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Posts posted by JogSothoth

  1. ...you download it via steam? or hit the + add a game > add a non steam game. It's not perfect, but it works. (although it'd be better to download it via steam, or is it not there?)

    Thx mate..I added it..But in this way will it affect they platinum purchases?

  2. I think this is what thunderbolt needs to be worth the points. But what do you suggest the base damage to be?

    Actually the same.250 damage.But the base damage can be affected by Damage Mods like Serration or Critical.So if u have a base damage of 250 with a maxed Serration (+165% more damage) well...nearly 600 damage.And if you think its too OP you can balance it as i said with a AoE reduction or -5% chance (that brings it to 25%).

  3. Whats with this Mod?I love the way it works I know all of the properties of the particular Mod but still it needs twitsts...I will post my ideas and i am waiting of feedback.

    1.Remove the 250 Max Damage of the Proc Effect.Have it stack with Serration or even Hellfire (cause of the lore of the mod Explosion dmg meaning fire dmg).

    2.Have it stack with Multishot (it already does but i contribute in the whole idea)

    3.If the explo effect procs with Serration or Hellfire just to balance it lower the AoE it has.

    4.Make it stuck with other forms of Elemental Attacks

    5.Make it anyway stackable with all other Dmg Factors including Critical ones.

    Just some thoughts on the Mod.Any feedback?

  4. I've tried to ask in game, but no one answers in game. (i do ask we're standing around anyway) I have a video showing some guys running insanely fast. One of them were excalibur and the other two were rhinos i believe.You can see clearly that they just leave me (volt) in the dust. and my sprint ability only adds a short burst that makes it useless so i don't use it. 


    (there is adult language in the video, so go ahead and mute if you don't want to listen.)


    I know theres a mod that adds speed, but is that really all it is? I can not find that mod no matter what I do. The last two days I've played 12-15 hours (I've worn Lana Del Rey's albums out in doing so. lol) constantly on defense missions and I mostly get sential mods and mods for warframes I don't have or want. 


    Any help would be great.

    Here's the deal.Maxed Rush gives you 30% more sprint.Now after this the actual trick is (as i do it on my frame) is when you run you slide...BUT..you tap it twice (SHIFT>CTL>CTL) very fast and you continue with SHIFT.You get amazing running boost after the 2nd slide tap.With 30% Sprint + Marathon im like Flash.

  5. I had a though before patch 9 (with artifacts) !

    Does Auras stack?? I mean if one member of the party has 1 Energy Siphon is the same if all 4 have Energy siphon equiped? Does the effect stack (meaning bigger energy regeneration) or it stays the same effect as 1?

  6. It's a rare mod, pray for RNG gods.


    On a sidenote, just had one Streamline drop from Xini today.

    Not sure if im jealous of i hate you ! :P

    I have read on the wiki that xini is a good place for the mod.But ...GOD..i have done so many xinis.u cant imagine.No streamline yet.Ill check what you guys said.Btw any chance to get it from Nightmares?

  7. Warframe Mods


    Previously my Ash Warframe was maxed out at level 30 with an Orokin Reactor placed inside giving me the advantage of 60 mod points rather than the standard 30, all of my weapons used had no Catalyst installed.


    The mods I used were all of the Ash Warframe powers, Vitality, Redirection, Flow, and Steamline. mods are essential for increasing the power, shield, health and power efficiency of the Ash Warframe.


    I mainly only use melee weapons and occasionally for long range I'll use the Kunai or the Paris, the Paris I find better than the dread for the damage it deals against armour automatically, I'm not quite sure if Armour piercing mods stack that damage. More will be added to this and if anyone else has any insight on how to use the Ash Warframe please comment. 


    I love Ash since i learned about him.I rushed to craft him and right now he is my main frame and i want to post my build just to get some feedback and exchange thoughts about him.

