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Posts posted by deadbill

  1. 8 hours ago, Atsia said:

    Yeah, It wasn't a climax. Why? It's called the Chimera PROLOGUE for a reason. The entire point of it was to leave us hanging with questions, like in the Apostasy Prologue. I have no idea where you're getting this idea that there was gonna be this big conclusive fight or resolution with it from. Nothing big was gonna happen in it from the get go. How can it cockblock any of the story when there's no ready story to block after it yet? If the Chimera Prologue had come out with the New War then I'd agree with you, but it's been over 3 months since Chimera at this point. All this was for really was to answer the question of whether Ballas was dead or not and give us a new toy to mess around with. You're blowing the Paracesis way out of proportion right now.

    Dude please did I even say it was a climax? I said IT IS >>>>>>>>"REACHING"<<<<<<<< THE CLIMAX

  2. 17 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

    The story didn't reach its climax with the Chimera Prologue, it was a glorified cutscene (and y'know... a prologue), and they didn't withhold the rest of the story to give you the Paracesis instead. The rest of the story still needs to be made.... and the blueprint will still be there when they're ready.

    You find the bad dude Ballas transforming into sentient-like monster spewing sentences about a weapon to "end the war", after you just lost your beloved lotus who transformed into sentient. Not reaching its climax? you gotta be kidding me, the next thing that should happen is an epic battle when the hero (you) makes thing right slaying the evil who make you and your kin suffer while avenging your beloved space mother. And what you get instead ? not even a cliffhanger! the story just stop absurdly in the middle of starting an epic battle. And a blueprint in your foundry, that's it,

    Rather than cockblocking players, DE should give the chimera chapter WHEN ITS READY, or, a proper teaser which giving a faint hint for the coming chapter WITHOUT LEAVING ANYTHING HANGING.

  3. 14 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    I can read perfectly well thank you...and I wasn't responding to your previous comment. Maybe you should learn to read too.

    And as to your "previous comment" you are simply assuming DE's intentions, when nobody knows how this particular story is going to play out.

    Then why bother quoting my comment?

    Sigh and you still miss the point. MY POINT IS, DE SHOULD GIVE A STORY PROGRESSION RATHER THAN SOMETHING TO GRIND, FFS THE STORY IS REACHING ITS CLIMAX. You know it feels like being @#&amp;&#036;-blocked after being teased in a very hot foreplay, such a &#036;&amp;*^ move.

  4. 20 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    I've only been playing for 15 months...not exactly a veteran.

    I completed The Chimera Prologue around the end of November and only started "grinding" for ducats after getting the Paracesis blueprint. Started with zero and reached the 1,000 mark before the end of last month. The only thing stopping me actually building it is that I have to reach MR10 first (about 17k short of that atm).

    And I'm what you'd probably call a "casual" player - I like to play for a couple of hours most weekday evenings. I am most definitely not a speed grinder or someone who goes for marathon sessions, otherwise I could have had them sooner.

    There are much worse things to grind for in this game. For example, I've had a much harder time getting the parts for Revenant and Garuda.


    do people even read nowadays? please read my previous comment

  5. 8 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

    Paracesis isn't a requirement to complete the quest, it's one of many rewards, and most of the others get handed out pretty much for free. The blueprint will still be there when they're ready for it.

    That's not my point. My point is, instead of giving player something to grind WHEN A STORY IS REACHING ITS CLIMAX, they should give a story progression instead.

  6. Just think about some players (not veteran or what-so-ever) who enjoy main story quest and then when the story is reaching its climax, BAM a grind wall, right on their face. I wouldn't call that a nice experience, logically speaking (with some common sense on top of it).

  7. On 2018-07-31 at 9:55 PM, posunman said:

    gan, member nya suka AFK di POE https://imgur.com/a/ihfJOTu uda gw lapor ke DE

    Sebaiknya dilaporkan dulu ke agent kalau ada masalah dengan member yang bersangkutan biar bisa ditindaklanjuti. Ga perlu sungkan, kami terbuka kok


    On 2017-12-07 at 6:12 PM, senshinamon said:

    Gan, tolong invite yaa

    ign: senshinamon

    MR : 14


    On 2018-03-31 at 1:19 AM, qsec said:

    masih ada slot kah ?

    ane mr.15 gan

    On 2018-06-28 at 10:52 PM, Sesuwi said:

    izin gabung gan

    IGN : Sesuwi

    On 2018-07-27 at 11:37 AM, warframemain15 said:

    Misi gan, boleh izin gabung?

    id : warframemain15

    MR 9


    On 2018-08-01 at 11:59 PM, SpeedyInstan said:

    boleh join clan nggak gan ?

    IGN : SpeedyInstan 


    Untuk agan2 diatas, "User is already in a clan"


    On 2017-12-26 at 4:45 AM, INDRASAPUTRA- said:

    Saya Ingin Join . IGN : INDRASAPUTRA- (19)
    Mohon bantuan dan Kerjasamanya, Terimakasih.

    "Username does not exist". Tolong dicek lagi penulisannya

    On 2018-03-21 at 3:37 PM, Bluebeak said:

    Gan boleh join g? Masi mr 4

    Ign: Bluebeak


    Mohon maaf sebelumnya, untuk saat ini minimal MR 6 untuk join



    On 2018-02-21 at 2:55 PM, Dofapkin91 said:

    Izin gabung , IGN : Dofapkin91

    On 2018-03-15 at 5:37 PM, Kutai_Kartanegara said:

    Izin join gan

    IGN: Kutai_Kartanegara

    MR 6

    On 2018-04-09 at 11:32 PM, gabukunaya said:

    Request ikut clan IDWS,

    Mastery 16, profesi prime parts trader

    IGN : Gabukunaya



    On 2018-06-01 at 5:37 PM, Miraflor said:

    kalau masih ada slot bisa di invite ya

    IGN: Miraflor


    lagi pengin main WF lagi

    Invite sudah meluncur

  8. Hello fellas :)
    I'm deadbill, a Warlord (The President) from IDWSSpartan Clan

    We know about a new feature in Warframe to create an Alliance in order to exploit The Dark Sector.
    And currently we have two choices to choose, which are to create a new alliance or to join an alliance.

    we want to know if there is any clan who is willing to create a new alliance,
    together with us, IDWSSpartan Clan.

    Please reply here if you are interested :)

  9. The idea is to make a worst warframe ever! even worse than ember!

    Lets give her/him a same stat as ember has (it already sucks tho) and some of not-so-useful abilities, i. e.:

    1. Punch.
    Deals 75 / 125 / 175 / 200 ignoring armor damages on melee range

    2. Heavy Stance.
    Make a damage and armor increase, for 7 / 12 / 15 / 20 seconds


    3. Karma

    Consume Power to gain Health (50% amount of consumed Power will become Health)


    4. Aura Blast.

    Deals very high area damage overtime and sacrifices movement speed by 90% while this ability is being used.

    Nope..  It's still good, how about..

    1. Pose
    Deals no damage, but cool animation *pose*

    2. Sleep
    Regen health, but sacrifices movement speed by 100% plus increase aggro


    3. Daydreaming

    No effect, except it drains power. Still, cool animation

    4. Runaway
    Abort mission, leaving your teammates behind


    Phew, and viola! Ember may shine once again!


    okay this is stupid, Ember sucks, and she cant be helped... ._.

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