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(XBOX)Excalibur VX

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Excalibur VX

  1. I don’t know if this is already a forum topic, but I don’t really care.

    Digital Extremes, as a developer and as people, are amazing.

    In an age of gaming where corporations strangle our wallets and ignore our voice, DE is the prime example of what a game developer should be. These are passionate, kind, benevolent and fun people who care about their game and the community around it. They made Warframe, a free to play game, better then most triple A games in the market today. That’s impressive.

    The reason for me posting this, is because I feel DE needs to know how impactful they are on the gaming industry and on all of us. They are a beacon of hope in the industry and I bet they will only get brighter with time. 

    If you have any thoughts or just want to praise DE a bit more, than sound off below. 

    PS: Megan and Rebecca are awesome. 


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