    I have installed these Mods till now :

    Level ------ Name-----------------------------Description--------------------------------Polarity

    3/3      Shuriken                            Epic Damage                                           Warframe

    1         Smoke Screen                   No upgrade                                              Warframe

    1         Teleport                             No upgrade                                              Warframe

    3/3      Bladestorm                        Ash's Ultra.UBER DMG                             Warframe

    5/5      Flow                                  +150% Max Power                                    Tactical

    5/5      Focus                               +30% Power Strength                                Attack

    5/5      Continuity                         +30% Power Duration                                Attack

    5/5      Rush                                 +20% Sprint                                              Tactical

    6/10    Redirection                       +280% Shield Recharge                             No Polarity (Defence)

    5/5      Stretch                              +45% Power Range                                    No Polarity (Tactical)

    With orokin + 2 formas and i'm going to the 3rd one im gonna change Teleport to Streamline polarity.I dont have streamline but im farming it.Weapons are Kunai / Latron Prime / Ether daggers..But ill go Paris i think ..suits better to the style i want.

  8. nah i appreciate your input :) i didnt pick ash because my friends has him, thats all, i tried ash on his account and i gota say for a level 18 ash, he rocked. 

    It's cool mate.I understand.Now on-topic i should say to choose Ember (im going to build ember too)..she really is the masterpiece for defences.Very good CCer.Her ulti + aura just destroys everything e.g on Xini :P

  9. Why not Ash ?? I have an Ash ( fully upgraded right now ) and he OWNS....Bladestorm / Shuriken are UBER !...Not that good at veeeeery last stages of defence ( 38+ ) but he is very solid in general.Plus his maxed upgraded Shuriken owns on duels.Just a thought mate.

  10. It's all on the name.When i cast Bladestorm sometimes after he finishes he stucks on the camera of bladestorm,i am walking but only straight (that means i kind of fly when the ground  starts to go lower)i can't jump or do melee.I can crouch and hit with my weapon.But other than that i cant do anything.I just fly around with no reason.Also i cant use other abilities...it says Other Ability On Use or smthing like that.I will post a screen shot as soon as i bug again.Happened to me twice today after the patch!

  11. Hello everyone.I would like to submit my Mod Build of my Warframe Ash.Since i am fairly new to the game i'd like to take some feedback from the community.Ash will be my main warframe and i want to upgrade him to the max.

    Okay for starters i have on this Warframe the next Polarities :

    4 Warframe(Default by making the warframe)
    2 Attack
    1 Tactical (Created with forma)
    3 Non-Polarity

    I have installed these Mods till now :

    Level ------ Name-----------------------------Description--------------------------------Polarity

    1/3      Shuriken                            Pretty Decent Damage(i will max it)          Warframe
    1         Smoke Screen                   No upgrade                                              Warframe
    1         Teleport                             No upgrade                                              Warframe
    3/3      Bladestorm                        Ash's Ultra.UBER DMG                             Warframe
    5/5      Flow                                  +150% Max Power                                    Tactical
    5/5      Focus                               +30% Power Strength                                Attack
    5/5      Continuity                         +30% Power Duration                                Attack
    3/5      Rush                                 +20% Sprint                                              No Polarity (Tactical)
    1/5      Fast Deflection                  +30% Shield Recharge                             No Polarity (Defence)
    1/5      Stretch                              +7.5 Power Range                                    No Polarity (Tactical)

    The warframe has one Orokin Reactor on him which means i have 60 Points..He is 24 right now so i have 12 points left till he is maxed.
    The main idea of the build is be quick and deadly...Deadly because of Bladestorm,it is his main ability that's why i want him to kill as many as possible in a wide range.Solid damage and good for defence missions.Agile cause of Rush..i will max it.

    Although im having second thoughs about Stretch and Fast Deflection.I mean they are very good for Defence but in the long term they don't seem to be right for the idea behind the Build...I would go more for Marathon+Quick Rest (More max stamina+plus stam regen)...Maybe in the future maybe...Since i am doing more defence missions now i'll stick with Fast Deflect+Stretch for more survivalability.I will though definitely level up Marathon+Quick Rest for other missions.

    That's all from me.Any second thoughts you guys?
    I need all the feedback you can give.
    That's a quick though of the build and the current state of my warframe

    Thx in advance.

  12. Hey everybody.So i was sitting and doing some parkour with my warframe and i wondered this : What if Warframe had maps that are only for Parkour???

    As an UBER FAN of KZ_MAPS in CS and Defrag maps on Q3 and considering the fact that Warframe has EPIC physics engine i would love to see some maps that are only obstacles,huge gaps with walls for running etc etc.How you find the idea??

    P.S : If you never played kz or defrag check other sites to find out !!

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