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Posts posted by RyuKaiser

  1. So, I started watching about 5 minutes before the start of the stream (big yellow countdown), and JUST got my accounts (Twitch and Warframe) connected during that time. I was able to watch till about the point there were 2 guys on stage (this was after the VA for the Nightwave character got up on stage), and then... the power went out, and only got restored about 2 hours ago. As I understand it, only those that caught the end of the stream will get Nekros, but I figured I'd go ahead and ask, in hopes I still have a chance

  2. With the advent of Void Relics making it so you only get the best things at the end of the run, forcing you to complete runs, and the majority of the farming done around Defense, Excavation, and Survival Missions now, I've got to ask... why the hell does this antiquated system still exist? Seeing as my main time to game is in the early morning here, I'm usually getting paired with people not so close to me. This is a problem, as, every so often, I get a host disconnect which screws EVERYONE IN THE TEAM out of all the stuff they worked for. The reason I was given several years ago, when I said this system was stupid, was such: It stops people from leaving after they get their blueprints, when we farmed frames on the boss levels of the planets (remember those days?). So I gave a suggestion, "Revert the system back and make it so you don't get things like blueprints unless you complete the mission.".

    No one listened. Until now, it seems, with the advent of Void Relics. 2 - 3 years late on that stuff but well done nonetheless.

    Now, once again, I'm confronted with the thing I dropped Warframe over, the fact that I did so much work, and a single screw up not even on MY end completely invalidates it. Not only that, but again, I'm playing when my schedule allows me to (because life!), and now the system doesn't even make sense. The fact that you can't just drop in and out of endurance missions like Defense, Excavation, and Survival is silly, given the fact you only get the best stuff at later levels anyway. Is it too much to ask that we drop this system entirely, or compensate people fairly that don't just leave the game on their own? It's not my fault the host's connection died, and it sure as hell isn't my fault that your hosting system failed when it was tasked to choose another.

  3. Greetings. I do believe that completely ripping everything that people worked for in a level from their hands just because of a disconnect is a bit harsh, and also makes it almost paranoia-fueled for folks like me (whose connection can be iffy at times), especially for those of us who'd like to see later content in the game. That's why I'd like to see at least half of the reward given to those who participate. That or removing blueprints/rare items from spoils if they disconnect early.


    I realize there was a problem with people leaving after killing a boss. I can totally get behind how annoying this is. But I don't want to be having panic attacks (and/or having my acid flare up, seeing as I've been recovering from a pretty terrible ulcer) while playing the game. I don't want to have to quit (for my health no less). I love the game, greatly enjoy it, want to keep hammering away at it. But I can't really do it if I'm going to be punished for others being jerks.


    I can take the hard levels. I can celebrate the sheer amount of enemies I have to plow through. I just don't enjoy the idea that all my work can mean nothing instantly, be it something completely out of my control, or having stress-induced stomach pains, from worrying about my connection. Isn't there anything you devs can do to reward those of us who actually did the mission, but wasn't able to complete it?

  4. So in other words, it retains a crappy system where only folks that can be on at peak playtimes and can find groups running popular content can get anything done, since the game still lacks a solo-friendly mode, and lacks incentives to join up with people even if they don't have the best connection.


    Right-o. I guess I'll go throw more money at Marvel Heroes' heads then. Thank you for your time.

  5. I just recently was notified that 9.5 had come in (thank you E-Mail). Unfortunately, I haven't been following the game since I quit over items and EXP you gained during the mission being lost on loss/disconnect. I'd like to know... have they changed it back to when it was fun/beta?


    I'm not looking for an argument over specifics, or to butt heads with the uberl33t hardcore that think every game needs to be like Dark Souls. I'd just like to know, since that turned me completely off the game, given that I've had to solo a lot since some systems had nothing going on, or I'd so a super hard mission, get tons of incredible drops... then get slaughtered right at the end (Mobile Defense).

  6. @Mythrex

    Especially since you dont lose your void key if you fail or quit.

    Just think of the xp, credits and mod exploits that could be done with a single T3 void mission.


