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Posts posted by ChillThiz

  1. Took a look at the new UI DE is working on, but i couldn't notice it so here goes.


    I think we really need timers on warframe abilities/buffs when used on the UI.


    For example, i was running a defense mission with Valkyr today, unleashing hell on enemies with Mass Hysteria. While i was surrounded by 20+ enemies, my ulti ran out and i was insta-killed. If i saw the timer on my ulti, i would ran out of danger and be safe.


    I'm sure that are dozens of other examples where having timers would have many advantages, so here's hoping DE will implement this with the new UI changes.

  2. Like when stalker/harvester invades, a sudden change in music like thriller music or something so that the players get more excited..(srry for my english)

    Yeah that would be awesome, would really make me jump from my seat.

  3. I've been following this forum for quite a while and surprisingly i haven't seen anyone mentioning something about the lack of soundtracks diversity in this game.


    When i first started to play this game, the soundtrack at login where you hear the drums was cool and i thought it would get better, but it didn't. After a few hours my mind just went blank and i turned off the music ever since and play my own music playlist to fill the gap.


    I remember playing Halo and was pumped up while fighting hordes of enemies together with epic background music and i really miss that in this game. Its just the same repetitive sounds of drums all the time.


    In short, add more soundtracks to the game pls!

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