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Posts posted by FelixGrief

  1. When are we going to be able to visit Baro at one of his parties?

    On a more serious note, will you be announcing ahead of time which relics are going to be brought back? Will there be any order? I'm simultaneously excited and a tad bit worried - my only concern it's probably the Corpus in me is the fact that certain Prime items will likely see a dip in price as a result of this change.

    And finally - will this mean we will be getting the Akvasto Prime, since now we can decouple Warframe PA from certain weapons (e.g. the Vasto Prime)?

    • Like 9
  2. What's the status on Oberon? Has the balancing team moved on? Will there be further buffs? Is the team aware that there is a lot of discontent on Oberon's recent reworks? What would you say to the people who claim he needs more buffs in order to improve?

    Why does Scott say that Oberon is in a good place? Where does he think Oberon is, and where should he be in Scott's opinion? I'm genuinely curious what Scott thinks about Oberon, and I would really like to hear his opinion on the matter.

    While I can't claim to have stood by Oberon since his release, in the short time I've built and used him, I've found him to be a fun, flexible frame, whose only downsides are low stats and wonky interactions between his abilities. I would really appreciate it if the balancing team could buff Oberon to make him scale really well into the late-end game.

  3. 2 minutes ago, MrIrish963 said:

    Game play- Warframe continues to be a fun and ever changing fast paced game. With the new style of play that Oberon brings to the table I feel that It completely hinders how the game flows for him and now he drags his team to a halt as well. With the New healing and armor synergy instead of being able to just assist on the go, Oberon has to either call everyone to a spot or get lucky in order to fully assist his team appropriately. Because of this the game play slows down just to get everything back together. This kinda brings me to my personal preference.

    Personal- Renewal was the ability that made Oberon, Oberon. Global heals upon use was a way for the player to be engaged in his team and the range less distance was an added bonus. As a healer I find it more fun to keep track of my teams health and be that saving grace when they need it rather than just press a button and leave it at that. Despite how a lot of people like it, the toggle seems to take away from what Oberon was originally supposed to be.

    I would actually argue that Oberon is one of the most fluid frames I've played with (so far). While I haven't built *every* frame yet, none of the ones in my arsenal come close to matching Oberon's ability to change roles on a dime. Want to deal damage? Use Smite and Reckoning. Want to lock down an area? Hallowed Ground. Teammates in bad shape? Renewal. This is what makes Oberon so entertaining (to me at least).

    I will say that needing allies to be on Hallowed Ground definitely slows down the fast paced nature of this game. That's why I'd like to see SOME change made so that Oberon and his allies don't need to stand on HG all the time to get buffs.

    Renewal is a great ability which suffers from range problems. I actually like having Renewal be a toggle ability because it forces you to mind your energy more. For better or for worse, you can't leave Renewal on the entire mission.

  4. 6 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

    Renewal is in a good place with healing and armor. However the easiest way to get rid of the problem with shadows of the dead and other AI minions draining oberon would be to give Renewal a flat cost per second as opposed to dynamic costs per ally being healed. That or reevaluate the cost each ally puts on renewal to stay active

    I will say that you have great suggestions, but I would like to add to yours by proposing a range buff to Renewal.

    The most bothersome thing about this skill is how you instinctively check your affinity range to see how many allies are nearby and cast Renewal, only to end up reaching 1-2 less players than you anticipated.

    While I would be in favor of making Renewal a 50m ranged skill, some might argue that would be too overpowered I disagree. At the very least, Renewal should have its symbol display the number of allies within range, to make healing easier.

  5. 6 hours ago, Zeclem said:

    oberon is viable enough. i rather have them look on other frames like hydroid and zephyr. while zephyr has some useabilitiy with her 3, hydroid is nothing but nekros booster.

    Oberon is fine, he could be better though. I just want DE to touch him up before they "put him away" so to speak, since it will be a while before he receives any further buffs once they've finished with him.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Wrum said:

    fair points but i'm still not clear on the issue with HG shape or spawn position. why does it matter if it spawns directly in front of you or around you?


    Hallowed Ground is currently cone shaped. This means that if you jump/move too high beyond a certain point, you will no longer receive the buffs you're supposed to receive on Hallowed Ground. HG should be made into a circle (or more accurately a cylinder) so that you can jump/stand on top of objects and still receive the buffs. Currently, HG considers the X and Y axis, but not the Z axis.

