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Posts posted by Shinsoku

  1. The only thing that bothers me, is the one arm is shorter than the other one

    You know it's file name is something like "asymmetricalbow" as well as being based off of one. From it's inception it was meant to be.



    Edit:  Also people on the forum believe being a status bow means anything of importance.  Ignore them.  Oh that wasn't nice was it?  I'm sorry but judging from playing with people in various missions with Daikyu, status meant nothing in regards to assisting the team.   But hey lie to yourself for self gratification.  

    So are you saying you're basing this feedback on watching random people with Daikyu's?

  2. That's a great idea. But I would like to be able to have a one click option for when my wife almost catchs me playing games versus doing my homework. :D


    Alt+F4 is better than logout/quit button for those situations if you ask me...

    Just a key press verses redirecting the mouse to the logout button and then accepting the confirmation to close that nearly all games use now.

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