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Posts posted by fungeh

  1. I personally don't like the gun due to its mechanics. If only the blobs exploded on impact if it hits an enemy then I'd definitely use it.


    I'm pretty sure the goo explodes on impact of an enemy, that's how it works for me. But if you miss and only hit the environment then yeah, there's a 2 or 3 second delay before the explosion.

  2. Great calculator mate, I can't imagine the time and effort you put in to making this.


    Just one thing I noticed:

    If you hover over the faction damage area for Napalms it shows electric damage having no effect against alloy armour, but on the wiki electrical damage appears to have a -50% modifier. Is there an error on the wiki page (it appears to be accurate as of 11.5.2)? Or possibly just a graphical error on your part and the maths behind it is correct?


    In any case great work on the calculator, I'm sure I'll be referring to it in the future

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