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Posts posted by (XBOX)NokarStormBlade

  1. I’m firmly a quality over quantity guy with most things so I totally agree with polishing the game, I would love to do Conclave but I can either never find matches or when I do I stand no chance. Of course I’m nowhere close to finishing any aspect of the game so I’ve never really understood the content drought thing, if anything the amount of content is overwhelming at the moment. Anyway now seems to be the perfect time (for the time I’ve played Warframe) for a good polishing. New frames and weapons seem to be combining elements of older frames and weapons and not really doing anything new (at least in my eyes) and as much as I liked Planes of Eidolons story and characters, along with Fortuna (Love Solaris United) it seems like the new content is starting to become just rehashed old stuff. So in my opinion right now is the perfect time for DE to take a break with new content and polish the old content, and just to keep the veterans happy maybe sprinkle some new enemy types in, like a new enemy (new enemy, not variant) for one faction at each new prime access. Now I’m not sure how far DE is into Railjack and New War so if they’re already really into that, best to finish those first. Anyway, it seems best now to sprinkle small updates in between reworks, fixes, etc, so that way the quality and quantity balance out.

  2. I also miss the old iron man chest beam. The hand laser was cool at first but eventually got a little stale when I realized it wasent a “Oh sh*i” button and more of a general attack. My idea for adding it back in would be for it to once again be an”Oh sh*t” button and make it sort of an ultimate operator ability. It could be a bit like amps and be modified based off gear or the school we have as our main. Like the Naramon one would be a bunch of smaller beams going in all directions, and the Madurai could be the regular one. Anyway, it’s just a small gripe. I definitly prefer the array of operator abilities to the single charged beam.

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  3. I’m going to agree with Eterud here, I know that by no means am I a veteran but I’ve been in multiple clans and even made a few (obviously never worked out as I’m now in a two person ghost clan). I’m pretty sure there is more then enough solo content in the game right now, in fact at times it seems like there’s just a bit too much. I love solo content in multiplayer games just as much as the next guy, I too have days when I don’t wanna interact or deal with others. In fact I run solo survival all the time just to level as getting randoms to coordinate is difficult (yes, I know recruitment chat is a thing, I’ve just never had any luck on it). However the main reason most of my mates don’t play Warframe is that it lacks in the clan department. Sure, you can farm for hours on end with the amazing gameplay (or not, another topic) and take on multiple challenges with randoms or three other friends. However you can never rally build anything with a group of people. You could have a little group and do missions together, help each other out with resources, farm frames and eidolon hunt, but at the end you’re getting the same stuff you would’ve gotten solo. Granted, it is easer (at least for me) to complete most missions with a team, but a slightly easier survival or a faster excavation dosen’t seem to be the best motivator for working together (at least in my experience). Now you can build and decorate a bunch of rooms in the dojo together, but in the end it’s just a piling of resources for something that is just aesthetically pleasing. I never played when dark sectors were a thing but seeing as how much I use the Malva dark sector and one other I think with a bit of tweaking it might’ve been pretty good (haven’t done too much research, so go ahead and fact blast me here). In the end my point is that since practically everything can be soloed there isn’t much incentive to interact, make friends, and most importantly, stick with those friends (yeah, I know this is pretty cheesy sounding). Well this is just my opinion mostly just backed up by personal experiences, if this thread goes anywhere I’ll probably do some research in my free time and post again.

    Incase this longass post makes it seem otherwise, I love Warframe. I’ve taken year long breaks before due to frustrations and all but in the end I find this game and the people behind it (DE) to be the most appealing. Yes I would like more clan content, does that mean Warframe needs it? Not sure, this is only my second post, I don’t know the community as well as some others.

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  4. To be honest I’ve kinda forgotten about Fortuna, I’be been playing off and on for a couple years so the updates don’t concern me much, I just play, but after playing around on Cetus for the first time with a friend I got really excited for Fortuna. I am still looking forward to the update but the whole “This open world stuff is amazing!” feeling is gone. Now don’t take this as whining,I’m actually glade we have to wait a month so we don’t get a buggy mess. Also it’s a free to play game with free updates (more like expansions) so DE can handle it how they want, month, two months, it’s not like I paid for the game (micro transactions though, well I’ll withhold that information). Anyway, that’s my two cents.


    (Edit - Says PC member but I play on Xbox, don’t even have a PC)

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