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Posts posted by ShardYT

  1. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Maszy said:

    That's all right, the purpose of the thread is to get the ideas out there, although harder content will come and getting stronger in order to go through it will always be a thing in my opinion. As for the Arbitrations, If you give everything to that reward pool, then there would be no reason to do anything else i believe. The porpose of the "Links" is to raise popularity of unpopular frames, just like the rivens did for weapons. And the RNG, I love to hate the RNGesus, and a lot of RPG players feel the same I suppose.�

    I mean The i like the idea of Link, but its not endgame content . with it we ill have stronger setups and almost the same content that is easy specially if your not doing long period of endless. (which at the moment we don't have a reason to)

    so id say we should get harder content first or making the current ones salable before we even seek to become more godly

    • Like 2
  2. ill have to disagree with this thread.

    we don't to be more powerful we already have rivens, a good squad with rivens and arcanes can go at-least for level 100-150 easily. all we need right now in my opinion is SCALING

    scaling Survival Rewards.

    Like in Kuva for instance, each completed siphon add 10% extra kuva and no we don't want more RNG in the game. and rng scaling is a hell no from me, imagine a squad doing 1 hour kuva survival and getting like 20k kuva. and another squad doing doing the same time and getting twice the amount , totally unfair and unneeded.

    Same thing goes for arbitration each 10 mins you get 15% extra endo OR  a 3% Extra chance to get rare mods

    I'd Also want to see the same thing happen with regular survival and defense missions . 


    thats what endgame sounds to me harder content with better rewards.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, 1thurts said:

    I meant 25%*150=38 energy, but 0 probably will also work for me because I will not cast defyou on my saryn/mesa teammates.

    Yeah I like this rework too. Cannot wait to see it happen soon 😄

    Then make defyou cost 250 energy so that de thinks its more balanced 😂🤣

  4. Mesa With her 2nd and 3rd , adaptation ,arcane aegis and grace, is pretty much god + you can use her 4 which is also a useful ability,

    There is also nidus (but only when you use his link) +, 4th and arcane guardians and adaptation .

    you can also do wokung duration with arcane grace and arcane guardian and rage. and he will keep gaining health and energy and going completly imortal. but he will die when enemies can one shot him after a couple immortality cycles so arcane grace wouldn't take effect, because he don't have dmg reduction .


    if you want you can do a squad of

    Chroma / oberon for alot of armor  and base hp buff

    Gara casting DR on allies.

    Trinity for her 4th

    Nidus For his Huge energy regen 4th

    its also good that all of these can pretty much survive alone. so even if gara / trin forgot to cast y still shall be fine.


    but gara wont be enjoying his game tho xD

  5. 19 minutes ago, 1thurts said:

    Ability 1 ----- Defy (energy cost: 0): upon death, wukong revives with 130% of the original health, regain 25% original energy as death bonus

    regains 25% of original energy which is 0 😄 ?


    other than that, sounds like a very reasonable buff to me >:D

  6. 16 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    3 out of how many people dealing in Plat? Are you aware of how many people play the game?

    There's only a single solution: Plat goes untradable. DE isn't going to eat the costs of chargebacked Plat.

    Wow Seriously tho ? DE Cant make a good system to detect illegal plat in his game  so he Charges the Average User for What ? His Own Fault ?

    I can't see how can someone defend such a system,.

  7. The problem with increasing her "Damage Redcution" is that this modifier applies to allies in-range too , meaning a very high damage reduction like mesa's 95% will make equinox pretty fairly tanky , not for the allies , something like mesa or gara with 95% or 90% dmg reduction paired with another 95% and arcanes and adaptaion , armor mods etc, would be an unrealistic amount of damage mitigation .

    maybe i'd say make the modifier affect equinox herself by 100% of the strength while 50-70% of the strength for allies. that would make it fair and not game-breaking ,

    also i personally think the 4th ability in night form isn't that useful at all like why would i ever need 100k hp restoration ? maybe make it heal x% of the charge over time ? that would be way more meaningful to activate her forth for me ,


    also for day form the 2nd ability needs some change 🙂

  8. Second Ability's Augment seems too op for me , 80% dmg reduction with a huge amount of health/s , throw on steel fiber , adaptation and arcane guardians and it will be more tankier than inaros xD

  9. 20 hours ago, BrokenBullet said:

    It's better than just the Spam 2 win meta. Same thing with Ash's Bladestorm. Spamming slide attack and stealing kills from other players? That`s not fun. Don`t complain about something that was going to get nerfed.

    lol a meso complaining about stealing kills ...

    i watched a video on yt about killing level 100 juggernaunt int 5 secs

    so if something needs to be nerfed its mesa

  10. sound like a good idea , i would say it either have a very largo amount of hp like inaros or hp resotration like nidus

    preferably like inaros so abilities would be less spammy , i wold suggest like 800hp at r30

    also id like to see no shields on her and low armor ? is it supposed to be a tank ?

  11. 20 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    or sell other stuff until you get enough plat for it. I traded for about a week prime parts and mods till I got enough. If you had the patience to get all the Scimitar parts, trading a bit wouldn't be much of a problem

      Reveal hidden contents

    "WARNING: We are not responsible for:
    Loss of sanity
    Loss of hair
    Loss of sleep

    nah i bought scimitar :/


  12. 27 minutes ago, GameKingMike334 said:

    Open the launcher from steam to Warfame .. in the first popup you see go to top right corner and click on the Gear icon


    then you get the second popup so you can optimize warframe itself without steam :)


    i hope this helps for you 

    ill try it but i guess i still have to download the rest of the game ? (5gb needs to be downloaded for me rn) or if i click optimize it just works ?

  13. 1 hour ago, Ryunokage said:

    That's an idiotic argument to make. Ask anyone who had issues with the tonkor and they'll readily tell you that people who use weapons like the tonkor, telos boltace or the simulor ruin the gaming experience by killing everything without allowing their team-mates to do anything.

    DE nerfed the tonkor and other associated meta weapons not because they were fun, but because they trivialised the games content to the point that everyone in the game session with you got affected. 

    And since you and others like you have no qualms about ruining another person's gaming experience through the proliferate use of meta weapons, going so far as to dismiss our concerns as being inconsequential to you, DE had to step in and do something about it.

    You really have yourself to blame for this, if you and others like you had moderated your use of meta weapons and not used them in such domineering fashion, it would never have come to this. As it stands I hope DE gets around to nerfing every other meta-frame or load out in the game. The secondaries like the sonicor need to go as well.


    so they nerfed the tonkor because it was good ? huh and it ruin other ppl life ? ok then u gotta nerf :-

    nova : since it makes everything explode .. and take 100% more damage

    banshee/saryn :- they just stand in a 25-40 level and spam thier abilities and i do nothing but watching them ....

    and please nerf mesa .. too much damage to be true ..


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