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Posts posted by (XBOX)AstralPhoenix99

  1. Well yes but it wouldn’t be that different from inaros’ passive, becomes entombed and can revive himself, the passive gives him the innate ability, but you still have to actively drain enemies to revive, in revenant’s case it could be “when near a thrall revent gains a lust for energy, allowing him to siphon it from them, the passive, and it’s still not very different from the way inaros’ passive works(regardless it was just an idea, personally I really only care for 1/3, but I thought 2 was a more intriguing game mechanic than standing still in a colum of light)

  2. Limbo can only troll you if you let him, the banish you can roll out of and his 2 no longer stops ally bullets(which I used to really like since I could unload a couple clips if needed at some guys heads and then unfreeze them), so I’m not really sure what you have to complain about

  3. I personally quite enjoy playing revenant and like all of his abilities, but with how efficiently i can get my shield back or just over shields up and keep them there, the passive never gets a chance to take affect. And the damage pillar the thralls leave doesn’t do much, sooo... my three suggestions

    1.change passive so when revenant(or maybe all allies) stands in a thrall damage pillar he regents energy(or just make an augment mod for enthrall that allows for this)

    2. Or maybe change passive so that sort of like inaros’ desecrate you can just siphon energy off of any thrall by walking up and clicking on them(which results in that thralls death/or de-thralling upon completion

    3. i like to use the thralls, but it’s annoying if your team keeps killing them, so maybe give a damage reduction buff from being killed by other group members(since people only really benefit from revenant killing his thralls)

  4. name- Spectre or phantom

    -A warframe not designed for out right attacking enemies, or taking lots of hits but designed for alternative tactics used to defeat ones enemies

    apperance ideas- the figure would be wearing a ghostly tattered energy cloak similar in design to ivaras waist cloak made of her energy color with a slender frame design like equinox night form almost skeletal like

    stats=no armor, 300 shields, 150 health(for a reason), 400 max energy(no mods)


    1. (25 energy) "petrify"= strike fear into the enemy making them to terrified to move

    2. (10 energy a second)"Phase"(constant energy drain)= you become semi-transparent (harder to detect as well) and gain 75% chance of attacks passing through you and if you can pass through enemies and doors( even locked ones) however weapons can't be used on the account of dropping them.

    3. Tame/ berserk- swappable ability (like vaubans grenades and ivaras quiver) to either tame animals (so they don't attack you) or enrage them so they attack everyone (30% chance it won't work if used on a standard soldier mob)

    3. An alternative third ability "poltergeist" you can lift an enemy off the ground leaving the helpless(stays there till duration ends and usable on multiple enemies

    4. "possession" costs 15 energy a second 25 to use, you can't use your weapons only those of the host, and while in a host health regenerates at an accelerated rate and you gain increased damage

    Passive=if you die you become a spirit able to latch your soul onto a nearby weaker enemy until you recover( if host dies you die with it and need to respawn)

    so what do you think?

  5. I meant ounce before three frame ideas with in depth descriptions of abilities, but I'm highlighting my favorite. The idea of another frame like Titania that turns into something.

    Name-Arachnoid or Arachnid

    (male body type, skinny like inaros but with different design)

    the whole theme would be a spider specifically a black widow and like titanias ability it would allow the player to shrink down only they would be able to climb walls and maybe gain extra arms like a spider. Really like the idea if you want ability details just check my other topic (three new frame ideas of mine). Would love to see it added to the game it certainly could have a lot of potential.

