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Posts posted by Drftingcloud

  1. I don't see a gameplay bugs section in bug reporting so I'm posting this here.

    1. Radial blind causes enemies to enter into a Schroginger's finisher state where the prompt when you stand at their back for stealth finishers flicker constantly and you have a 50/50 chance of either getting a stealth finisher or a back finisher. This happens even if the enemy is full alert (red triangle on map). This matters for weapons that have huge differences between stealth and back finishers like hammer (12x vs 24x damage)

    2. Going operator while you have any sort of buff on you with a timer (roar, xata's, wrathful advance etc.) Will cause your warframe to be left in a 90% DR state and NOT full invulnerability. This 90% DR state persists even after the buff has expired and will not allow your warframe to go full invulnerable until you hop back in your frame and go operator again without any buffs. This causes huge problems for frames like kullervo that has a short duration damage buff on wrathful advance and trying to neutralize exolizers in void cascade when you get far enough in steel path scaling, because any enemy will just one shot your stationary frame through the 90% DR as you're trying to convert the exolizer. Need to exclude short duration offensive buffs from the list of abilities that do not let you go full warframe invulnerable on operator, or at the very least give invulnerability state when the buffs expire without having to hop in hop out again.

  2. 1 hour ago, --RV--Skrilljada said:

    Fix operator camera desync bug...after reviving going from frame to operator turns your camera different ways. Next time you revive it turns other way..sometimes it fixes itself. Really annoying.

    This really needs to be addressed.

    It's so annoying when playing kullervo with unairu, and when you eventually get 1 shot and revive with operator kills, the camera goes all wonky every time you transference. This is compounded by the fact that collective curse is your main stagger cc and has directional requirements.

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  3. Limbo

    Just like the teleport spells in Avengers, they're not using their abilities to their full potential.

    Why didn't doctor strange just portal-cut Thanos head off? Or do that to any of his underlings? Wong already demonstrated that it was possible.

    Limbo could liberally open a rift where your head is. Doesn't matter how much armor you have, if your head is in another dimension from your body.

    • Like 5
  4. 18 minutes ago, mikakor said:

    I'm sorry, wut?! O.o well, anyway, would it really make a difference? 

    Makes you a lot more tanky so...idk? Maybe?

    I mean everybody just treats archwings as a glorified vehicle anyways, so I guess all this means is your car is scratch resistant?

  5. Harrow is better at doing 2 things.

    1. Magnetic proc and damage mitigation

    2. 200% crit chance buff when shooting eidolon head ain't no joke


    Oberon is worse at 2 things, but can do 3 things.

    1. Heal lures, badly. Heal team mates, based on ability range and not affinity range.

    2. Magnetic proc mitigation, but not damage mitigation on that aoe. Also based on ability range, not affinity range. Can't use Narrow Minded.

    3. 100% Radiation damage buff for team mates on targeted cast with his 1 augment.

  6. 2 hours ago, Sleepuinox said:


      Hide contents

    "You were polarizing, you were so surprising, you were magnetizing. Everyone around you and you left me crushing hard". Joey Zero got it right.


    "You were polarizing, you were so surprising, you were magnetizing. You pulled everyone's attention to you and you left me crushing hard".

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)RhinoCharging00 said:

    Mag...she's utter jank. 

    Need to kill many things in the map?

    Try this.


    Everything will have no armor after you use 4, then 3. All health bars turn red. Fracturing Crush augment at 160% power strength strips 80% armor, Polarize then strips the rest. Also buffs the hell out of your team mates' overshields so they basically never die if you spam this. Spammable with Zenurik. Also you basically never die, between your Crush CCing everything in a 34 meter radius and your ~1600 overshields every time you cast Crush. Throw on Adaptation if you want to be even more immortal, since the damage reduction from that works on shields.


    Need to kill just that 1 thing?

    Try this with a Lanka modded for w/e damage that thing is weak against.


    5.88x damage on anything you cast Magnetize on, shooting anywhere in a 6 meter radius around that enemy will hit it, aiming at top of magnetize bubble pretty much guarantees a headshot. Putting it into perspective, that's almost twice as potent as Rhino's Roar at the same power strength, and you get a built in semi-aimbot. I was 1 shotting the sortie Ambulas the other day when that came up. Just stand on top of a building at the edge of map and nothing even notices you. Need to take out a group of enemies? When magnetize bubble explodes, everything within 21 meters dies too if you've pumped enough shots into it. Left fracturing crush on the build for good measure, just in case you're fighting lvl 500 enemies you can remove 80% of their armor. Can always swap this out for Adaptation for more survivability.


