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Posts posted by Otenko

  1. Since Rhino Prime has just been vaulted, there's going to be plenty of scalpers trying to really ream you on prices; there's a lot of high-pressure salespeople trying to trade. However, there's going to be a bit more of his pieces out there right now, just because people have been trying to actively farm for him for the last few days.


    On the other hand, due to its current "limited quantities" the price will only go up as time goes on. So if you're really dying for him, now would probably be the time to buy it. I haven't checked the prices myself, but a couple of others gave you some quotes above.


    Frankly, I'd say to go for regular Rhino and save yourself the headache. You miss on a bit of armor and some sprint speed, but personally I find that it's not worth the price. However, it is essentially a cosmetic, so if you're really dying for the aesthetics as well as the minor stat boosts, then go for it.


    You'll probably have to wait a while for Rhino to reappear as a drop though. Mag and Ember have been vaulted before him, and Frost came back from December to January (after being vaulted in April).

  2. When I last tested it with a group of friends (almost a year ago at this point), the afk timer kicks in after 2 minutes of no gun kills and little movement.


    It bears repeating that ability kills don't disable the afk timer. I'm unsure exactly how much movement it takes to stop being afk, but I'd guess around 20-35 meters.


    From my observations, this means that killing an enemy using your gun will disable the afk timer (I'm imaginging melee works as well). Not fully certain if AoE weapons like Tonkor, Ogris, or Torid would suffice in this regard.


    It's worth noting that you should make sure you're not afk when you hit each 5 wave/minute reward mark, otherwise you will miss out on those rewards.


    You'll know you're not AFK if your Energy Siphon is working on you as well as affinity numbers popping up. Being flagged as afk means you can't pick up drops, get affinity/exp, or passively regenerate energy.


    That's the rundown on it, from what I can remember. Basically, you'll just want to make sure your affinity numbers pop up and to stop being afk at each 5 minute/wave interval to keep rewards.

  3. The timer on Sabotage missions can be a bit of a mess at times. I personally haven't had the timer on Sabotage missions, but I've heard that it was problematic when Exterminate still had spawn problems. As such, I agree that the timer probably shouldn't stay on Sabotage Sorties.


    Spy missions don't turn into an exterminate unless you activate the alarms in literally all of the vaults. Bring Intruder if the Ciphers prove too problematic. Use Loki/Limbo if you don't want to worry about enemies/lasers.


    Snipers work fine on Sorties. My Vulkar has a bog-standard build on it and does fine (OHKO on headshot crits) at level 80. Level 100s have a bit more resistance by way of more EHP, but it still fares well enough there. Consider investing a Sniper that you can enjoy, since Sniper only missions are bound to show up again.

  4. Does anybody have an input on how shield polarize should or could effect the infested I'm open to ideas? :)

    I was personally thinking something like "Shield Polarize disrupts Ancient Auras." That is, Ancient Auras will temporarily stop affecting their allies.


    This would (probably) include Disruptor/Healer resisting CC powers, Disruptor auras imparting Energy Drain on enemy attacks, Ancient Link, Toxic Ancients imparting toxin damage on enemy attacks, etc.


    I was thinking maybe 7-9 second duration. It's a fairly short casting animation with a low-ish energy cost that gives you some free time to clear out the horde slightly when you can't pinpoint the Ancient. Also it gives a half of a reason to not tank duration to 12%.


    Basically, it's more of a team-support by way of enemy debuff (and shield restore) than straight damage or damage increase. Since Shield Restore boasts damaging + restorative effects, I thought it'd be nice to have another "spread" of ability effects that aren't simply damage-based.


    On the other hand, this is arguably bad for the game since it enables ability spam on Infested, which is very likely the reason Infested units currently are they way they are.

  5. Stance mods expressly say that they unlock new combos (while you're fusing mods into them). It's not a bug.


    Because you said "5th hit," I'm assuming you're talking about the Twin Fang (pause) combo instead since that's easier to trigger accidentally and since it's not "after every 2nd hit" I doubt it's Lacerating Leap (hold forward combo). You can actually slightly mitigate the forward movement by holding forward during the "dash" or "leap" portion of the combo.


    So basically, for Twin Fang, the input notation would be something like:

    E E (pause) E E (hold forward) E.


    During that hold forward, you can essentially move freely. You move at standard jogging speed and can even turn around if you have "Melee attacks aligned to camera" enabled in options.



    Although, as far as stances without "dashes," both dual sword stances both have a lunge somewhere in their combos. If you're looking for a stance without lunges, maybe try:


    -Clashing Forest's (mainly due to its "hold forward" combo) - For staves, however this stance's EEE combo does have forward dashes.

