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Posts posted by yiN_

  1. with her current state valkyr has no leech life, and no way to regen health like you can with a shield, so if you want to go with vitality and steel fiber you will need some other mods like equilibrium (and it's not enough if you don't plan to stay with the ultimate all the time), the armor seems pretty useless since the update 11.

    So I think the only way to survive very HL is the ultimate and when you go with this choice you should boost it in every way you can, since you will always be under the ultimate's effects you can skip some survivability mods.

    The problem is : ultimate is useless when you go against lvl 45+++ mobs, you won't do any damage and that's why I think Valkyr is broken cuz you have to play all the time with the ult to survive HL but in the mean time the ult doesn't do any damage HL, so Valkyr seems pretty useless when you go for endless missions.

    If you want to use Vitality and Steel Fiber that's your choice but in the end you will be stuck with the ult as well, that is if you go for very HL missions, Valkyr shouldn't be so dependant of one skill to survive.

  2. ........ but seriously, one of her powers,... USES half of her shields?!! that gotta be the dumbest design ever..

    Not for a HP tank warframe, the problem are :

    - armor is useless

    - she has no life leech


    Fix both and then it won't bother you anymore to use half of the shield.

  3. With the right mods,

    Valkyr is easily the one of the most OP frames in the game.


    With max duration mods she can stay in hysteria for longer than 60 seconds within a single cast.

    With max power strength mods she can hit well over 5k punches in hysteria.

    Now try to play HL and look at your damages...

    Hysteria is useless against lvl 50 - +++


    Plus we don't want to be forced staying 100% of the time with the ultimate.

  4. My core is :

    Energy Siphon + Stretch + Overextended + Streamline + Redirection + Vigor + Chaos + Fast Deflection

    Then depending on the missions and your taste, you can add Mind Control, Absorb (against corpus/grineer only), Equilibrium, Quick Thinking, Rush, Vitality.

    You'll be fine with 2 stars (3 if you really want to be able to optimize for every kind of missions)


    Fleeting Expertise doesn't seem to help in any way imo, Nyx is not the spammer type I have absolutely no energy problem, and the standard duration is perfect.

    More duration and you won't be able to relaunch chaos when you need to, less and you loose too much time casting spells.

  5. Why would you give regen health to every frame when Valkyr is the only one really needing some big regen, just add leech life on the ultimate...

    Armor is useless since update 11, I didn't even see the change with 11.2, in the end Valkyr is still paper.

  6. Might as well up all Warframes by yet another 200 armour, because as the test of reality pretty much contends armour is obsolete.

    Just prior to the update I finished a mission in Venus, Kiliken with a level 10 Valkyr equipped with a level 7 Steel Fiber (+80%).

    The low level (3-13) Corpus Crewman with their Deras were pounding through my ~300 armour and draining my health like it was cheese. I dare not think what amount of damage the level 30-50 enemies (in particular armour piercing ones like Grineer) will do.

    I still maintain that either armour does not work and is bugged or that it is so inefficient in doing its job (protecting health via damage mitigation) that it is worthless.

    Best Regards,

    Exactly what I was thinking, with 1000++ amor it feels like I have none...

  7. I'm a Swedish Historian. I am well aware of the origins of the berserker myth. Speed is not an attribute given to them.

    Rage is, i'm not sure if we need to have this discussion all over again ;)


    Valkyr description doesn't say that she's gone stupid with anger.

    Valkyr was called Berserker, the discussion starts from that... Berserkers aren't angry men, there are in full RAGE, in this state you are obviously not thinking clearly (they don't care for their life and seems to do not feel the pain, fighting even while cover of blood and cut off of an arm for example)

    You can also look at the spells's name, Warcry and Hysteria stick with the concept of a berserker frame, the effect of the ability... not so much but it's an other discussion.


    Then why is making all of the team's melee traits go faster a bad thing?

    Again, if every one of her melee attacks is sped up, what harm is charge speed doing?

    Your opinion on something that, as far as I see, doesn't hurt your concept in any way is always valid. But don't go generalizing our weapon traits like that, please. 




    Pretending all the charge attacks are as slow as the Gala makes it harder for me to see it from your view. There are different weapons and different ways to use them. Some weapons have charge speeds that are faster than some weapons' attack speed. Some weapons have wide ranges that cleave through crowds.

    If you buff charged weapons, I think the best choice will become charged weapons and Galatine (so op)

     which doesn't fit the concept.

    Plus, I don't see why Rage should buff charged attacks, i would say, you just don't even charge a weapon when you are in rage, you strike that's all.