    Mag is insane if modded right/played correctly.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    The "worse than my normal melee" Staff and the "there's no content in the game that requires this level of immortality" ability that can be replaced for the most part with Umbral mods and Arcanes?


    Don't be so hard on yourself. I actually found something in the game that wukong does better than anyone else. Solo sortie Sargas Ruk.

    Stealth frames don't work, he needs something to shoot at to open up weak spots.

    Tank frames don't work, damage is too high and will kill you, or you need to do too much micro-management to stay alive you won't be able to focus on Ruk entirely, which makes the kill take longer.

    As Wukong, just build full duration/efficiency + Rage/Vitality/Steel Fiber. Pop Defy and you'll live for like 5 minutes without having to even touch your keyboard. Bring Rubico and whack him with [Shattering Impact] Hirudo to strip all armor until weakspot opens up, then 1 shot him.

    In general yes, other builds work, even operator works to bait his weakspots, but nothing is as easy as Wukong.


  9. 1 hour ago, CyberPrimate said:

    My perception might be skewed as I usually oneshot limbs and that mod just made it much more reliable. That being said - if Im not mistaken you can build the combo while eidolon still has its shields on, right? So build combo, double tap the switch key and unload. That is, if you can build the combo while its invulnerable, which I think was the case, but i might be mistaken.

    Yes you can, but the actual gains from the mod are really only good for Rhino's Roar. Rhino can replace a low power strength mod (like augur secrets) with this and get more power out of 1 or 2 shots at a time. You'll have to swap weapons every 1 or 2 shots though, so if you can't kill the last phase of the eidolon in 1 or 2 shots, well...it's not really that efficient.

    It's cumbersome with Lanka, being only able to get 1 shot off per swap. If you miss, you're gonna waste more time. High risk/High reward I guess? With Rubico, you won't be able to down the last phase with a single swap, so you're looking at maybe 2 or 3 swaps. That's time you could have just spent shooting, to the same or greater affect.

    All in all, the only time where I've actually used this mod in an eidolon hunt is for Sancti Castanas Ivara. You can swap right before blowing up all the castanas and they all benefit from the added damage. That build presents its own problems for new players though, like how to even survive as Ivara against an eidolon, as well as how to actually land the castanas on the limbs reliably with Navigator.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Flandyrll said:

    Well, no one said you couldn't do both. It's not like you spend every second of the fight just firing repeatedly.

    Actually I usually do.

    If shields are up, I'm shooting shields and dropping Unairu Wisps.

    If Shields are down, I'm already shooting limb. You need to pop the limb basically instantly if you want to go 3x3. Trying to stuff time into weapon swaps is taking time away where you could be shooting the shield.

    As for the actual gains of this mod, I did some quick calculations, for science.

    For Rhino: This mod is worth as much as 50% Power Strength for buffing your weapon damage while active, when your weapon has 500% + Damage. So you can ditch Transient Fortitude for it and get rid of the -Duration. It's worth about 75% Power Strength when your weapon has +330% Damage on it (Serration + Heavy Caliber). If you only have Serration on your weapon (165% Damage) then this mod is worth about 125% Power Strength. Again, this is all assuming the affect is active. You'll only be able to get 1 shot off with a Lanka though, so it's kind of hard to use. I'd suggest Rubico if you go this build.

    For Chroma: This mod is basically worthless. It's only worth about 9% Power Strength, even only at 200% Power Strength and if you don't have any +Damage% mods on your weapon.

    For Ivara: Because of the way that Navigator functions, it will have not be able to utilize this mod. No other direct comparisons against Power Strength comes to mind. Not recommended on Ivara.

  11. Well the thing is, it's probably a better idea to just build up sniper combo rather than swap weapons for only a measly 165% damage boost, when 10x+ shots gives you like 2.5x damage.

    Putting it into perspective, that's like a really bad Chroma Vex Armor vs a god modded Rhino Roar.

  12. When All becomes One, One becomes Void.

    And when One becomes Void, Void becomes All.


    It's the endless cycle of existence and non-existence. After all, what we perceive as existence is actually just difference.

    Quick example. If everything was red, the idea of color would not exist. However it's unlikely that everything will forever be red, after all, the only constant in the universe is change. So when something changes to not red, the idea of color comes back.


