to a base of 25 at most.

    Allow for very slight maneuvering during the dashing period and the ability to cancel without undertow by simply recasting (almost like a toggle without the infinite).

    Undertow: Affected enemies should be pulled with the moving puddle.

    Toggling off the ability leaves the puddle on the ground for a short while. More interactive at the cost of no more grabbing. Scales with duration.

    Speed increased, but restricted to walking speed (would make movement at the cost of energy actually have any value at all).

    Enemies killed return 5 energy to Hydroid or increased drop chamce of energy orbs.

    Damage is absorbed and deals half damage to enemies inside (something like an inverse Mag Magnatize. They're underwater, would make sense for bullets to be effective). More strength means more damage gets through.

    Affected enemies take stacking percentage damage per tick? First tick does 2%, Second 4%, Third 6%; capping at 10% at 5+ ticks. Effectively, any enemy will die after 12 seconds regardless of level. Scales with power, so 200% strength means 6 seconds to kill. Useless at lower levels, but more attractive at mid and higher level activities.

    Or just increase the rate of damage increase as is.

    Tentacle Swarm: Charge rate should inverse scale with duration (i.e. Ivara's Prowl steal time; higher duration, faster charge), and/or should be effected by Natural Talent.

    Tentacles try to space themselves out more. 

    Recast to undeploy tentacles to allow for more direct damage/killing (i.e. Nyx's mind control) so there is less frustration with teamplay.

    Perfectly happy with kraken monster remaining an easter egg, but at least limit his appearance and initial "explosion flings enemies away" to the charged verson.

  4. I don't even have epilepsy and that stuff still hurts. I literally told this to a Banshee player and they replied with "Not myyyy problem" and continued to chase me around spamming in a defense sortie. The effect is less intense from the users point of view and moreso from anywhere else to anyone else within about 60 meters. The "option" to use different energy colors is a mut point when everyone else is forced to deal with whatever one jerk decides to use or restart nearly half-way through a defense or mobile defense sortie.

    Apparently this was a pre-existing concern/problem back in 2014 as well and the effect was removed then. Now it's back for whatever reason, but the precedent exists.

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