    That's entirely what I'm getting at though. Consume the key on use, and/or leave that sort of system to the Void, which in itself is literally "end game". Leave the missions themselves as casual, and fix the system to be on Dedicated Servers rather than Peer to Peer. I'm damn sure they can partner with several dedicated server services and use them if needed. Even better, put a reward at the end that you can't get anywhere else...


    If you folks want to rage at me, go ahead. My gen was the gen that played Phantasy Star Online. Was there some cheating? Yes. But the game was also very solo friendly, and any drops you got you ended up keeping. No, I'm not saying First Come First Serve looting either (that stuff is terrible), What I am saying is that there are much better ways of doing this system, rather than punishing the many for the few. If the system was failing for find a proper host... that means the system itself is a failure and needs to be reworked. It's a bandaid that doesn't work very well.


    If Killing Floor and Call of Duty can do Co-Op with dedicated servers, I don't see why this game can't, either. It could even be a service: Pay $5 to $10 monthly to always have a Dedicated Server watching your back, loading up any time you're in a group. Pipe dream I know, but dammit, at least I'm putting in ideas rather than bullcrapping around with what they've done.

  7. See? All I get on this topic is hardcore fanboys. "MAKE IT HARDER MAKE IT HARDER MY WEENIE ISN'T FEELING ANY BIGGER YET! NUR HURRRRRRR!". I played this game because it was casual enough to be fun, hard enough to be enjoyable. I do not enjoy "Roguelike" games, or Hardcore modes. I, in fact, am a firm believer that this sort of system should be put into Nightmare Mode, or some sort of Hardcore mode for people that want that sort of thing.


    My main games for Co-Op (and where I'm pretty sure I lost about $60 to $80 of my money) is Dungeon Defenders and Killing Floor. Both are Co-Op focus, with DD having looting and whatnot, and Killing Floor being about damage and kills. If I fail you kill the Patriarch, I don't lose all my hard work. If the Eternia Crystal gets destroyed, all the drops I collected don't just disappear. The deeper the waves go, the better the stuff you get. THAT is the incentive to play well. You play well, you get better rewards. You get to the end of the mission and you get awesome things you couldn't get anywhere else.


    Warframe has a lot of what I like, I really do enjoy the game. I just don't want the "hardcore" folk screwing up the game, much like how they don't want Casuals getting into Dark Souls and making it easier. Had the game started with these systems, I'd have been fine. They didn't have my money at that point. But they changed it, and now it sucks (yes, I am invoking a trope), and has thus caused me to refuse to upgrade to silver. Literally the day I returned and saw this system, I was about to upgrade to Silver to get the Vauban.


    So... yeah. Like I said, There should be a mode or a difficulty where it gets rid of your progress, yet stuff drops like crazy. Preferably in the void. The main missions that you have to grind through should be casual. That's how I feel, anyway, and that's how I used to love the game.

  8. Heard the new update dropped, saw the map UI, giggled with glee... then saw that the same ol' same ol' was in effect. You can strain your face off an entire mission, but if you fail it, you lose everything you gained.


    Y'know, I played during the closed beta. I played during the open beta, before this system dropped. So I've got to ask: Why screw up such an amazing game with something this stupid? Is it for the hardcore people who spend all night stroking their e-peen about how hardcore they are? Is it to frustrate and aggitate the uninstall button of the users? Maybe you just have a thing against monitors, because my fist almost gave mine a passionate kiss with it's knuckles.


    Yeah yeah, I know, I'll probably get labeled a whiner, told that the game doesn't need me, that the game is "perfect" now. Honestly, I had to quit Firefall due to the same frelling thing: Game is great for a year, then the devs throw something into the game that just breaks the entire experience. I don't expect to be listened to, but I'll plead: Please fix this change. Turn it back to the way it was, when the game actually felt really fun, and where you weren't wasting entire half hours in a hard stage. I'd like for all that hard work to amount to something that just a great big middle finger in my face.

  9. You want a better system? I can actually give you several different better systems. One where they can put the old system back in, and people won't quit. You need an incentive to finish a mission, right? What I don't get is, why don't they give positives instead of negatives? So why not include a bonus at the end, a 2nd chance to get a rare item (NOT A BLUEPRINT) from completing the mission? It'd be a random chance, but would reward players who finish missions. Make it a stacking buff: The more missions you finish in a row, the better a chance you get for better drops, with the highest granting a chance to get two. Or make it so there are items you can only get from completing missions.


