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Posts posted by LyraTheDrunk

  1. For Rhino Prime, to specify.

    I know the relics I need are Axi S3, Lith B4, Meso N6 and Neo R1. Red text said to farm them in the void, but didn't specify the missions or anything -- someone else was saying they were farmed in missions that weren't even in the void.

    Also, I've tried asking in region chat to no avail and I've tried looking on the wiki but there aren't even pages for those relics.

  2. 12 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Try using some weapon with high fire rate and ammo count like the Soma/Gorgon and their variants. PunchThrough can make it even easier as it may kill the pilot instantly after the Dargyn blows.

    I just double checked, if I shoot the Dargyn it explodes and the pilot dies with it. Do I need to try a higher level mission? If I use PunchThrough it kills him before the ship, if I don't the ship dies and kills him with it.

  3. 3 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    Isn't Limbo usually the solution to all these challenges?

    I've tried that. The answer I was given was essentially to max range Cataclysm them but that didn't work either.

    I've tried 99.9% of the suggestions I've been given, I've been trying this idiotic challenge for a month and a half now, I'm pretty sure I've seen every video and guide that exists on this challenge to no avail. I've also posted 3 or 4 forum threads related to the topic.

    I might be better off to just sell the mod without unveiling it, at this point it's shortening my life expectancy.

  4. I feel like I've posted here so many times on various topics related to the challenge "Kill 5 Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground while sliding"

    After trying with every frame and ability and gun I had, as well as all the suggestions I had received I finally decided to take the "easy" way of doing and got Mesa specifically to do this challenge. The problem is I can't figure out how to do it with her either, activating PM causes her to immediately stop sliding even with Mesa's Waltz on her frame. I read a comment that said to do a slide in air while going downhill to make her slide longer, but instead she just stops sliding mid air and stands when she hits the ground. I can't slide while moving even with her 50% move speed.

    Am I missing something? Is there a toggle slide I need to have active? Was this changed recently? Am I dumb? Probably.

  5. I need them as well, if you need someone to run the mission with feel free to add me! But yeah it's.. I've actually forgotten the percent chance but it's not terrible. There's a decent chance every rotation C of ODS which is the 20 minute marks as stated before.

    I just don't want to do a survival mission solo xD

  6. I just completed my Valkyr Prime, and of course Hysteria comes preinstalled as a Stance mod.. But I can't upgrade it for some reason. If I go to mods Hysteria isn't listed anywhere, I have plenty of Endo and Credits but aside from being equipped on the exalted weapon itself I can't find it anywhere.

    I'm MR8 nearly 9, so upgrading mods is something I'm familiar with, it just doesn't seem to be upgradeable even though I know it is. Am I missing something? Is this a bug? Do I need to rank my Valkyr up to be able to upgrade the mod? I'm so lost.

  7. Thanks guys! I've really been wanting to use Pyrana Prime so I've been spam ranking up my MR, I was going to buy some plat for the heck of it and saw those!

    Two birds with one stone amiright? And yeah, I know I could flip blueprints and stuff at warframe.market instead of buying plat.

  8. Several weeks ago I received a Riven mod, the challenge on it says to kill 5 Dargyn pilots before they hit the ground while sliding. I've tried every frame I have, every ability, every gun, I've increased my slide to give me more time, I've done everything I can think to do -- including watching YT videos, reading guides, checking the forums, nothing seems to make this possible without going and farming for Mesa or another frame I don't have.

    I'm MR7 and the frames I have at my disposal are:
    Frost Prime
    Excal Umbra

    Any advice here? I would like to unlock it since my primary is a rifle and it's a rifle mod but it just doesn't seem like something I can do. Not unless I get aimbot or something stupid like that.

  9. I put my Rhino Warframe to craft at 12 am yesterday, and it is currently 12 pm today, that's 36 hours -- however, my Rhino says 2 days and 2 hours left. If it's a 72 hour craft time, shouldn't it be down to 36 hours now instead of 50? Currently I'm missing 12 hours of progress on it, but yesterday when I noticed it I was only missing 8 hours of progress so it seems to be a consistent issue that will continue to build up. At this rate it'll take me a total of 117 hours to craft.

    Also, I was going to post this in 'General Discussion' but every time I try to go into that subforum it logs me out, not sure why.

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