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Posts posted by LightsFaith

  1. 10 minutes ago, Thural said:

    I wasn't making myself look all high and mighty, I was reacting to your condescension, albeit a bit excessively.  You still haven't answered the question of how you managed to keep Hysteria from being nullified.

    Now you're using words out of context. I was in no way looking down upon you nor trying to make you feel small in any shape or form. If you're this determined to find out an answer about how to not get nullified whilst in hysteria then the answer is as simple as it is absolutely impossible to not get nullified. You could keep running around dodging a nullify bubble and attacking its back to kill it but you will still probably die to it. The poster who said that was probably just making a joke in which you are taking way too seriously to the point where you are attacking me so i ask you to stop being so aggressive towards me and please tone it down a notch.

    Just now, Sormatte said:

    They might have gotten lucky and not gotten any of the Isolator(?) Bursas to spawn. That said, it took around 2 1/2 mags from my lex prime to put one down for good. At one point, my squad got swarmed by around 8 of them at a single interception point. Needless to say we went down... alot.

    I got 6 total bursas within the sortie. My teammates got downed a lot but it wasn't too difficult to complete. I went wukong and my allies were valkyr, rhino, and mirage. Everyone got downed a lot except me. I was probably lucky but i was being very aggressive towards bursas. I kept jumping over them and shooting them in the back whenever they turned to look at me. If you're also wondering what gun i was using it was a 5 forma tonkor with argon scope.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Thural said:

    MR 19 here, don't explain mechanics I updated the wiki on.  No, I meant how did the nullifier bursas not nullify hysteria?

    There wasn't a need to make yourself look so high and mighty. I was honestly trying to answer a question. And with the post on the tonkor. Mine is able to kill them in around 10 shots (i didn't count when i was killing them). So you may not have a good build to kill bursas with.


  3. Sorties aren't meant to be easy. They're meant to be a daily challenge that increasingly gets harder the more you progress through the daily challenge until you get your reward. I found no problems to kill bursas on the third sortie. In all honesty i think they should buff their damage reduction from frontal attacks because it's so easy to just... ya know... jump over them? their backs are wide open from that. People who complain are usually the new players and i agree on the point that warframe is harsh on the new guys. They don't have much to go off of honestly but then again they can just get valkyr and have an easier time. If everyone knew how to use cover then they wouldnt die so much either. I always see people stand in an area with no cover and then they get shot and die because the game doesn't teach them to use cover to block enemy fire even though that's common knowledge to a lot of people who play gun games. it is a really useful tactic and i use it a ton too when i get into a sticky situation. Also this is a game that really focuses on teamwork to progress through difficult areas of the game that is not normally reachable by someone soloing. One great example is a raid, you need a minimum of 4 players to start one and it is hard without teamwork. Possibly even impossible. But with teamwork we're able to pass these "impossible" barriers and we get to go beyond them and face harder challenges. With every new thing they add to the game they would expect their players to experiment and give their honest feedback on it to improve the game and make it more balanced. This game is still in beta so don't expect it to have balanced releases. The players who simply think it's too hard have just simply not reached the point where they can conquer such end-game content.

  4. What i noticed during a game that had an in-game requirement for extra affinity (20 kills with the secondary) when i use the Hikou Prime with the mod Concealed Explosives the enemies that were killed by the explosion didn't count for the kill weirdly enough. So i thought that it wasn't that bad since it's only affinity.




    This continues with the problem with the explosive mod.


    Then when i put a Vazarin Lens on the Hikou Prime i noticed i wasn't getting any focus from the kills i got from the throwing stars' explosion damage either. That made me a bit angry since i was getting quite a bit of kills with it and i wasn't being rewarded properly

  5. RIP This enemy is immortal 


    Hopefully DE can do something about this. I tried everything i could do including getting out of the map in attempt to fix it but alas it didnt work. Lost quite a bit of stuff from this :( 



  6. Well first off i'd like to say i tested the syndicate weapon that would restore your shields in a mission to see if it can overcharge the shield but it can't. Then i notice the buff where it increases it's max shield makes it an overshield once the buff ends. When you HAVE an overshield active it is immediately destroyed when the Syndicate proc is activated.



  7. Wanted to go ahead and say that :p even though the merry christmas is late :(


    I made a video for this occasion and would love feedback on it.


    I'm not professional but hey maybe someday i will be one on editing videos.



    I've read through the rules and it didn't really say anything about videos but i also don't see threads with embed' videos surviving long so i decided to not embed the video but just leave a link :D I think they still take down video threads but what can i do .3. i want to share my work even if it's bad.


    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  8. Okay... so this started happening a week ago. I join a group and after a couple of seconds i get kicked out of it. When i join a public game i stay connected and after i play the game with the group i don't get kicked out at all. Because of this i cant really do vault runs or tower runs because the host thinks i leave on purpose and it happens every 5-15 seconds after i join the group before we run whatever we be running. I don't have bad internet, it's pretty decent.

  9. When you view it you get nothing and you have to press the exit button manualy and when you finish the mission you do not get the personal score for doing the event but you do get the item rewards. This is such an annoying bug since i like to view my progress. (CAN ALSO LEAD TO CRASHES)

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