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Posts posted by Avifom

  1. I have been thinking about a kind of rework that would still fit with Nyx theme and could make her a useful Frame and if anyone got any ideas that could be changes or got more ideas that would make her better then fell free to replie to me and here my ideas.

    Nyx rework ideas

    Change it to Make enemies to stop attacking for some seconds instead of
    Enemies are 20% less accurate when targeting Nyx

    First ability stay the same

    Second ability Change it to be able to see enemies through the wall (increase with range mods) (Argument mod could be that she let the other players also to see through the wall)

    Third ability switch it to be the 4th and stay the same damage or change it to stop bullets around you but not shooting them back and make it to not drain energy overtime but make it up for some seconds (increase with duration mods)

    Fourth ability change it to make yourself and allies that are near you (increase radius with range mods or not) invisible to the enemies or stay the same ability but increase the damage on it.

    Reasons and why the ideas
    First passive 

    Because the enemies can be to many so there will be to much bullets and they can accidently hit you when they are aiming at another player.

    The idea to switch it to that they stop attacking you because than there will be no more bullets coming at you and for those that want to think the small details than they can just think that when enemies are shooting and than just stop than it because Nyx have messed their mind so they will just stop.

    First ability

    Because the ability is pretty good for being a first ability and it is very balance.

    Second ability

    Because Nyx can get into their mind and see where they are.

    Her old one is still pretty good but it is kinda a bit outdated and maybe need a buff so while that will be thinking about so can her get a new one and test it out.

    Third ability

    Because her 4th ability is kinda good but the damage is kinda low and can be easily counter by some enemies so that's why i think it should be her 3th ability instead.

    Why change it to her just stop the bullets is because she can be kinda easily kill by enemies so just give her a shield so she can stay alive when the enemies are doing to much damage that she will be insta killed.

    Fourth ability

    Because she cloud her enemies minds for a while so that they can't see her and anyone near her.

    Why increase the damage because it most of the times just make the enemies fly away because the damage cap get full in less than a seconds sometimes when on some higher missions so she just make them fly away for a moment and don't have any energy left to do anything else.

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