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(XBOX)Ascending Champ

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ascending Champ

  1. 10 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

    *cough* you mean prime grade husbando material *cough*

    that as well....

    I would probably like his pancakes he makes.

    10 hours ago, fadingtheory said:

    A waifu is basically just a fake crush. The only requirement is that she not be real.

    Generally, live action TV/movie characters are excluded. While the characters aren't real, the actresses are.

    Technically Canada does exist.....


  2. Just now, Felsagger said:

    A title doesn't make a thread, It's the content in it. 


    People behaved according to the thread pattern. They spammed because the nature of the thread is that. 

    yes and I decided to make a motivational post based on the new war and fortuna. this is not spam. you are simply overreacting. why hasn't a single person said anything, only you? it is strictness that is plaguing this forum. anyways back to motivational speech on defeating the corpus and senients. what do you think of us liberating fortuna from the corpus. or the sentients. maybe we will unite the origin system in our effort to defeat them.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


    1. Use the title "The New War, and Fortuna"

    2. Limit the subject to the game instead of spamming. 

    3. The reputation of Warframe forum's is quite awful due to spam threads. This is one of those spam thread. 

    That's it. 

    I literally talked about it in my first post... its that some decided to have a discussion on communism, and suddenly i'm in the wrong.

  4. 4 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    no, it is an economic principle one that leads to bankruptcy every single time.  governments are monarchies, dictatorships, republics, and democracies.   

    china isn't bankrupt, also that was not communism that is a revolution that ends in a dictatorship, every country has that. communism is supposed to be a natural progression to a post-scarcity society.

  5. 9 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    greece imploded under crippling debt and China is not a true republic.  they while not a full dictatorship like the USSR and Cuba do not have the same freedoms and Americans do nor are they truly communist either.  

    Communism is not necessarily a economic system. Communist government is all about a bunch of elected representatives who are elected by the people for the people, sound similar? its a form of democracy.

  6. 1 minute ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    the problem still stands that the government would not be beholden to the people (as is necessary for there to be freedom) even if you used robots you only made revolt easier and did not change the main flaw of the system.  that is that corruption has a direct relationship to power.  

    It doesn`t have to be a dictatorship. it can be a communist republic like china or greece.

  7. 3 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    communism does not work I won't give you stuff for free why is why all communist governments have failed it is human nature to be greedy and capitalism works with human nature communism works against it.  that doctor won,t give you half of his paycheck that he earned just because the feds told him to.  

    it is because they didn`t have robots but now we have robots and can make true communism!

    and cake they forgot cake.

  8. 2 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    sigh I guess you never learned in school that for you to have a future you must build one for your self.  if you take what you don't earn it is still theft even if the government gives it to you.  remember when it comes to anything few powerful entities breed corruption.  This is why the government should be at the mercy of the people and corporations at the mercy of the government.  the corpus is what happens when the government is the corporations and the Grinneer is when the government is not at the mercy of the people but when the people are at the mercy of the government.  

    Exactly with robots and 3d printers and communist governments 😀

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