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Posts posted by xarabas02

  1. This test is beyond infuriating. I used Loki with maxed invisibility to run around and collect beacons but as soon as you die once, you lose all the beacons you collected and have to start over while the countdown is still happening!


    I have maybe 6-7 seconds to spare and this test has to be done near perfectly. If only the timer would be no more than 30 seconds longer, then I'd have a fair chance at it.


    Did anyone here manage to complete it? What warframe did you use and what was your build?


  2. On 2018-11-16 at 4:23 PM, Buldozers said:

    What happened to Senastra23 glyph? I see default Lotus glyph now. BTW, her twitch page now is QueenSenaa.

    Came here to ask the same. Did she remove it herself? Lame if that's the case, it was a rather pretty glyph

  3. 24 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    It is a bug. DE somehow messed it up. If you actually look through the profile, you will notice that it is listed under "Primary" not "Amps". So, its just looking for a MOTE AMP you have used as a Primary weapon (which does not exist). If you have gilded it and maxed it, you should have the affinity. Its just a visual bug that DE will (hopefully) fix soon.

    Ah good to know, thank you!

  4. Simple google search and warframe wiki say that is the case but something weird is showing for me.

    So I bought Mote Amp blueprint from Onko (sold the initial one by mistake a long time ago), crafted it, leveled to 30, gilded and leveled again. Yet it is shown as greyed out whenever I look at it in equipment and not mastered in codex. See for yourself: 



    What's the issue here?

  5. 1 hour ago, Sqecmi said:

    I mean, you are playing zephyr, cmon.

    Tornadoes deal the elemental damage type they absorb the most. Shoot enemies engulfed in Tornadoes to do additional damage.

    i suppose you need 200 corr damage to make tornado corrosive.

    Ah good to know. Thanks!

  6. 13 minutes ago, Sqecmi said:

    depends on your build. if you are building mobility for POE, then you not only dont need stretch, narrow mided is one of the best mods there.

    if you are playing zephyr at normal missions with corrosive tornado, then it's standard caster build, so you need stretch and so.

    Huh didn't know you could make elemental tornadoes. How to create a corrosive one?

  7. So I'm using Zephyr Prime with mostly activating Turbulence with Jet Stream augment to protect myself from bullets. The question is, do I need Stretch in my setup considering I use 3 most of the time of my abilities (sometimes 4 to clear up the view when there are too many enemies around, 1 to easily move across PoE and 2 being used almost never). Does Stretch have any significant impact on 3 and 1?

  8. 3 hours ago, xarabas02 said:

    Well, the servers are still down but here is the pic anyway as a moral support.


    Seeing how the servers are still down, should I continue posting pics of my cat sleeping currently? Most of the others posts are spam so I might as well make something nice out of this.

    • Like 10
  9. Ok, n00b question but....how exactly am I supposed to make this video? Is there a tool for such thing in captura options (couldn't find it, maybe I missed it) or do I need to use some third party tool. Specifically, how did Megan and the other make those imgur videos, that's what I'm wondering.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Arezael said:

    But I’m wondering about your build - I’m guessing I’ve missed something while I’ve been away but:


    Dead Eye (Sniper Dmg)

    Gladiator Resolve (HP + Melee Crit Chance)

    Arcane Awakening (Secondary Dmg)

    Arcane Tempo (Shotgun RoF)


    What’s going on here then?

    I can somewhat understand Augur Accord for stuff like Hijacks, but the rest seems like entirely different builds shoehorned into one.

    Rush with Jet stream and Intensify is also a bit of a head scratcher. 

    Genuinely not sure about this lot, someone clue me in? 


    I've removed both Augur Accord and Gladiator Resolve and replaced it with Vigor. I've also removed Arcane Tempo (was there for no reason) and Arcane Awakening is now at rank 3 (need it for my Lex Prime). Dead Eye is there for my Vectis Prime.


    Hm. Intensify is there to maximize the damage of my Tornado but are you saying I don't need it?


    Oh and regarding Jet Stream + Rush.....I just like to go super fast. Silly, I know.

  11. 2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    How to enter?
    Take a Captura video showcasing Zephyr Prime and share it in this thread for judging!


    Tweet your Captura video on Twitter with the hashtag #AerialAcrobatContest to enter the contest (You must be following the @PlayWarframe Twitter)

    How to upload videos from consoles?

    Need an example?


    Oh, so it's kind of a gif/webm and not a video. Yeah, I can do this (was worried I'd have to fiddle with some complicated video editing). Also, I'm a bit confused with "Every Tenno who participated will receive the respective prize" part. Does that mean all entrants will receive something (like a sigil) or is it just a bad misunderstanding on my part? Not that it matters though, this will be the first contest I'll participate in so I'm excited to see all of the other entries.

  12. 3 hours ago, BladeRambler said:

    Good build, my only comment would be Rush isn't really necessary since you can fly forward very quickly (and you have the Jet Stream augment too); maybe move Coaction Drift to that slot and replace with Stretch.

    Also, can switch Constitution and Streamline places for that polarity gain :)

    I'm curious about something. Does Stretch affect Turbulence (with Jet Stream augment) at all? And if so, in what way?

    3 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Why Augur Accord and Gladiator Resolve?

    Shields are more of a useless kind since they don't mitigate damage through Armor (well...Zephyr has no armor anyways) But I would either use Vitality max or (Primed) Vigor max instead of both your mods and add an Augur message for a longer duration.

    Also yes. Switch Coaction Drift for Stretch

    Yeah, you're right. I removed both of those and placed Vigor instead. Will replace it later with Primed Vigor.

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