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Posts posted by Floockde

  1. As the title says.


    You're also invincible, the grineer can't hit you and you can "fly" though walls. 


    By going into the void mode, you can fix this bug, but I still think it was fun while it was last. xD

    EDIT: By the way, I'm drunk so I said "Index" instead of "Hydron" if you are wondering. 

  2. Hey, me and my teammate were doing some Eidolon cap, we had 2 lures, both charged and we were at the last stage of the capture. Then suddenly, he just disappear out of thin air. 

    Here's a clip from my stream. 

    Really, what happen?

    On closer inspect, the beam of the lures disappear even thoguh it was in range? But the eidolon won't even teleport away at the last stage so.... what?

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