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Posts posted by (PSN)HaRrY-Uk_Y

  1. On 08/03/2018 at 1:36 AM, taiiat said:

    if that is the case, then the 'Bug' is that Chat isn't layering on top of the Extract menu like it is supposed to.

    which i guess does count as one.

    Yes i believe you're right if we were just able to close the chat before pressing Square or required button to have the extract/fight/select relic then that would be great :D

  2. Firstly I Don't know if this is the correct section I apologise now if it isn't I believed it was based on the fact the fansite kit is hosted on the website.



    I have a clan I am founder of called Alterran Empire and been thinking of using my knowledge all be it somewhat limited of website building to make ourselves a website and I today came across your fansite kit and was really pumped when I saw some of the folders but it is rather limited on the items in there and was just wondering if there were any plans on expanding it further with more items e.g the prime warframe concepts not there other than the exaliber prime set and also most warframe standard variants are not there e.g titania, atlas, octavia, nidus, nekros and many others, and sadly same story with some of the weapons.


    I would just like to state this is just a query but if it is possible to do then that would be awesome I understand that Every awesome and lovely member of DE are very busy and I understand if the answer is a 'not possible' but to see it expanded would be nice.



    Please delete my laptop hid some folders from me turns out the extract all kinda split the folders up :S hunting the HDD now  really sorry

  3. On 06/03/2018 at 7:57 AM, taiiat said:

    this isn't a Bug.

    it could be changed at some point, by Controllers having a pretend Mouse Cursor as their navigational control in the Menus - but there isn't anything here that constitutes as a Bug. without a Cursor to select positions you want to interact with yourself, having the Chat Window open and ready to type in... means the background won't be in Focus.

    just like if you have one Application in Focus in Windows, you can't type in another Application because that is the currently active one.


    yes your point is valid but may i point out that its the Chat in the background and extract/fight in the foreground and as the op stated it does make defences a chore sorry But i disagree this can be consider a bug as the extract button is in fact the FRONT choice not the back so I would agree with the OP that this is in fact a bug

    5 hours ago, (PS4)temipaulwastaken said:

    Yeah this isn't a big and what if you wanted to tell your friend to stay another wave then you press sqaure or X depending on you platform then you end up extracting

    yes but the chat window does in fact clash as said above its in the background cancelling out the extract screen

  4. I Have this as well just wasted an hour taking on big guy terralyst lost all cores and as the party host i lost everything so Unfair 2/3 dead game said not enough people in circle but that doesn't take into account dead tenno Unfair to lost an hour roughly on doing all that at least 30-50 intact 1 exp core GONE all i got was tempo royal thank you but I already have one i am using rather have the cores I ran around collecting seeing as sentinels don't pick up those cores but hey kubrow and kavat do 


    DE can we get this fixed first time back on the plains and well session ruined for me so thats me logging out 

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