    -Crimson Dervish - for swords

    -Pointed Wind - for Daggers

    -Grim Fury -for Sparring weapons like Obex/Kogake

    -Reaping Spiral - for scythes

    -Gnashing Payara - for Dual Daggers


    Other stances have a lunge combo in some capacity, although they're moreso relegated to HOLD combos. I was just trying to look for some without significant lunges.


    EDIT: added small changes and fixed a typo

  6. I say it when the situation isn't incredibly dire. On the opposite side, I don't say it (again) if I've already said it once/twice with no other messages in the chat box which would sort of make it look like it's flooded with "Thanks."


    Also, while it might be "courteous" it may or may not be necessarily appreciated by the other party member(s). I'll say it (I suppose out of reflex at this point), but I won't expect mandate that others to do the same.

  7. Polluted Waters instant revive a player when they are within the Mending Tides healing area.

    New Moon grants 4 charges of instant revives; must perform the healing action (pressing X over a downed player).

    This is the gist of it.


    Two things to note about the differences between both abilities:

    • Allies don't usually appreciate being revived by Polluted Waters. The Magnetic proc in particular, and both procs lasts 2x the standard proc time.


    • New Moon's revives are more flexible because you can spread out your 4 "revive tokens" however you see fit, or stack them by using Mending Tides additional times throughout the mission.



  8. I've been using the standard Vulkar for a while (most used weapon at the moment) and the builds for Wraith are the same thing.


    I personally just use:



    -Split Chamber

    -Element 1

    -Element 2

    -Point Strike

    -Vital Sense

    -Lasting Purity

    -Metal Auger (or Shred, depending on preference)


    Because of this, I find there's little room to fit anything else, whether one would want to or not.


    You'd only be using Argon Scope or Bladed Rounds to further bump up an already high base crit chance. Argon Scope and Point Strike would bring crit chance up to 77%, which isn't worth the additional mod slot in my opinion/experience. Bleeding Rounds would really boost up your crit headshots by a large degree, but it's hard to argue for its inclusion. You can technically opt out of Punch Through, but then the only way you "deal" with crowds is by Lasting Purity's AoE.


    For that reason, I'd say it's best not to worry about slotting in the new mods.

  9. i dont think that is what happened, because i still got other items, and materials after i didnt get the Ash Prime systems.

    KJRenz is saying that it won't work ex post facto, that is, retroactively.


    If you weren't AFK, the rewards will show up as normal on the left-hand side of the screen (every 5 minutes).


    If you were flagged as AFK, then the rewards you already got earlier (at 5, 10, 15 minutes) will stay. However, if you were marked as AFK (let's say at 19 minutes 40 seconds) and the mission had hit 20 minutes, then you won't get that 20 minute reward (in this case, Ash Systems). You will still get your 5,10,15 minute rewards though.

  10. You can;lt pick just one I think, it;s all or bust.


    All are AMAZING, totaly worth getting anyway, 

    The Strega skin is available for 160p by itself.


    I haven't seen the Kubrow armor or the Bo skin available a la carte, though.


    Basically if you want anything else in addition to the skin, you'll have to get the bundle (as far as I can see).

  11. You were simply lucky with the other parts. The chassis can drop from any spy mission within the mission level it's assigned to. It's pretty common for parts to suddenly stop dropping because RNG. You'll get it eventually, gotta keep at it!

    This is basically how it goes, sorry to say.


    I was switching between Saturn, Uranus, Sedna, and did a couple Europa ones. The chassis definitely took me the longest to get as well.


    I think maybe it'd be a good change of pace to try the other planets for Spy if you're feeling exhausted on Europa. It won't really get you the part any faster, but it's nice to have a change of scenery after doing the same mission so many times.


    Anyway, best of luck in your endeavors.

  12. Agreed on Oberon and Trinity having different perks for their heals.


    The way it is now, it seems like Oberon's heal is something cheap and easy you can use out of combat (spamming 3 for the inital heal) or something that you can leave on in combat for the respectable HP regen which can turn into proc removal.


    Whereas, Trinity's heal is more of something used in the thick of combat due to its cast time, range, and ability to heal more HP at once. This, on top of the DR. Although, the DR is so good in addition to Blessing being the fastest, longest-range heal, it's hard to justify using a different healing ability, which necessitates some redress of her ability.


    On the topic of blessing. I see a bunch of people saying that if you change the damage reduction that it removes its use in game.


    The whole point of the damage reduction is to keep the players in harms way from being hurt more, and have it not benefit the players being hurt. If someone is about to go down they need the reduction much more than someone who has yet to be shot. This basically just keeps people from going GOdmode because one of their teammates messed up.


    It gives a buffer but doesn't help the whole team. It also gives more incentive to not mess up and take a bucket of damage when you get a lucky blessing proc that gives decent damage reduction to everyone. 


