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Posts posted by YgramulWhoIsMany

  1. My experience with glast gambit:

    Boring questline - easy index, easy infestation mission, index where you can't score very much, index where you cant win, spy mission, medium-level index mission for finale... 

    Insane dojo requirements for building Hema. I've been playing warframe for YEARS AND YEARS and I only have 2,700 mutagen samples - and this requires 15,000. We are a small dojo, too, so I can only imagine how ridiculous it's getting for the larger clans. 

    Farming nidus is ridiculously slow and annoying. Nothing fun about it whatsoever. Rotation C comes around and it's something worthless, and everyone gets depressed and leaves. Or, it's the same nidus part you got last time. Take your pick. 

    And yet MORE obnoxious farming! You now need "Javlok Capacitors" from ceres prosecutors to build the javlok. 

    Oh, and I got suspended from both region, trading, and recruiting (inhibiting my farming even more) for saying all this in region - without any swearing. 

    Why are canadian admins always the most fascist and egocentric? The quickest to punish? To overpunish, even. I would understand them knee-jerking the decision to suspend me from region for my civilly-stated opinion (even if that is a ridiculous reaction), but trading and recruiting?

    That's just childish.  They really hate their playerbase.

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