  6. I thought about three (in my opinion) really cool new war frame ideas

    1. A new frame code named: arachnoid(male frame)-like Titania, but spider themed and meant to be a stealth/ ambush frame. They still shrink down, but instead of flying this frame can crawl on walls and ceilings. Unlike every other frame though this one can hang there indefinitely(well until the transformation ability runs out unless the devastated made their passive infinite wall cling). Their other three abilities would benefit it in its transformation mode and outside of it. Like Ivara's quiver you would have a web selection ability. -a.(web selection) first web ability would be like valkyr's (rip-line) ability(works in spider form and out) -second web ability would allow you to disarm enemies -third would be like (sleep) visually but the enemy is awake and tethered to the ground (or maybe walls to). - and fourth/ final web ability like ivara's (dash wire),but only one can be placed at a time(so it doesn't replace the need for Ivara's ability. -b. Second ability would be a fear ability(causes enemies to run away).                                                -c. Third ability would be like inaros' devour (since I'm thinking the frame would be like a black widow) you eat a single target getting 25% health back.                          -d. Fourth ability transformation I don't think the frame should have weapons (or a giant thorax that will be visible when the frame is normal size). When the frame shrinks they should have spikes on their back that when they shrink come out to become their spider legs. The frame should have enhanced jumping and is harder to detect as passive, but the part everyone cares about "combat" instead of weapons (since black widows are poisonous) the frame would have poisonous fangs (and I don't mean the weapon) literally that when they attack a target (or bite) they instantly assassinate them(this would not work on bosses, eximus units). I'm thinking the trans formation should function like the Artemis bow where it only uses energy when you activate it and fire it, so the spider would only use energy when biting an enemy or useing an ability.

    2. Next frame (probably a male frame) code named: Phantom(passive might be that he drains the energy from nearby enemies(when possessesion isn't active))-themed after a ghost he would be able to posses an enemies very body( while doing so his energy constantly drains, but no other enemy will attack him unless provoked.                                 -a. first ability (poltergeist) you can make an enemies weapon go off from a distance (like a miss-fire) or you can open/close doors (attracts nearby enemies, and maybe remote hack a terminal.                       -b. Second ability (ghost shield) (like limbo's rift walk, but different) the frame becomes semi transparent allowing all bullets to pass through them, but instead of constant energy drain each bullet that goes through you takes away 1 energy(With enhanced efficiency maybe) and all bullets that go through you do more same to any enemy they hit after, but reduced damage to any ally the bullets hit (hence "shield").(and you fear weaker enemies that you pass through since ghost shield allows for you to pass through certain object as well as all people)                                  -c. Third ability (animal passification) you make the target enemy passive to you and your allies, but attacks all enemies.             -d. Fourth ability (possession) phantom targets a specific enemy (works on animals and stronger targets, but greater energy drain) and possesses them from with in a certain distance(essentially teleporting or rapidly flying into their body) ounce they have possessed the target they have all normal buttons except using any of their other abilities removes them from the possessed target, and you can only use the movement of the possessed target(if they can't bullet jump then neither can you). While possessing a target your weapon attacks are based on the enemies(if you possesses a Kubrick then instead of shooting a gun you bite people) while possession is activated your energy constantly drains, but the weaker the enemy the longer the ability lasts. If the target enemy being possed dies phantom is simply kicked out of their body and only takes damage if the host body took more damage then they had in health.

    3. Final frame (passive would be double credits acquired from enemies)-would be like a thief or copy cat the frame would be able to steal an enemies weapon/copy their abilities.                                    -a. First ability (disguise)- you copy an enemies appearance and create a holographic construct of it that overtired your appearance(timed, and any combat/ getting to close to stinger enemies removes disguise).                                         -b. Second ability (snatch)- you steal an enemies weapon from within a certain range for a limited time, but you also do double damage with that weapon for the first couple seconds.                       -c. Third ability (requires that you be very close to target) (steal)- you steal the enemies health and shields restoring a certain percentage of your own.                     -d. Fourth ability (copy) you scan the enemy and then your fourth ability would become a dual ability that you switch between your scan ability and the ability that is acquired from a scan (so if used on an ice eximus you now have a frost shield ventured on you when the ability is active.    And I think the copy-cat/thief frame should wear a trench coat that goes practically to the floor( a matrix type trench coat or something)


    i would love to see these frames added to the game if the dev-team liked the idea, but I want to know what everyone else thinks of these.

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