    Sentients: exists, ability to adapt and change. The more you damage it, the more it becomes resistant to that type of damage. Eventually they will become immune to all kinds of damage and will have assimilated all elements as part of their being. Turning them into Void. This is why void damage is the only damage effective against them. It literally tethers them to their final state of being and speeds them towards their destiny, of being nothing.

    MitW: Semi-exists, only in dreams. Likely given form by the disturbance caused in the Void (nothingness) by the Zariman 10-0. It is likely the culmination of the emotions of everyone on board that ship, mixed with whatever was in the Void already as a recepticle. It is the Void transforming back into existence.

    You see, the Void and regular space exist simultaneously in the warframe universe. They are just two sides of the same sheet of paper, the fabric of reality. On one side you have all existence, on the other side, nothing, Void. Tenno exist as holes in that fabric, that allows Reality and Void to transition back and forth. They exist both in reality and the void at the same time, radiating void energies into reality and radiating particles of reality into the void. Ever wonder why all the corpses of all the enemies you kill disappears?

    So the more enemies you kill, the more things you send to the void, all of their thoughts, emotions, personalities get added to the MitW. Even though MitW started as a combination of the emotions for people who actually knew the Tenno, because of all the new stuff we've been sending to the void, and all the new thoughts and emotions, we're actually changing/corrupting MitW with our actions. He might have started as a benevolent guardian of the Tenno, but by now because of all the stuff we've killed, we've already filled it with another emotion. Everything we've killed, everything we've sent to the Void, their last and strongest emotion is one thing, hatred of the Tenno.

    Rell figured this out, since he was so sensitive to emotions, he felt the MitW changing. He couldn't completely plug the holes of reality (destroy the Tenno) but at least he could created a Veil to try to block out influences of the MitW. A Red Veil to be precise. What Rell didn't count on however, was that MitW could also influence other beings. Rell managed to block out just the communications between MitW and Tenno, but MitW found a new pawn. Natah.

    See the Sentients weren't coming back to try to destroy the Orokin empire. Well they were, but why? It's because the Sentients sensed that the Orokin were letting the Void into this reality with their experiments, with the Tenno. Their ultimate goal has always been to destroy the Tenno, not the Origin system. They wanted to plug the holes to the Void, permanently, especially since it's basically one of the only ways they can die/cease to exist. So Hunhow and Natah hatched a plan to destroy the Tenno, but Natah's thoughts were hijacked and inflenced by MitW along the way via his "visions". She abandoned her original goal and started to take care of the Tenno instead, keeping them safe.

    Now that Rell is dead, MitW didn't need Natah anymore. In fact he wanted to get rid of her so that he could become the sole figure of support to the Tenno to be able to better exploit us. So he got Ballas to come take Natah back to the sentients. He is now also preparing the Tenno for war against the Sentients, the only ones who can possibly threaten him now. Even though he's helping arm us against the Sentients, his hatred for us still shows through every now and then when he toys with us and purposely brings up painful memories.


    Long story short, what the MitW is trying to do is use us to get rid of the only thing standing in his way, Sentients. Then he can just burst out of the Tenno, killing us in the process, and consume all reality unimpeded.

  13. I actually have the opposite experience with this. Most of the time when I run a mission with Rubico Prime, my hip fire feels like it has auto aim on anything within 15 to 20 meters. As long as the enemy is within the aiming reticle, it gets hit somehow. It's even more pronounced sometimes because I have a lot of multishot on my Rubico, more often than not enemies on 2 different sides of the aiming reticle will BOTH get hit.

    (E . E)

    E represents enemy, ( ) is outer edge of reticle, . is middle dot.

    In fact I love using this strategy on sortie exterminates with Resonating Quake Banshee and Rubico. Just run through the map spamming 4 every few seconds and all the fodder dies. When an elite shows up, just hip fire it with rubico and it dies. Always end up with like 50%+ of damage done for the squad.

    Edit: In hindsight, I do have something like 400%+ multishot on my rubico with the riven, split chamber and vigilante armaments, so I guess it's actually somewhat of a shotgun. It sure functions like a tigris sometimes when I hit multiple targets when not even really aiming.

  14. Honestly warframe plays more like Dynasty Warriors than Halo or Monster Hunter. Doing anything to the game itself to make it play more like Halo or Monster hunter will remove an essential part of the game that appeals to many players. After all they chose to play warframe, not Halo or Monster Hunter.

