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Posts posted by Hortonman

  1. I haven't been able to find a stated end date for the "Great Eidolon Hunt" Twitch promotion. Does this mean it is still possible to earn the wisp totem or the teralyst sigil? (I know the random drops are gone)

    If so, are there any resources I could use to help find out which streamers (if any) don't have the By the Dawn's Early Light achievement yet, and when they might be streaming to acquire it?

  2. With the new mechanics introduced in TWW pushing our Operators farther into the spotlight, I think it's about time that we got some appearance tabs for them.

    With so many different customization options, it gets very tedious to tailor my Tenno's appearance to my current murder puppet. I'd like to see them get the same ABC option system as literally every other customizable item in the game.


  3. While I don't like them under any circumstance—combas and bursas do their job with less cheese—I have to admit that a nullifier or two are perfectly manageable if you know what to do. 

    The problem is that, in longer games, it's never just one. You start to have nullifiers moving in swarms, covering each other with their shields. If you try to take down one shield, the others will protect the nullifier long enough for its shield to recharge. If you're using a slow-firing weapon, you're pretty much SOL. If you try to shoot them from inside the bubble, your shots are more than likely going to be intercepted by another shield, and it's very hard to tell where one ends and another begins when you're in the middle of them. You can try to melee them, but diving into such a dense pack of enemies (it's never just the nullifiers) can be suicide vs high level enemies if you can't take them out in one strike.

    If they're going to insist on keeping them, I think they should at least limit the number that can be on the map at one time. That, or make it so the bubbles can't overlap; either cause the bubbles to act as solid to each other and not allow two nullifiers to get close together, or make overlapping shield sections cancel out so you just have one lumpy dome instead of multiple overlapping walls.

  4. 14 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    What is your opinion on anime? I have been trying to get someone to bite on my idea of a crossover battle, but no one is interested

    I enjoy anime.

    I love stories, especially sci-fi and fantasy. Unfortunately, western society seems to have it set in its collective mind that animation is for kids only, and the truth of the matter is that live action special effects are expensive, so shows that really grab my imagination are few and far between over here.

    I'm no weeb (dub casual here), but anime helps scratch an itch that western television fails to.

    I also really enjoy the general art style, but that's another matter entirely.


    As for your crossover battle, I'm still new to the thread so I've missed most of what's been happening. Judging just from your post with the sunsplosion picture a little while ago, I don't believe I'm familiar with the characters you're talking about.

  5. 11 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:


    insert gif that does not want to work here

    I stumbled across a bill nye video yesterday.

    yes, i have never watched bill nye before that.

    and yes, the theme song scores all the unces in my book.

    i need to listen to that theme song right now.

    obligatory science dubstep.






    Serioisly though, that show was the S#&$ when I was in elementary school. I'd go to the library and check out as many VHS tapes as they'd let me and then binge out on science.

  6. 4 hours ago, ----._.S.A.T.A.N._.---- said:

    the Latin word for Guild is Forum. So when we come on the forums we're coming on the guild, which in my mind doesn't make sense.

    Makes perfect sense to me.

    We're a group based around a common activity (in this case playing warframe), which is basically what a guild is.

    The forum in like our guild hall where we can get together and talk about warframe.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dewsitine said:

    Don't you guys be starting a waifu war or else this topic might get off topic.

    Well, we are in off topic.

    1 hour ago, Dewsitine said:

    I would have to say Samus since the Metroid Fusion was the first hand held game I have played (Lego's chess was the very first game I played as a kid).

    Same here, though my first was a crash bandicoot game. Metroid fusion was the one that really caught my imagination, though; all those bizarre creatures and heavy atmosphere were so exciting to 9 year old me.
    The SA-X still unnerves me even today...

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