    Blessing instead of being spammed will become timed for when everyone is at low HP rather then one random tenno. If you want to use the damage reduction to its fully potental you can't just spam blessing.

    I can agree with Blessing being more of a safety net than as something players wait for so that they can play sloppily.


    One one hand, the player that hasn't taken much damage now, may be really hurting in a few seconds. That's the nature of combat in this game, it seems like. It's a fairly short period of time where things can go from "under control" to being "swarmed."


    I've already said this, but I think I left out some details earlier:

    I could live with Blessing affecting players separately, but if that were the case then I'd say re-casting Blessing shouldn't "refresh" the damage reduction or the remaining duration. That is to say, if you recast Blessing with 45% DR and 7 seconds left (out of 12 let's say) and Trinity casts Blessing again, then you'll still have 45% DR with 7 seconds left (the duration should definitely not refresh if the DR stays). This can let the players that get their DR, have enough time to utilize the buff and modify their current situation accordingly.


    Recasting Blessing also refreshes the DR that everyone gets. The "good" thing about Blessing giving everyone the same DR is that you don't need to take away that DR prematurely unless some teammate is seriously getting a pounding. For this reason, the DR seems more applicable in the current iteration of the ability. So essentially, everyone can use the full duration of Blessing and respond/plan accordingly.


    If Blessing worked as it does right now, with only your change, then suddenly it becomes a very ephemeral safety net. If it affects each teammate individually then paying attention to everyone's health bars can be a hindrance of sorts. As an example,  say you have Teammate 1 and Teammate 2 both with 100 HP; just some normal dudes playing the game.  Teammate 1 and Teammate 2 are both playing and Teammate 1 gets down to 50 HP then receives a Blessing and is now at full health. Now Teammate 1 has, 50% DR while Teammate 2 is at full health and gets no DR. But then, 5 seconds later, Teammate 2 makes a "tactical mistake" and gets hit with a Bombard rocket and is down to 30 HP. If you cast Blessing again, Teammate 2 will have 70% DR and Teammate 1 will have 0% DR.


    This essentially has you sweeping Teammate 1's buff out from under his feet. Maybe he was planning on tackling a few enemies while the DR was still on him, then retreating to a safe distance/area when there was 2 seconds of Blessing left. Now, Teammate 1 might be stuck in a group of enemies with 0% DR just because it was suddenly removed from him. At this point, he'll be downed unless Trinity can cast Blessing on him in time, which would remove Teammate 2's Blessing DR, which essentially repeats the cycle.


    Because of all of that, Blessing suddenly becomes a lot clunkier to work with, because you're using a team-heal that gains benefits from paying attention to specific teammates and can potentially lose benefits from casting it at the wrong time (when a player is at full health).


    Basically to summarize the important parts:

    If Blessing should affect everyone differently, then re-casting Blessing should not refresh DR or duration if the new cast of Blessing would issue a lower % DR buff. This would result in allies that receive 50% DR to plan across its duration accordingly and not have to worry if Trinity is paying attention to her less-skilled allies.


    Hopefully that all makes sense. I can respect a Blessing issuing DR individually, but I think the ability has to be tweaked slightly for it to jive with the ability.


    EDIT: Made a pronoun change at the top.

  13. I play Trinity a fair bit and I do agree that her abilities are pretty crazy. She's never stopped being good in any of her iterations, but I think a little care needs to be taken with her changes. As you probably have noticed, simple changes can really make Trinity go nuts, namely the EV buff.


    Energy Vampire

    The Pool of Life augment could somewhat be used as a way to gain energy as well, but I'm glad that your Link idea gives Trinity some measure of recouping energy.


    I agree a bit with EV requiring to baby-sit enemies again. When EV let out all of its energy on enemy death, I knew that was the craziest buff Trinity's ever gotten. I half-expected it to contribute to ability spam in the way that it currently does, but I didn't expect it to end up contributing to maximized power range abilities covering the entire map.



    If Link is going to draw aggro, then it should probably have a shorter cast time. With your changes, it's her only defensive skill, so it should be evaluated as such.


    Rhino's Iron Skin benefits from the aggro because of how its HP scales with enemy damage in those 4 seconds, whereas Link's benefit from extra aggro would be just adding extra damage essentially and removed threat from allies. However, Link's cast time is fairly long and Trinity has no other forms of defense (especially if Blessing has no self-heal). If Rhino's in trouble when Iron Skin runs out, he can Rhino Charge or Rhino Stomp to gain some time or distance. If Link runs out for Trinity, she can either cast Link again, which is fairly dangerous if you're already attracting more aggro, or essentially just roll away, which can work somewhat but suddenly makes Link a dangerous skill to have around in a crowd.


    Considering how Trinity's other defensive stats are average-poor, we need to figure out what else needs a redress if you're removing Blessing from affecting her.


