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Posts posted by SadadBelbanes

  1. It has gone far too long that all DE has done for the Dojo is give it cosmetics. They have not added new FUNCTION in a very long time and it is now appearing to be a complete waste of time. I for one want more things to DO in my dojo. Not just look at it. The ideas I have seen in this post are very intuitive and creative. Some are completely possible, even if it takes some time. DE could have already created or started to work on these things with all the time that has passed. It shouldn't be as difficult for them to make theses changes to the dojo as they already have them in other places. I am no coder, but I DO understand that it doesn't take as much effort to export a system if it has already been created especially if its in the same program. It just takes reimplementation. I can understand if they were trying to outsource another technology into making these changes. That would mean they would have to create new code to be compatible with the game. 

    Also, my understanding of this thread was so players could share their ideas of what they want/expect from a dojo. Not a place where people can look at these ideas and tell people "don't expect that" or "its unrealistic". I'm sure there are other posts elsewhere that have room for that. I don't want to hear that "it is out of DEs capability". If they can work on making this game flow as well as it does, they can spend some time improving a SINGLE ASPECT of the game. Spend an entire year making a few of these changes, keeping its players up to date with what they have planned, and when it launches, there are a whole new plethora of things the players can do. That is NOT too much to ask.

  2. On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 0:36 PM, Btabc said:

    I have to agree!!!!  I remember when there was a cluster of different voices that DE showcased for new ordis voices... what if we could use THOSE for our Dojo's?  It could also clue us into what projects we have ready to finished and so on?  This cephalon could also clue us into to a new "King Pin" target being discovered?  So many possibilities, but I'd like for there to be one room to where we can "see" the dojo's cephalon, like Cephalon Simaris in the relay's.

    I like this idea. But not just a separate voice. Add a BUTT-LOAD of new dialog for the Cephalon (Both Ordis and the Dojo one) I get tired of Ordis always asking me if I'm enjoying the view (who really watches that show?), or telling me my colors make his sensors bleed, or telling me he's been thinking! I don't care! PLEASE MAKE HIM SAY SOMETHING ELSE! Make a monthly script or something where he has 50 different dialog options that rotate every month.

    (All of this is supposed to sound tortured, but comical. I'm not yelling at anyone seriously. But seriously. Change his dialog).

  3.      I posted this in a forum thread already, but I wanted to make it a rant of sorts and see the ideas people had on the subject. I REALLY feel there needs to be an update JUST for the dojo. Not the syndicate update. An update that will add a LOT more utility to our dojos. We should feel like we rely on our dojos a little more than a means to research weapons and trade. It needs to be more. And I for one feel cheated by this lack of attention from DE.

         My BIGGEST complaint with Warframe (as it is now, since I'm MR22, and really don't have much left to do in the game besides the raids, and something that isn't just grinding away at some menial thing) is that the Dojo is so underutilized. I just don't like the idea of living out of my CAR (Liset). The Dojo is a place where Tenno go to train, research better things, bond with their Clan mates in a community built specifically for them, BY them. It is a HOME. Why does it feel like just some other place I should go to? Why can I launch missions from the relays, and (after unlocking the Simulacrum) test out my equipment and play with my load outs, but not in my own home? You don't go to Walmart to play your Xbox or PC. You don't go to Chucky Cheese's to take a nap. You do these things at HOME.

         The Observatory is an EXCELLENT example of the Command Center in the relays, and can be used to launch your missions from your dojo. You should be able to START YOUR GAME in a Dojo (If you logged out in the Dojo, you should wake up there). Same if you were in your craft. There should be a room (or decoration) that you can create (like a garden) that allows Tenno to change their load outs so they can try new speed combos to beat the highest time on the course, challenge Clan mates and visitors in the dueling arena, and prepare for the next mission all without having to wait through the loading screen to get to your Craft. Instead, our only option is to go back out to the car, change cloths, then go back into the house to play some games. Then you go back out to the car.

         It doesn't make any sense to me, and I feel DE is wasting resources NOT having these things available in the Dojos. And the Tenno of this universe are wasting their resources building them without more reason than to research and trade. Why even have a dojo at all? You could do all of your research from your craft, since that seems to be the only real thing that the Dojo is needed for. Trading? That’s why they have Maroo's Bazaar. It boggles my mind as to how DE has neglected the dojo, when they put such weight into their necessity (It's the ONLY way to get Frames, Archwings, and weapons without spending Platinum on them).

         I am a firm believer that he Dojo should have more capabilities than a Relay. After all, we are spending our hard earned resources, our Forma, our credits, and our Platinum to make these things as awesome as we can. Why are our choices so limited? Why do we only have one course? Why don't we have a Holo Deck: an arena that we can use to practice missions in? It can work similarly to the Simulacrum in which it loads a separate game up (its own little world) in which we can set some parameters (enemy faction, level of mission, no alarms or you fail, Nightmare modes, etc.) and run a mission. How about a Time trial course that requires you to eliminate targets as well? They already have these systems in place. They call them Mastery Rank Trials! There are some many things the Dojos SHOULD do but don't! Hell, I’d shell out platinum to BUY these rooms and add-ons!