    That doesn't mean warframe cannot have different game modes that feel more like Halo/Monster Hunter though. Take Eidolons for example, that feels more like Monster Hunter. Would be nice if there were more mega bosses that we could fight though, and don't time limit them. I don't want to feel like I have to have a separate browser window open just to keep track of spawns. Also stop it with the reskinning.

    Now what we need is another game mode that feels more like Halo, and maybe when they finally get around to developing Tau, they could implement that. Let's say Tau system has a much higher gravity than Solar System, so all bullet jumping/double jumping is disabled. Enemies spawn in front of you, in the direction of the objective and not from all directions. That should give a sense of progression through the level and make taking cover more meaningful. Reduce the number of enemies in general and create more types of enemies we have to deal with that spawn in squads. Reduce number of enemies and their damage but increase enemy HP.

  15. So I finally finished this build and tried it.

    Here's what I can report.

    1. Get Piercing Navigator and Empowered Quiver. Putting these in a none umbral build with fleeting expertise, transient fortitude and blind rage will give you about 250 pwr str, 115% efficient and 15% duration.

    2. Glaives are too cumbersome to reliably hit moving limbs. Use a Rubico instead. Standing on airline with a rivened rubico I could 3 shot the limbs of hydro.

    3. Again standing on zipline I could kill hydro in last phase with 6 ticks of navigator falcor without charging up piercing navigator first. I suspect charging it up first by throwing while it's still immune will kill in 1 or 2 ticks. Just keep falcor inside hydros body and it ticks about once per second. Remember to use charged throw by equipping a one hand secondary and holding down melee button.

    I was able to do the most damage out of the squad consistently, even with a chroma in the group.



  16. I'm gonna necromancer this thread and add that it also has a 10 second time limit on Ivaras Navigator for some unknown reason. Does not happen in simulacrum, only in actually missions/PoE.

  17. Yeah it's the falcor, the homing system works really well when it works. When it doesn't work you can throw it straight through an enemy and it won't register a hit.

    I'm more bugged about the navigator not working though. Forcibly kicks me out of it after about 5-7 seconds.

    Edit 1: Nvm I counted, exactly 10 seconds.

    Edit 2: Does not happen in simulacrum. I can control indefinitely if I stand on energy pads, and it only disengages when I completely run out of energy if I don't stand on energy pads.

  18. I've noticed sometimes when I throw my glaive with ivara's navigator that it will just cancel for no apparent reason. I still have energy, in fact I still have like 200+ energy left. Glaive is just flying in mid air, not hitting anything, but it will just cancel out of the ability.

    Am I missing some hidden part of this ability?

  19. 50 minutes ago, mnmomg said:

    so i don't feel as tho its fair to people in my place, that being i'm on around day 100 something and now i need to wait 200 more days to get the Zeny, but yet noobs at like day 80 will get it before me and i don't find that fair i really really want it so Waframe pleas do something for people in my place i don't what this stupid pistol i got at day 100

    can I trade the pistol out for the zeny or something because if I was able to chose at the time I defiantly wouldn’t have chosen this pistol

    Just gonna save you some time here.


  20. 32 minutes ago, HEA-Devazone said:

    charged throw glavlves tend to fly very slowly in ivara 2

    That's actually perfect, since I find that even the castanas fly too fast to aim properly without a lot of practice. Don't even get me started on trying to control the Lanka lol

  21. 2 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    You could try it? I imagine it would work fine if you just want to kill them and do not mind how long it takes.


    The main issue with using this is Navigator. You have to use Navigator, so it will be slower than other options.

    Well people already use navigator sancti castanas for 5x3. So why not this? Navigator sancti castanas are harder to use as well because you gotta land the castanas on the limbs with the janky navigator guidance system. Especially the two extra synoids on Gary and hydro that are kind of blocked on the sides. 

    You could always start your navigator preemptively or something to get it prepped.

  22. So this new corpus glaive does 895 electric damage on a charged throw, plus 470 IPS damage for a total of 1365 whopping damage. That's more damage than a freaking opticor and 66% of that base damage is electric.

    Not sure if works but being in prowl could possibly give you a stealth damage multiplier as well. 

    Put on Ivara's piercing navigator to boost the base critical chance of 14% to something acceptable. Plus ivara's navigator bonus of 15x damage at 300% power strength. 

    Do we have a viable eidolon build yet?

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