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(XBOX)Big Ditches

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Big Ditches

  1. On 10/26/2017 at 7:03 PM, Kurokazin said:

    Step Three: Introduce some form of auction house.  I realize the response to this is mixed, but for all intents and purposes we already have a really S#&$ty one in the way of Warframe Market.  The only thing lacking an in-game Warframe Market does is ensures the veterans of the game can easily rip off newer players.  Which once discovered, discourages said new players from participating in trading, or continuing a cycle of trying to rip off newbies, or even worse straight up quitting.  This game is already jarring enough for new players without a S#&$ty trading experience hammering the point home.  Any immediate sales DE might make from the unwary buyer will absolutely be impacted in future sales.  Now, how this Auction House is introduced is entirely up to DE.  It could be in the form of a real trading post, a buyer/seller review board(To keep us honest), or a full-blown WoW auction house where everyone's undercutting each other into oblivion.  Maroo's Bazaar is a pile of **** and watching trade chat is like someone hopped into a Rhino to spin the wheel of fortune, it's exhausting to look at.

    This all the way!  There’s games out there that can give a good idea on what to list on an Auction House.  Like I can’t believe after all these updates we’re stuck at a chat trying to sell crap instead of having an Auction House to list your items for competitive prices.

  2. Do you need some tissue for those tears? Wish I had Halloween skins right about now or at least before Halloween.  

    This is not specifically directed towards anyone.  However, people always seem to want more without paying close attention to everything they already have. It’s like having a jealous older sibling.

  3. [DE]Tim helped me resolve my issue.  Apparent that my ISP sucks as a DNS.  I had to do the following

    1. From the Xbox One home screen, go to Settings > Network > Advanced settings > DNS settings > Manual. (If Settings doesn't appear on the home screen, select My Games & Apps, then Settings.)
    2. From there, enter the Primary DNS as "" and the Secondary DNS as ""

    I guess my Internet Service Provider DNS was at fault?  Have had no disconnects since then.

  4. On 2/3/2017 at 8:58 AM, (Xbox One)THE TURBO RIDER said:

    iam having this once every warframe session i play. this means i play a mission and at a random point in the mission, usually when its allmost done and iam on the way to evac ill getting kicked and find myself back in the orbiter. After this my game seems to be stable, no more disconnects if i keep playing WF. But it happens every single time in a warframe playing session, every single day. Its so annoying losing the stuff you allready got. why cant we just keep what we find during the mission???

    Is even somebody working on this issue?

    I am having the same issue.  Character freezes in places and Network Connection  Lost message spams all over the screen.  Only thing I can do is stay on the Orbiter or in a Relay. 

  5. Hello,

    I am currently experiencing problems in which I join games, play for around 3 minutes of a round and the game just freezes and the Network Error message appears and multiplies all over the screen. I have tried resetting my Xbox, internet, opening/forwarding ports to no luck.  My network is running at 60mbps and my NAT is Open with a ping of 96ms.  This issue has only been getting worse and only happens when attempting to play missions.  Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated.


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