              I understand that there are players that are not in/do not want to be in a Clan. The relay is a great place for them to do these things and still get a feeling of community. But the Tenno that have built these communities, spending a lot of their own resources (look at all the lost Forma!) for others to come and feel a part of something (I am the Clan Leader for Blademasters of the Bur, an XBOne clan), or even for a place for actual families to be able to hang out in a virtual space (like my family does), the Dojo needs to be that. It needs to have more functions.

  4. On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 8:11 AM, --Blame-- said:

    1. Obstacle course is not useless

    2. You can just put stuff on dojo if already exist in relay. You need to justify the existence of Relay, (simulacron, baro, syndicate, etc.)
    It's bad have 2 places do the same thing because one of them (relay) just become useless

    3. But, create a cephalon on dojo for other new purposes whould be nice

    1. No, not useless. But it never changes, and it doesn't represent all of the obstacles a Tenno will face in actual situations and is therefore boring.

    2. Actually, no. Having the relays for Baro, the Syndicates, Darvo, and Simaris gives them plenty of use on their own. Dojo trading didn't kill the need for Maroo's Bazaar, did it? No. That place is usually packed. And there are Tenno out there that do not want to be in a Dojo to avoid strict rules or negative groups of players, so the Relays are where they have to go to get these things done. And the relays are free. The dojos take OUR time, OUR resources, and OUR creativity to make. We should be rewarded with access to more customization. Remember, you can put REAL MONEY into building a dojo. It would be better if that money could be tailored to something we actually felt proud of and could use.

    3. The Cephelon room would be nice, as long as it isn't Ordis.

  5.      I REALLY feel there needs to be an update JUST for the dojo. Not the syndicate update. An update that will add a LOT more utility to our dojos. We should feel like we rely on our dojos a little more than a means to research weapons and trade. It needs to be more. And I for one feel cheated by this lack of attention from DE.

         My BIGGEST complaint with Warframe (as it is now, since I'm MR22, and really don't have much left to do in the game besides the raids, and something that isn't just grinding away at some menial thing) is that the Dojo is so underutilized. I just don't like the idea of living out of my CAR (Liset). The Dojo is a place where Tenno go to train, research better things, bond with their Clan mates in a community built specifically for them, BY them. It is a HOME. Why does it feel like just some other place I should go to? Why can I launch missions from the relays, and (after unlocking the Simulacrum) test out my equipment and play with my load outs, but not in my own home? You don't go to Walmart to play your Xbox or PC. You don't go to Chucky Cheese's to take a nap. You do these things at HOME.

         The Observatory is an EXCELLENT example of the Command Center in the relays, and can be used to launch your missions from your dojo. You should be able to START YOUR GAME in a Dojo (If you logged out in the Dojo, you should wake up there). Same if you were in your craft. There should be a room (or decoration) that you can create (like a garden) that allows Tenno to change their load outs so they can try new speed combos to beat the highest time on the course, challenge Clan mates and visitors in the dueling arena, and prepare for the next mission all without having to wait through the loading screen to get to your Craft. Instead, our only option is to go back out to the car, change cloths, then go back into the house to play some games. Then you go back out to the car.

         It doesn't make any sense to me, and I feel DE is wasting resources NOT having these things available in the Dojos. And the Tenno of this universe are wasting their resources building them without more reason than to research and trade. Why even have a dojo at all? You could do all of your research from your craft, since that seems to be the only real thing that the Dojo is needed for. Trading? That’s why they have Maroo's Bazaar. It boggles my mind as to how DE has neglected the dojo, when they put such weight into their necessity (It's the ONLY way to get Frames, Archwings, and weapons without spending Platinum on them).

         I am a firm believer that he Dojo should have more capabilities than a Relay. After all, we are spending our hard earned resources, our Forma, our credits, and our Platinum to make these things as awesome as we can. Why are our choices so limited? Why do we only have one course? Why don't we have a Holo Deck: an arena that we can use to practice missions in? It can work similarly to the Simulacrum in which it loads a separate game up (its own little world) in which we can set some parameters (enemy faction, level of mission, no alarms or you fail, Nightmare modes, etc.) and run a mission. How about a Time trial course that requires you to eliminate targets as well? They already have these systems in place. They call them Mastery Rank Trials! There are some many things the Dojos SHOULD do but don't! Hell, I’d shell out platinum to BUY these rooms and add-ons!

              I understand that there are players that are not in/do not want to be in a Clan. The relay is a great place for them to do these things and still get a feeling of community. But the Tenno that have built these communities, spending a lot of their own resources (look at all the lost Forma!) for others to come and feel a part of something (I am the Clan Leader for Blademasters of the Bur, an XBOne clan), or even for a place for actual families to be able to hang out in a virtual space (like my family does), the Dojo needs to be that. It needs to have more functions.

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