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Posts posted by (XBOX)MR V0R73X

  1. 9 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    people who still don't understand that the accounts on PS4 and Xbone don't belong to DE. MS and Sony will lose a customer will they will allow this. This will never happen. Never. Maybe another PC to console migration but sure not the other way round

    Ooh that's interesting 😮 and annoying

  2. I am really wondering what the problems with allowing data transferring between consoles and PC .__. I understand they are not up to date on updates and content BUT

    Couldn't it be possible to give a warning like "Hey BTW this shtuff isn't on this console yet so it will either be; Disabled, removed 'temporary' or just removed" YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED 

    And show your inventory with red outlines and red highlighted items that aren't up to date for the transfer. So the not up to date items wouldn't be too much of a problem right?


    It doesn't really need to be cross platformed, but the data transferring is all most people really need .__. I myself don't understand too much about the problems they would go through to get this to happen. But i'm interested on knowing what; is or might be the reason :3

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