    It matters where HG spawns because in addition to being inconsistent and annoying, it could literally save your team's lives. Imagine if you found a perfect place to set up a Frost bubble, and instead of surrounding you, it moves forward 5 feet so that you're on the very edge of it.The result is that you end up needing to place TWO bubbles to cover the area where the first should have initially.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Wrum said:

    there is plenty of energy fixing in game *cough* zenuric *cough*. i have never understood the issue with HG spawn positioning. he is not a dps frame and never has been or will be.

    and for those of you  who keep saying he needs a role he has one: paladin.

    paladins aren't face tanks or super healers or awesome dps/cc. they are tougher then normal but not the toughest, they can heal but are not the best, they can cc but its not there primary function. a paladin uses all of these things in conjunction to be effective. 

    paladins also don't have crazy powerful offensives abilities because there not fighters they're defenders.

    as an example:

    radiation makes enemies fight everything. sure some enemies will still fight you but many will be fighting each other which means your not taking as much damage. this means you don't need a crazy armor value like valkyr you just need a decent one which he has. it also means his healing doesn't need to be as good as trinity or inaros. and sure any one of those on its own wont cut it but together they work great.

    Even with Zenuirik, Oberon eats at least 75 energy if he wants to give allies armor and heals. In addition, you can't regen energy while Renewal is up. 

    Currently, Hallowed Ground spawns in front of Oberon. It should spawn AROUND him, similar to Frost's bubble. In addition, HG is shaped like a cone when it should be shaped like a circle.

    Paladins like Oberon should be able to deal decent damage, tank some damage, and heal when necessary. Oberon's current heal is good - regenerating shields would be nice, but it's not crucial. His range, however, should be bigger. 

    Radiation is a good status effect on Oberon, his skills should just have an increased chance of proc'ing it. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that's a large part of what these forums are for.

    My only critique would be that this belongs in the Home - Feedback - Feedback Categories - Warframes & Abilities subforum.

    I considered putting this in feedback, but I wanted to gauge community response to the proposed changes before I appealed to DE. 

    If changes were requested en masse, I would implement them in my post before posting to feedback. 


    7 minutes ago, Dreadwire said:

    Everyone is entitled an opinion.

    but i do agree that oberon need a proper role. 

    The main problem is his support skills are not so great. He is at volt lvl. But volt support skill are for more superior. And at this point not even "jack of all trade" label can be used to describe Oberon.


    All in all. It be a miracle if DE even bother to do another rework. 

    I would argue that Oberon's healing is actually very good. Strictly speaking, a range buff to affinity range (50m) would make it excellent. 

    The problem is that you need a LOT of power strength to deal damage. There are a few things with Obby's kit that could work better/smoother. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Wrum said:

    holy **** give it a rest already he works just fine.

    He doesn't though. That's why I'm suggesting the changes. 

    Oberon eats a LOT of energy. HG spawns in front of him when it should surround him like Frost. The damage dealt on Smite and Reckoning is minuscule unless you're running over 250% power strength. 


    Oberon is fine but he's not good. I want Oberon to work in high levels. 

  11. After reading through (my previous thread on Oberon) I received a lot of positive feedback about my suggested changes. I've made some tweaks to the numbers for balancing purposes.


    But why?



    One possible reason as to why DE is hesitant to implement too many changes is because of the varied opinions the community has on what Oberon *should* be. In addition, DE has the "give an inch and they'll take a mile" mindset (which has some merit). Thus, my goal is to reach out to the Warframe subreddit and forums to decide what our favorite Goat-Deer King should be able to do.

    Once a consensus has been reached, I will post the Final Version of the changes to the WF forums feedback section. If there is demand for it, I will post the Final version here before I post it to the feedback forums.


    • Support the suggested changes, or don't and give suggestions! Keep in mind that DE has stated they do NOT want to redo his kit (Devstream #90), so suggestions that incorporate getting rid of entire abilities will likely not be considered.
    • BE RESPECTFUL! I cannot stress this point enough. Whether you love or hate what DE has done to Oberon, don't forget that we're trying to reach out to actual people. Insulting specific employees does nothing but invalidate us. I understand that we're frustrated, but turn that frustration into passion - For Oberon!
    • SPREAD THE WORD - DON'T GIVE UP! Whether you're a reddit lurker, discord ~~S#&$poster~~ memer, or YouTube content creator, it's imperative that we KEEP. THE DISCUSSION. GOING. Heck, you might even want to talk about him using the in-game general chat. A lot of casual players are not familiar with what goes on 'behind the scenes' so to speak.