    Half of you seem to have a much different experience than I had. The original system never hurt me, we had someone run in, rush the boss, kill it, leave, and 3 of us were left behind. If we disconnected, we still had the item that we picked up and had worked for. I also don't want to farm solo, this game is fun to me as a multiplayer game. What I do want to see, however, is better options, rather than taking features that helped everyone away.


    The problem is they don't grasp that DE does not want this to be Diablo styled boss farming, where you kill the boss grab the items, then exit game. 


    But if I still work for the items, if I do all that work for them, then I deserve them.I killed that enemy, opened that container, I put in the time and effort, I deserve my reward.

  10. What would happen is this:

    Host would rush in, kill the boss grab the BP and disconnect before anyone else could grab everything.

    Host migration would occur

    It would fail

    No one would get the end mission rewards or what they didn't have time to grab from the pickups.

    Repeat this on a large scale.

    That is why they made it so you dont get anything if you fail/quit a mission.

    The host was able to punish everyone else in the game and not allow them to get any end rewards or anything.


    And yet if you disconnect no matter what, you forfeit all your rewards. Sounds like they could have fixed that system another way, rather than punishing everyone for the actions of a few. I actually played a LOT during the time the old system was up, one or two would leave, the others would stay, we'd finish the mission. Even if you didn't get the end credits, you could sell extra blueprints you got, add in selling stuff you have a ton of (coughPOLYMERBUNDLEScough), and you could still easily make credits if that happened.


    There's a better way, and I'm hoping this change is just a band-aid while they try to figure out something better. I will never, EVER stand behind removing the rewards of everyone just because a handful weren't finishing the mission. This could even be fixed by making the boss much further away, and making the end much closer, so it wouldn't hurt as bad to stay...

  11. Not really. It's just the lesser of two evils.

    Since there is no way for the game to tell if you where disconnected legitimately or not, this is how it had to go.


    So, what you're telling me is... it's evil to reward someone for work they did, and force them to finish the mission? Even punishing them if their connection goes to crap? Is that really a thing to do on a Peer to Peer shooter?

  12. Everyone that got tired of people rushing bosses, picking up the loot, and quitting.


    That shouldn't mean people like me get punished for it. If they rush the boss and loot then leave, they don't get the end-game credits or EXP. That's their goddamn punishment. This just punishes me, especially when my schedule only let's me play with people in other countries, IE, the guys with 300 - 400 Ping.


    I suppose this is a change that was constantly lavished with adoration and love by the "hardcore" community.

  13. So, I had recently done a ??? mission. One of the big drops in the mission was an Orokin Catalyst Blueprint(The blue one for weapons). I was very excited, that I had FINALLY found one, rather than having to buy them. Well, the screen went black when we went to map... aaaaaand... I had to forcefully disconnect (Alt + F4).

    Well, I lost the Blueprints, all the leveling, all the work... but the worst thing I lost was those blueprints. I don't know if the server went to shart, or if certain quit conditions cause you to lose you work. All I know is I'm now at a mix of absolutely livid and absolutely depressed over having lost it. Help?

  14. I don't see why they couldn't do competitive PvP, turning all the suits either either set/themed versions of themselves (remove all customization by setting all abilities and weapons), which would make it 20 times easier to balance... that or they could just throw a PvP mode in and forget it exists.

    The problem I have with PvP in a PvE game is the fact PvP usually has an effect on PvE, and I LIKE where things are right now, minus some minor needed improvements. If they could seperate the two into their own "modes", complete with their own rules and such, I'd totally be for it. But right now, I feel like adding in PvE would turn the game into Global Agenda: To split up to know what it is, making it fail in both dimenions

  15. So hold up, you are made because this game is being updated constantly, awesome support, ability to gail almost 90% of everythign they have in store with a bit of grind(or credits), and they made old frames a bit better. You sir either a good troll or a very unhappy man.

    Actually, I'm angry because I felt compelled, even guilted into handing over my money because the game is just so... perfect.

