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Posts posted by vazkobain

  1. I have an issue dont sure if heres the place, i enter in the game and check my items then i realize a scimitars fuselage just disapear, i dont sell it or nothing and no ones but me have the password for my account i jhave 2 of them, and just ceking i only left one, and now im not sure if any other item can be disapear cause i have a lot and only realize the scimitar fuselage cause im near to construct it, please help

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

    30 minutes you couldn't play the game that is free to play and you may or may not have put any money into is no reason to 'get pissed'. Things happen sometimes, you should have some patience.

    NO money but losing time, and put a price to the time of our lives XD if we piss off we have the right, 3 hours in the same any patient has a limit

  3. Hi, i have a problem, i was leveling a mod, spend some credits and endo, but then the game disconect me, i conect again and check and the mod is in zero but all the credits and endo spend is still lose, could you help me please cause i was very upset, thank you

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