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Posts posted by CarminO2

  1. this have existed in warframe since kuva lich and its ephemera was released.
    there are this strange, orange rim lighting coming from nowhere, despite which color are you using.

    like this!

    or this.

    it seems heat status effects are bugged too, it always has that orange lighting from nowhere.

    you can see the orange light shining on the shield part.

    this is really irritating to see, and can be bothersome for somebody who uses this ephemera with other colors than orange. 
    fix this please.. its been there for months now.

  2. They say the evergreen milestone starts at day 1050, and noone (probably) has reached there yet. And it's coming with next major update which means fortuna, obviously. Does this means the evergreen milestone starts with fortuna? If I am right, there 9 days left until day 1050.. so FORTUNA AT OCTOVER 11? or else not, they would give the evergreen milestone at daily tribution 1.0 (current version) what do you guys think? Will it come at october 11? Or will it come after mid october?

  3. So.. yeah. I built revenant 1 day ago. and honestly, this could be a lot better. 

    Passive is just.. weird.It's range is too short, makes it's kinda meaningless. Perhaps create a overshield when thralls are nearby? 


    1st ablity's idea is ok. BUT there are something to be changed. Thrall should be more helpful to squadmates. It's so useless. The only thing it does is that enemies can become your allies. That's all. Maybe thralls can be more contagious, like up to 20 or higher, or deals additional damage to nearby enemies. 



    2nd ablity looks ok, it reflects and disables enemies. But honestly, i don't like this. The mechanism is fine, but since revenant is a warframe that hurts a lot, it's 12 reflects are meaningless. It could be a timed ablity (like for 15sec, you can be invulnerable) or gets a additional reflects by getting damage (like a iron skin or snow glove, the damage you've got becomes reflects). 



    3rd ablity is not good. It's too similar to tidal surge or slash dash. This could be like toggle ablity like wukong's cloud walker (slowly, but contiuously) or makes a field of mist that leech and heals allies that is inside (like ravenous)


    4th ablity. This is very controversial. Someone says it's ok. But, to specific factions (infested, corpus, orokin) it deals way less damage. And  it looks more like batalyst, not eidolons. It could be changed to a toggle ablity that has a 3 modes which has a star fall from teralyst, energy pillar from gantulyst, and acid rain from hydrolyst. Star fall deals a mid- high dmg to all areas in range, energy pillar deals high damage to nearby enemies in specific spot. And acid rain deals mid-low damage to all area and has a larger range than other modes.

    Generally, a not bad warframe to mid-low tiers, but just like any warframes that has been added to warframe recently (khora, gara), it's so useless to high tiers (sortie 3, elite onslaught, etc.) It definitely needs rework as soon as possible. 



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