  16. I'd just like to say thanks for beating me out of $20. You've been actively promoting the game, making it better, going back and making older frames even more diverse, constantly updating and fixing the game, doing all you can to make the game something of legend... and thanks to you, my wallet is has bled green. All items in the game are gainable in game (though the items you use to double your mod levels STILL elude me), and I've been having incredible fun with the drop-in style of the game.

    Not only that, but your customer service not only was snappy in trying to help me, but continually checked on me when I wasn't replying to their e-mails (couldn't access the forums, e-mail sorted the team's e-mails incorrectly). As such, I have thrown $20 in your face. Unfortunately, there is now a faceless man in a very nice suit standing outside my window, and his body language suggests he's not pleased with my decision...

  17. So, with the release of the game came the new mod system. Great. Only problem is... I never knew about the complete overhaul... or that my 4k selling mods would now be reduced to 1.2k selling cores. No longer can I farm a high level map to get really high level stuff, now I'm stuck with low level crud, barely making money to save my butt, which really killed a lot of the fun factor of this game for me. I don't exactly wantr reimbursment, but I would like to hear that they may be changing these drops, so that pre-leveled mods will drop, and that cores will have their values greatly increased.

    Edit: I'd also like to see multi-selling returned. The selling 1 at a time thing caused me to accidently sell a shotgun mod I had upgraded to level 3... it was a massively painful loss, and having it so we have to click through hundreds of items one at a time greatly increased the fact we may sell something valuable.

  18. I don't really have any complaints, save for the fact a lot of the mods I had were 4k in money, and I lost all of them. The highest my rares 10 fusion cores got was friggin' 1.2k. What the hell kind of math are they pulling with that? I used to make a ton of money on runs, now I can barely level stuff without grinding my face off...

  19. Greetings fellow whatevertheraceiscalled. Ok, seriously, I'm just going with Alien Ninjas. Or Tenors. Because I sing awesome when I'm cutting people down. Anyway. I must admit, I did not expect very much from this game. It looked rather bland from the videos I watched, there was mentioned of a horrifyingly huge grind, and overall, it sounded not very fun. In fact, it took me forever to realize the site didn't need to send me an E-Mail to activate, and that I kept trying to sign in with my Username... not my E-Mail.

    That aside, I downloaded the game, and hohummed my way through it. My first mission was... well, imagine a chicken with it's head cut off. I was in a team, and I was completely lost. It took a few minutes to realize that my map was saying "HEY. YOU. STUPID. LOOK UP HERE." which is strangely something that the tutorial messed up on telling me about. It's not a game that's easy to ease into, especially if you try to solo. The game, however... is intense. In a good way. Once you get melee charging down and the like, it... gets so frelling wonderful.

    Charging into foes, flipping around and slashing and hacking, swinging around to cut buzzsaws down with a flurry of rifle bullets, sliding away as you get battered with blasts. My first boss experience wasn't the boring snoozefest most games were, I was running around actually afraid for my life, with 3 team mates getting their butts kicked. It... was sublime. At first I thought the intense difficulty was a bad thing, especially because I like to solo. But I can easily say this is one of the best games in terms of team play. It just drives me nerts that there are no dedicated servers. Lag is a terrible offender in this game.

    I've... got to say though. Between my Excalibur and it's first few levels, and the sheer amount of speed and frentic combat that demands not only skill in aim, but skill in timing, not just wailing on the swing button, this game... it's like everything that Mass Effect 3's MP should have been. Several modes to choose from, guns and abilities that just get better and better, and can be upgraded as you go. Better and better rewards. I'm squirming thinking of the sheer amount of epic win that the game will bring once I unlock a new warframe, just for a splash of difference. Overall though... this is easily the best PvE game I've ever played, and once you open the flood gates, I do not doubt everyone will forget that Mass Effect 3 ever had an MP, especially with how good this game is.

    The only, ONLY beef I have with this game is the fact that so far, there's no power regen (unless it comes in later). With Exalibur, I LOVE barreling through tons of enemies, sweeping back and forth, blasting through them like frelling Vergil from Devil May Cry (the good ones). I... gah. I'm sorry, I'm gushing, I really am. But this game just blew me away once I got the hang of it. Frelling GG, Digital Extremes.

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