    Well of Life

    I think if Blessing doesn't work on Trinity anymore, then Well of Life should have a faster cast time than it currently does.


    Well of Life's cast time is pretty long if that's going to be Trinity's method of health restoration. If the HoT effect of Well of Life takes too long to start-up and/or if the HoT effect is too slow or infrequent, then it's honestly probably better to just use Health Restores instead of Well of Life. If you're planning on changing her other skills to not affect herself, then she could use something for herself that isn't exceedingly slow.


    In addition, Well of Life makes enemy health exceedingly high (10x normal health). If Well of Life is going to be depended on as a healing skill, for Trinity or anyone else, then it's going to essentially hinder allies by making the enemy harder to kill. Because of this, I'd say Well of Life should be recastable on other enemies while it's duration is still active, but it will cancel the Well of Life used on the previous enemy. If you accidentally cast it on a Bombard, you're now stuck with a 10x health Bombard that is going to open fire on you when the duration ends. Now you have to keep an eye out for when Well of Life ends in addition to trying to heal allies and making sure you're alive and in a "safe" situation to cast Link on top of regular gameplay and all of that.  Basically a wrong cast of Well of Life can snowball into a bad situation if you can't re-cast Well of Life early.



    Also, I'm not totally sure how much I agree with Blessing not giving equal DR to everyone. I think the issue with your suggestion is that having asymmetric DR across all allies means that certain allies will now be able to take more damage. If one ally has 99% Blessing and another has 1%, you can probably bet that 1% guy will need a Blessing due to essentially being fully vulnerable. If you cast Blessing again to heal the 1% guy, you're essentially sweeping the buff out from under people that had it.


    I guess what I mean is that, if you're trying to use Blessing to heal, you'll have to heal everyone "separately." Since Blessing automatically affects everyone, recasting it will cause players with the buff to lose it spontaneously (and sporadically depending on when Trinity notices allies taking damage). Because of this, the damage buff is arguably inconsequential because it can be unreliable. If you're going to have everyone have their separate DR, then subsequent casts of Blessing shouldn't "refresh" the DR if it's lower than the current amount. For example, 55% Blessing won't go down to 0% if you recast Blessing while you still have 3s of 55% Blessing left.


    I think that the damage reduction should just have some kind of arbitrary cap, but still affect all allies equally. Probably 70 or 75% at maximum and definitely shouldn't exceed 85% under any circumstances. Having 99% DR is too much, but having everyone have their own set turns the DR offered by Blessing into a very clunky spot-heal. Considering Blessing's cast-time, it's supposed to be a spot-heal that you use to save allies in peril.


    Sorry my post is a bit of a mess, but I felt like I had to put this stuff out here. I personally don't agree with your changes, but agree that Trinity is a bit of a mess right now and totally needs changes.

  14. It's working as intended. The difference is that Reload Speed is different from Reload Time (which is what people would imagine is affected).


    I guess you can think of it as Reload Speed "speeding up the animation by a multiplier" which, in turn, leads to reducing your reload time. The result is that you don't get a decrease in Reload Time that is similar to the decrease in energy cost using Power Efficiency.

  15. Saw the first dev diary and thought, "yeah, that looks pretty bomb." I was interested in how it was PVE at the time, since I had basically just come from a pretty terrible P2W freemium game that was PVP-focused. Didn't want to deal with that sort of gameplay/community again so soon.


    Totally forgot to check up on it when keys/beta actually started to come out, and definitely didn't want to get into a game in the middle of a semester.


    Then my friend recommended it to me, since he makes trying out MMOs a past-time, and I thought "oh yeah, it's that game."

  16. -Gatchaman-


    @OP, Keep trying! It's better than anything I could do. The concept looks kinda neato, and maybe once you start defining it, you'll warm up to it a bit.


    I couldn't help but think of Gatchaman when I saw it as well.


    I think there's an interesting idea here, but its current (and unfinished, as you had said) state definitely evokes imagery of some Tatsunoko-like anime heroes.


    Since you're planning to make adjustments to the helmet all around, I think it's a bit early to pass judgement on it, since I'd like to see how you end up fleshing it out.


    Anyway, best of luck on it.

  17. Either Devil May Cry 3/4, Boktai, or maybe some kind of danmaku.


    Seriously though, it would probably be Panzer Dragoon II. It was a game I played and enjoyed so much as a wee lass and simply hearing the music gives me fuzzies. And goosebumps.

    Now I'm appending Panzer Dragoon Orta to my list.

  18. Just give elemental frames elemental bullet jumps already.

    I think Chroma should have the elemental bullet jumps, changing with energy color naturally.



    Also to the OP, these bonuses are probably a bit too high. I'd say a passive shouldn't really exceed a 5-10% bonus. I mean, they're a bonus for flavor after all, not an extra mod slot.

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