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Posts posted by ForbiddenAlias

  1. 1 minute ago, krc473 said:

    If you don't upgrade your Lich (by fighting it) you can keep it trapped on one planet and play pretty much without knowing it is there. You can completely ignore it and it makes no difference. Because you already thought it you may have a couple planets of 'influence'. Ignore the tax, you get it all back when you eventually kill it anyway.

    • I would like a way to dump a Lich too.

    I do need to farm murmors - I have a Lich I need to get for my friend. I could help you if we are in the same region (OCE/Asia).

    I mean, their builds could be worse than yours. You don't have that information.

    oh ok thx for your help i guess i'll just wait till i have a build strong enough to stop it. Sadly we are not in the same region as i would glady accept help. the builds i have been using are builds iv'e borrowed from a site called https://overframe.gg/. Are the builds there not up t date or something. because when i started running them i saw a huge improvement over what i thought was ok. i must have a long ways to go.

  2. Just now, taiiat said:

    indeed you will, but it'll mean Missions on those Planets will give like 20-30% less, it won't be that big a deal. as i said, Liches are introduced to Players too early, but it also won't impact the game all that much for you either.

    ok thx so i just have to suffer till i have the ability to actually stop it. hopefully its sooner rather than later

  3. 11 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Except it isn't the one you have run before. Lich missions are selected separately and have a much higher level. So you really should have accounted for that. The game tells you this before you start the mission. If you don't read the information it is kinda your fault. Yes, I understand that you may not realise how it would be on your first run or two.

    Honestly? It sounds like your builds are the issue. I have not failed one yet, I cannot understand how anyone that is appropriately geared could (mistakes excluded of course).

    This is not very specific. Perhaps share what builds you have for the gear you are using. Those mods are pretty useless when unranked for example. We don't know what the issue is if you don't show the builds.

    i could understand if my build is crap and it probably is but how does that explain all of the randoms i was with get steam rolled as well. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    The Lich mission is separate. Pick the normal one and you will be fine.

    But i will still get taxed, why can't i just turn the Lich off, i don't care about the rewards or anything i just want it gone because i can't stop it myself


  5. 1 minute ago, krc473 said:

    Except it isn't the one you have run before. Lich missions are selected separately and have a much higher level. So you really should have accounted for that. The game tells you this before you start the mission. If you don't read the information it is kinda your fault. Yes, I understand that you may not realise how it would be on your first run or two.

    Honestly? It sounds like your builds are the issue. I have not failed one yet, I cannot understand how anyone that is appropriately geared could (mistakes excluded of course).

    This is not very specific. Perhaps share what builds you have for the gear you are using. Those mods are pretty useless when unranked for example. We don't know what the issue is if you don't show the builds.

    What i'm trying to at here is i'm an inexprienced player (which im sure you have firgured out by now) I don't fully understand every game mechanic. I physically do not have the capacity to fix my problem so why wasn't there an option to just not do it. like nto start a quest because you know your not ready. this feels forced and i don't have the resources to stop it. If i had been given an option saying wether or not i would like to have Kuva Lich as a game option i would have said no as its just not for me. But i don't get a choice im just stuck with it.

  6. Just now, taiiat said:

    presumably, in other Missions Enemies were being CC'ed or something of the sort that they were not in the Lich Missions.

    while Liches are introduced to Players too early, no, your Lich hasn't cut you off from any places. Liches are effectively incapable of having a significant impact to your Solar Map. worst case scenario is that once in a while it might steal some Specter Blueprints or some of other 'more special' Resources. but the Lich can't actually block you from anything.

    i don't mean blocked as in i can't play the mission i mean i physicly cannot pass the mission,i get murdered

  7. Ok so recently i just learned the hard way, what a kuva lich was. I had no idea what they were and when mine first showed up i thought it was some seasonal quest thing i could just ignore. Apperently not. So I looked it up to get some information and it seemed relatively easy to get rid of. Boy was i wrong. So I started running the required missions to kill the kuva lich thralls to get mumurs so i could figure out what requiem mods and in which order would i need to permently solve my problem. the first two clues came easy enough and i thought i was well on my way to the finish. My Lich had appeared 3 time in my search for murmurs and each time went down with out much trouble. I was aware the more you anger your Lich the higher thier level stacks. So im now to the point at which my Lich has expanded to other planets and i have to follow to get murmurs. My first choice was a Mars exterminate (how hard could it be?). 20 seconds into the mission my Lich shows up and mops the floor with me and my squad. after having to use 3 revives we finally knock her. So we advance to the end of the mission which was harder than i thought it would be for a simple exterminate that i have run many times before. However the mission after that is in which the Lich missions are know just unplayable. Me and a squad of randoms drop in for our usual search of mumurs and we get absolutely lasered by the first 3 grineer marines we meet. These some how god tier grineer are almost invincible. they require 20+ hit from melee to kill and they can murder with only a few shots so u can imagine  my horror of trying to fight more than 1 much less 8-10. My entire squad is forced to bail as we ran out of revives and barely dented the enemy. I have tried every warframe i own and i still can't evn go toe to toe with a grineer marine. their level bar says 80-90 avg, but i've gone on missions 90-100 and come out just fine. So why are these missions so hard? I have failed 22 consectutive missions against  my Lich which has effectively cut me off from 3 planets. How am i supposed to compete? i just hit mastery rank 9 and barely have any decent mods (2 primed and about 11 gold for my frames) I'm just a casual player that likes to run a few missions after work and mess around with friends. How am i supposed to enjoy a game when i have an adversary only i can get rid of but i can't even kill her foot soldier. 

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