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Posts posted by DeathStalker1337

  1. Kuva Ogris has a few major bugs, which is disappointing because it was my most looked forward to kuva weapons.  One of the most glaring bugs is its inability to proc status most of the time.  Even with 47% status, and built to 100% status, it still only procs statuses once every few shots.  The math doesn’t seem to be adding up.  Another issue is that Nightwatch Napalm, the Ogris exclusive mod, is equippable but not useable on Kuva Ogris.  You can equip it in a build, but your rockets will not leave behind any fire aoe’s.  These are just two of the most glaring issues, and I won’t even get into the reload bugging out half the time so you have an invisible arm reloading the gun.  Please fix ASAP ;-;

  2. @GrdnCloud it's when his halo ends it bursts in a fire explosion meant to AOE proc fire, however, this animation occurs before invincibility so for half a second you have no damage mitigation and no survivability under sustained fire, which is what i was pointing out as the "fatal flaw," literally.

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  3. So I stress tested the new Nezha rework in Mot, and his kit works great, except for one thing.  His so called "immunity" upon ending the warding halo.  It says it should instantly make him invincible for a brief period, but I noticed that this isn't necessarily true.  Apparently, the explosion of the halo takes precedence over his invincibility, which leads to him feeling a LOT squishier at higher levels than I think he was intended for.  This is easy to replicate, simply try rezzing teammates at low health in Mot at 20 minutes with your halo up and no Sanctuary mod on your sentinel.  You will notice you instantly die as soon as halo ends before the explosion can even finish 99% of the time. Is this intentional?  I don't see how it would be considering that Pablo emphasized the "safe" casting aspect of Warding Halo.  So can we get this fixed? 

  4. I just recently found an interesting setup for Eidolon Teralysts that has the possibility of being quite fun while also nuking to the equivalent of Chroma.  Equinox's Duality Augment clone is able to target and track synovias on Teralysts and also compensates for the Teralyst's movement, making aiming a breeze (cuz ur not doing it yourself :P).  I'm testing possible setups with it but it's a breath of fresh air that might be able to be meta worthy with the right stup.  Feel free to share this with fellow Tenno, and make sure to credit me if you do :D.

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