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Posts posted by corbin13ftw

  1. yeah that's weird, the pod is at 100% health and for no reason "mission failed" it's very rare but this happen

    yea lol i was a bit confused when that happened to me but i didnt get that much stuff anyway so whatever :P

  2. I reckon it waould be good to be able to see what the abilities are of a specific warframe when you hover your mouse over them in the market because then you will be able to know what they are and what they do. Also maybe there could be a short video about that warframe and what it does.

  3. Ivy connects herself with nature and nature connects with Ivy. Summoning Nature into battle she can be a tide turner in any situation and provide good support to her team while delicately (but fierce-fully) using her powers. 


    Skill #1 - Vine spear, 25 energy:


    Ivy summons vines from her hands, shaping them into pointy spears of death and throws them forward, impaling enemies to the walls. Leveling this skill up will increase it's damage and the amount of spears thrown.


    Skill # 2 - Flower sanctum, 50 energy:


    Ivy summons a thick wall of flowers which are able to block bullets. Leveling this skill will increase it's duration and wall width.



    Skill #3 - Entangle, 75 energy


    Ivy summons several ivy from the ground, entangling enemies for a short period of time while squeezing them each second for damage. If an enemy dies from the squeezing, they will burst into bits. Leveling this skill will increase the entangling duration, it's damage and the amount of enemies that are caught by the ivy.



    Skill #4 - Tree of Life, 100 energy


    Ivy summons a big, pure, graceful tree that grants Hp and energy recovery to Tenno that stand near it, while damaging  the impure enemies that come close to it. When Ivy summons this tree it also has a chance of reviving players who have died and have no resurrects left. Leveling this skill will increase the rate of hp and energy recovered and the damage dealt to enemies that come close (But it's not mega damage since this skill heals both hp and energy.)

    wow i can tell you really thought about this and it sounds great hope the producers read this!! :D

  4. So i was just wondering what people thought was the best warframe for primarily using melee. To me it seems like it would either be rhino or ash. Ash has the mobility to easily get in and out of melee with his high run speed, teleport, and invisibility but rhino has the durability to be able to tank it out while he's killing everyone, while he takes longer to get into melee range he has some nice crowd control with his abilities not to mention iron skin is awesome!


    yea i agree but i think ash is probably better at melee and can get out of situations better

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