    Oberon does not have a purpose yet; my proposed changes would allow Oberon to excel at offense, defense, support, and crowd control.


    Smite’s primary orb does not deal much damage; in addition, there is an issue with Smite’s secondary orbs. The orbs convert 35% of a target's health to damage dealing shards. Unfortunately, the damage dealt by these shards is mitigated by an enemy’s armor.

    Right now, it clears the star chart, but does not fare well against higher-leveled enemies. Increase base damage by 15%. Buff the secondary orbs to deal 5%-10% initial target's TOTAL health, thereby rewarding power strength.


    Hallowed Ground removes allies status effects and deals radiation damage to enemies. When allies are on HG when Renewal is cast, they receive a small armor buff “Iron Renewal”. However, this is only in effect as long as they are standing on Hallowed Ground. This limits mobility and essentially grounds Oberon to a defensive frame.

    Give Hallowed Ground innate “Iron Renewal” instead of forcing “synergy” with Oberon’s 3. In Oberon’s current state, he’d need about 75 energy JUST to give his allies an armor buff, a buff that only allies on HG would even receive. Reduce the energy cost of Hallowed Ground to a base of 25-30.

    That being said, Hallowed Ground does suffer from range and casting issues. Increase its base range to 18, and have it cast AROUND Oberon NOT in front of him. HG should surround Oberon similar to how Frost’s Ice Bubble surrounds him and should not be placed in front of him.

    Hallowed Ground is also difficult to see visually. Give HG textures similar to the upcoming Earth remaster, perhaps? Maybe add some grass and mushrooms (which could be turned off in settings if it’s an issue). As it stands now, HG is not visually appealing.

    In addition, I propose that Oberon receive an augment which would replace “Hallowed Eruption,” but function just like Chroma’s “Everlasting Ward.” Allies that leave HG would retain the effect for 100% of HG’s remaining duration (at max). There would be no penalty, as sacrificing a mod slot with a cost of 9 is a large enough penalty as it stands.


    Renewal heals allies and grants a small armor buff. As stated previously, take “Iron Renewal” and give it to HG. In addition, I propose Renewal be buffed to restore shields. Keep the energy cost at a flat 2 per second, regardless of how many allies are affected.

    Renewal should receive a range increase. While affinity range (or 50 m) would be ideal (Trinity’s bless reaches 50m max), Oberon’s range may not need to be as extreme. HOWEVER, Renewal should show the number of allies within range – display that number on top of Renewal’s symbol.

    Oberon’s “Phoenix Renewal” augment should have its cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 30 seconds. If allies go down, they will likely go down more frequently than once every 90 seconds. 30 seconds is a fair balance and would synergize well with HG’s bleedout-timer extension.


    Reckoning is lifts enemies into the air and slams them down. Its status chance should increase to 15%/25%/50%/75% (affected by Power Strength) from the flat 15% it is now. Enemies affected by Reckoning should receive a 35% reduction in armor (5% increase from default which only affects enemies on HG). The blind caused by Reckoning should be increased 4/5/6/7 seconds (affected by duration).

    Oberon’s “Hallowed Reckoning” augment would be changed to allow enemies affected by Reckoning to spawn up to 4 radiation pockets which give allies 10/15/20 energy per pulse for a total of 40/60/80 energy (think a small energy restore/Trin's 'Energy Vampire') and inflict radiation on enemies.

    While 20 energy per pulse doesn't sound like a lot, 4 pockets of radiation which give up to 80 energy is a LOT of energy, which might allow for Oberon to compete with Trin. In addition, allies would have to wait in the radiation bubble, making them vulnerable. Oberon wouldn't have as much control over where the radiation pockets will be as Trin would with an EV target. Risk vs reward would be in play.

    Enemies will no longer have a chance to drop a health sphere due to Reckoning. INSTEAD, Oberon’s passive will change…


    Oberon’s current passive is designed to make Kavats and Kubrows stronger. However, given that pets do not have vacuum and DE does not want to give it to them, players have little motivation to use pets. Therefore, I suggest that Oberon’s passive change to affect irradiated targets, something Oberon excels at creating.


    Enemies affected by radiation have a 60% chance to drop a health orb upon death.

    This change would allow him to synergize EXTREMELY well with Equinox, Loki, and Nekros.

    tl;dr Make Oberon’s abilities less energy hungry, increase Smite’s damage, make a mobile Hallowed Ground augment, buff Renewal, Reckoning should strip armor + deal radiation damage, and Oberon’s passive should guarantee irradiated enemies drop health orbs on death.

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