    I would use the gun in my hands on natural instinct. If I had no other choice but to melee her to death? I'd jump kick her over then, if I'm using Scindo, start a charge and take her head off as she recovers. If I was still using Obex, I'd knock her over and charge attack. If it was any other weapon, I'd still use the charge attacks when the option appears. It kills faster, so I get shot up less. Bonus points, if it's a long sword/kama, I'll even throw in a sliding attack or two. I love spin attacks. Again, because it's faster than rubbing my face in her stomach and mashing E.

    You can use your gun if you want but we were talking about charged attacks and base attacks...

    And you can't jump kick in this game...

    anyway you are overthinking things here, if you are in complete rage you hit the enemy that's all you are not planning a strategy nor charging weapon nor taking cover every 2 sec nor sniping, you are fighting with your guts and instincts.


    I'm not saying you should play like a fool I'm saying Valkyr is already not enough berserker in my opinion and even if charged attacks doesn't really hurt, the changes should be focused on trying to improve the global design of this warframe (you have my suggestion on the thread i made 2 days ago) in a way that make Valkyr more berserk more fun and more viable HL (which I think go with the use of melee weapons under the effect of Hysteria)



    Anyway I'm gonna stop with this topic, this discussion seems pretty much endless, I think I gave my opinion you take it in consideration or not, as you please ;)

    And sorry again for my poor english.

  8. I'm not arguing about the mystical part or exaggeration this is no the even the point here.
    What I was thinking about "historical source" is poetry and text from the IX century (like Haraldskvæði)

    Berserker has an origin and signification that you can't change even if you don't like it.


  9. @yiN_ Her name is Valkyr, not berserker. Your argument is invalid.


    Google any "Berserker" boss from any video game, and I bet you'll find a big tough thing that's really slow.

    and was Berserker before.

    i don't give a S#&$ about the firsts berserker boss u can see on google, but for the point, Most image i see on google are like barbarians, not really known to "charge" their attacks.



    My question is, are you a berserker? Have you asked one what it is like?

    Do your sources provide any credible evidence beyond assumption?

    Do you know what it like for the berserker him/herself?

    What about dictionary and historical sources ? just check on google dude.

    (if you go that way you could also say berserker was just nice baker lol, and if i get what you are saying, nobody could say otherwise, cuz we are not berserker and we haven't talk to any of them right ?)

  10. There's nothing "calm" about Charge attacks.


    Have you used the Furax?


    You punch people so hard in the stomach that their guts explode out of their back.

    That's when you release the attack, but the difference between charged attack and base attack is the charged time, which need some calm/patience while the enemies are hurting you (even charging you if they are infested) just imagine yourself charging a weapon 2s while you have a guy firing at you with a Gorgon... you think the natural reflex would be to wait till the weapon is charged or just slice instantly and repeatedly till the guy is dead ?

    Charged attack can even be a matter of timing (move back while charging then turn back at the last sec and release the strike against the wave of infested)

    The Galatine is the best charged weapon and also the slower which make it the best example.


    Timing + Patience/Calm are the opposite of being berserk

  11. Then why on earth are you against Warcry increasing Charge Speed?

    Because imo the concept of charged attacks doesn't fit, no matter the time you need to charge, a berserk is in rage state, he is slicing into the crowd of enemies not calmly "charging attacks"

  12. Try not to compare RPG Berserkers with Valkyr, since she has different abilities and characteristics to Berserkers you are talking about. Try not to judge her capacity to deal damage and survive with her name.

    That's the problem, she doesn't deserve the name of Berserker as she is. (I don't compare with RPG, just with the definition of berserker)


    Berserkers worked themselves into a rage before battle (and maybe consumed drugs) they fought with reckless abandon and disregard to even their own life, not playing Tarzan with "Rip line" to avoid damage nor being fully invulnerable with "Hysteria" while doing absolutely no damage.

  13. Dispatching an enemy with one hit is brütal.

    Brutal but too slow, rage and patience ? don't think so... the berserker could not wait 2seconds to hit an enemy, he has pretty much lost his mind.




    especially since most players tend to run around with charge melee builds.

    That's an another problem, base attack weapons need to be buff, especially when you look at the galatine and the OP charge damage it does.

    Dakra Prime for example should be more viable

  14. why is everyone obsessed with valkyr being  a health tank. Berserkers focus on damage out put often with melee. Not taking rockets to the face.

    She is supposed to tank damage with her health, not to be a health tank.

    But she need to be able to survive while in melee.

    Actually she is forced to stay all the time on Ult.

