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Posts posted by --Sovereign--

  1. After watching the Devstream I was left with mixed feelings about Garuda. Honestly, the name doesn't fit her, and the abilities are a bit... underwhelming. She looks amazing tho! But good looks don't make a good frame sadly.

    Passive : A blood gauge that fills the more executions Garuda makes with her 1st ability. When filled, Garuda's next ability gets enhanced.

    1st Ability :  a) Keep the animation and leap, speed it up, have the shield be a 360 degrees blood shield (blood flowing around her, use the fancy particle system!), remove the whole blob thingy.
                       b) Same as A but instead of a blood shield, make it so that repeated casts drain health/casting drains health. If empowered, instead of a target only ability it becomes a huge AoE slash who cuts enemies in half (this will tie in with her 'new' 2nd ability and passive).


    2nd Ability : a) Make it cast-able from a distance, have it be a continuous siphon (think Nidus's link, duration based).
                       b) Make it an AoE ability as her current 4, to siphon health from enemies surrounding her. When enhanced, bigger AoE and more HP/s

    3rd Ability : a) Make it a toggle that just drains health for her current passive, instead of a % half hp.
                       b) Activating it buffs her weapons (Saryn's 3rd) with additional chances of slash procs, if enhanced, makes her immune to CC/Status procs (duration based).

    4th Ability : a) Give the current ultimate more speed, bigger pull aoe, and have her walk/waltz instead of floating.
                      b) Activating it makes Garuda exalted. With sheathed weapons, she uses her talons as a throwable weapons (based on talons / based on a specific number of talons - can't be enhanced)

    There are plenty ideas floating around which are definitely better than mine but that's just my two cents... She needs some love

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