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Posts posted by SultanofSnipe

  1. So...the Volt Rework we have all been looking forward to is here. Aaaaand, it has a ton of problems that Volt didn't even have before. I will make this in a list form from some testing I have done so far, though these could be bugs.

    • Shock: Can't tell any differences in it to be honest though the text is different and says it does more damage to the initial target. Still TBD but not a huge deal.
    • Speed: The main thing I am noticing is the delay before it even kicks in now. It takes about .5 seconds or so to even bump up the speed boost, which could be a bug or working as intended, either way, it's very annoying and after years of playing Volt, is something that shouldn't be a thing. Please if anyone is looking at this feedback, look into it. The other part ties somewhat into his 3rd ability.
    • Shield: Great work on the visual and the pick up animation is smooth and fast, kudos. This ability is better overall, but has some flaws. One of which in my opinion is the decrease in speed when you have an active shield held. Simply why? Why does the frame that is about movement and speed need to be slowed down by his own shield? This makes no sense to me and the whole point of the shield being a pick up was to increase mobility, not give him some, but dial it back cause he just isn't a tank type of frame. Another thing is that teammates can't pick up a shield. I can somewhat see why, cause it does have the smell of ultimate defense tactic to it that can be abused, but I think he should be able to have a bit more team play through this ability rather than just CC. He almost feels like Wukong in that he has limited team play now. The last thing that seems rather high is the energy cost of actually holding the shield. If we look at some other abilities that drain energy, I think the only 3rd ability that drains energy is Prowl, someone correct me if I'm wrong, and that drains 3 energy a second at max base. Then the other close ability is Cloud Walker from Wukong which is 5 energy per second at max base. These two abilities make the frames invisible and at least on Ivara, it adds multiple benefits, but the big thing here is they become unseen and won't draw attention. Which Wukong becomes completely invulnerable in his state, though slowed. The thing I'm getting at here is that Volt gains the benefits of the shield as far as increased critical rate and damage along with electric status, but at the cost of being slower and not as protected as them along with a rather high energy cost.
    • Discharge: Hmm. Was great on paper, but it seems as though it lost a lot of luster in game. Firstly, the spread speed is fantastic. Now the problems I see with it. The biggest one of which is that this ability can only be cast on the ground, which I guess that makes sense science wise..but this is Warframe!! You can no longer cast it in the air which is a huge drawback. Then we have the damage and proximity range which the proximity range is okay, could stand to be a bit further, maybe a meter or two. Though the damage is good at first glance, after a bit, you notice it only does great damage in crowds, which brings me back to the first point I mentioned. Solo enemies with nothing to shock take damage in long intervals and sometimes it seems as though they either go through their duration prematurely or another factor is "kicking" them out of it like certain weapons, abilities or damage types like blast. The short delay before they start taking damage is also something I think needs to be addressed. Please don't get me wrong, but this ability in comparison with what Mag got is just sad. It doesn't seem to scale well on corpus higher than rank 40 and anything with a resistance or armor just laughs at it above rank 40 unless you pile on ton of power strength to get a few more ranks that it's able to kill. The ability should lower resistance to electrical damage to some degree for better scaling cause even the health scaling that it's supposed to have seems like it doesn't even work. Even shocking them with his Shock seems to do nothing.

    I guess what I'm getting at is that this rework is welcomed, the amount of cons that came with it seem to outweigh the pros. I've been a Volt lover since day one and think he is a fine frame. I don't want some overpowered frame that can one shot rank 200 grineer with ease, all I would like to see is a frame that can scale with the battle and do just fine with some skill and currently, that isn't what Volt got. He has some problems now that somewhat contradict his theme and builds. Which if you build for duration which three of his abilities benefit from, you lose out on damage and range, because he isn't the greatest frame for survival and you only have so much space to work with. If you build for power strength, you get great 1st, 2nd and 4th abilities, but you still lose out on damage and range. I can keep going but I think the cons of his abilities that got reworked prevent a really solid build for him, because you are almost forced to build a certain way if you simply wish to survive now. Though at the end of the day this is personal choice, I think it's pretty clear that most people will try to better all their abilities to the fullest rather than having a one trick pony with Volt. If the range on Discharge was a bit better, then we could have more to work with, but it still suffers the problem of being on the ground to cast it and subjecting yourself to damage rather than being able to soar through the air and reign down destruction on dudes. One more thing though....his passive...please delete this idea an never speak of it again lol. It's horrible, Energy Channel is horrible and much better if you want a one hit bonus on your melee. At least give it a duration or make it scale higher and faster so you can pick off a heavy with your melee to ease tension on the battle.

    Thank you for your hard work DE! Been a fan of this game for over three years now and will remain a fan...unless you guys mess up Banshee..then all bets are off. Continue to have fun and give us players a great game!!

  2. There is currently a bug where if Ash uses Teleport on flying objects, sometimes it will create a power in use bug for all of his other abilities and the view will stay in a state where the screen is bizarre as if you were stuck in the teleport.

  3. I believe that single target weapons should have been and should be, continuing into melee 2.0, stronger that there dual counter parts to some degree, lets take short swords for and example, you swing them with two hands opposed to one. If not more damage, they should have better critical and status chances.

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