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Posts posted by stickBranch

  1. So this is just my idea for an augment and a suggestion, I don't know exactly how this would work but I have a few ideas.

    1. So the base line would be that frost could somehow launch/throw his snow globes, probably knocking down or damaging enemies hit, they could not take damage at all but just be frozen.
    2. Frost could use his first ability to explode the globes just like he does normally, and could maybe use the third ability again to either freeze or stop the globe (when you activated whatever caused the globe to start moving it would be effected by gravity and if you stopped it the globe would freeze in place regardless of gravity) 
    3. To aim or manipulate the globe effectively frost could use a projectile to start making the globes move, and the direction would either be the opposite of the direction the projectile or whatever direction frost was running when the projectile hit the globe, which I think could be really cool because you could effectively use the globe to quarantine an enemy at a distance, and then recall the globe by running backwards and shooting the projectile, so you could bring the shield back and stop it to protect yourself.

    So these are just my personal ideas, and I think it would be really cool to be able to manipulate frost's globes and could open up a lot of really creative situations.

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