  15. HL Valkyr is forced to stay under the ultimate's effect all  the time in order to stay alive.


    This Warframe needs a complete reworks :


    1) More Health


    2) More Armor or a new patch with armor fix (like before the update 11)


    3) Major change on the ultimate :

    - No invulnerability

    - Leech Life (to replace the invulnerability and give her a way to regen her health)

    - Valkyr fight with her melee weapon (only) instead of the actual claws, so the damage can scale better

    - Light damage buff while under the ultimate's effect, something like the more you kill the more damage you do to the next ennemy.

    - Graphic effects change (there is just too much light and color, I had to use the black color for the energy)


    4) Increase the range of Paralysis and the stun duration (nerf the damage if you want) so Valkyr can use it to protect her team mates.

  16. Claws works with power strength so you'll always have some trouble against HL just like with every other damage spell, that's the problem imo.

    and I don't really like the idea of a warframe not using any weapon.


    So you want her to be higher tier than she is?

    No I just want her to be playable and correctly designed.


    I don't think Valky'rs role is to protect her allies, I think her role is to support them. If you have a terrible team you're not going to be able to carry them. If you have a competent team, though, then they'll greatly benefit from what Valkyr brings to the table. Maybe there's better choices if you want something specific (Frost for example) but Valkyr's incredible amount of flexibility and versatility is what I think the main appeal of her is in high-end missions. 

    support or protect doesn't fit with a berserker anyway. and she does both poorly.

    flexibility and versatility ? seriously ? the only thing she does well is not dying cuz your are always using your ultimate.

    in some way she is like a decorative element, she will not die nor do any damage, she is just there.

    a competent team looking for very HL would not take her in the team at all



    Ripline pulls high threat targets away from allies or out of a group of enemies for easy dispatch also unreliable escape

    Warcry buffs Valkyr's survivability, debuffs enemies and increases melee swing speed for allies (also buffs Hysteria speed)

    Paralysis reliably stuns enemies in a cone, preventing allies from getting overrun in melee or slowing down pursuit or re-positioning of ranged

    Hysteria makes Valkyr 100% immune to damage and most CC (pushback from MOAs & energy drain is still a thing) and all of her skills can be used during Hysteria. Meaning you have free roam of the battlefield to use other skills.


    Ripline is fun and can be used to pull some targets yeah, (while other skills would kill those target or just make them fight for you, valkyr just move the target and do some damage)

    Ripline is a pretty good mobility skill anyway and fun as well I have no problem with it


    Warcry debuffs "some" enemies it's just a little wave not a debuff aura, the buff in the other hand are quite good :

    - armor : nice but armor is quite useless since update11.

    - melee speed : nice but when you go HL most warframe don't/can't go melee anyway


    Paralysis : range is too short and the stun need some duration


    Hysteria is quite OP against mid/low level enemies but total invulnerability isn't really fun and you do absolutely no damage against HL.


    There is some change/fix to do here but the main problem comes from Valkyr survivability without ultimate (forcing her to stay all the time under the ultimate's effect), if you look at her spells separately there is no "real" problem. You need to have an overview



    So you want her to be higher tier than she is?


    Also I disagree with your assessment of "many" doing a better job than she does. I think the only people that can consistently outclass her support is Nyx and Vauban, but even then most Nyx players I see die after her ult, regardless of how well they timed it. At least Valkyr has a reliable stun that she can use during her ult, meaning there's at least a chance of getting away with minimal damage. Nyx doesn't have anything like Paralysis.

    Nyx is more usefull just with chaos, your allies take way less damage and enemies fight each others, in the mean time Nyx can use her weapons.

    And ofc Nyx doesn't have just chaos, mind control do a way better job than ripline to take a high threat enemy for example. 

    i play both Nyx and Valkyr (3 and 2 stars) and against level 50-70 there is just no comparison to do... Nyx is usefull in many way, Valkyr in the other hand is just... useless.


    If you buff her damage so that its' noticeable in 50+ then people will cry she's OP because you have 49 level before that to consider. If you nerf her damage immunity to compensate then she'll just die in end-game. People all ready complain about Health & Armor tanking not being viable (valid argument if you ask me) and 100% damage immunity is the only way to really deal with that. If duration is brought down then what's her role? Small windows of opportunity to take out a single high value target, and then die?


    Her ultimate seems like a difficult thing to balance and I personally prefer the utility and flexibility of what we have now over damage output. Maybe I'm wrong, but I prefer to have fun rather than being a hardcore elitist that wants the best of everything and be 100% top MVP of every end-game mission.

    Did you even read my first post ?

    Please just check the part about the ultimate, I'm asking for nothing OP.

    And btw total invulnerability is boring, nothing fun about it

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