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Posts posted by QuestComm

  1. I chose this avatar (default Trinity) because I'm currently running a healing/support warframe as of this post (Oberon, specifically).


    [if I run a tank, I choose the free Rhino avatar; if I run an elemental/caster warframe, I choose the free Volt avatar. If I run any other frame, I choose the free Excalibur avatar.]

  2. Apparently somebody decided to use Shadows of the Dead on this thread.


    Since the time the thread was originally alive Damage 2.0 has come and a buff to Bounce with it. Bounce now procs the Magnetic status effect (reduces maximum shields) on bounced enemies, making it useful for weakening Corpus and bosses.


    Vauban is still relevant, but his powers are meant to complement your gunplay and swordplay, not replace them altogether.

  3. Quite the Nekros there. Not that I'm helping by lampshading that...


    Talking about Nekros, what would be his entrance? And Valkyr's?


    Some ideas:


    Nekros - Three Grineer/Corpus/Infested are patrolling together. A vent grill drops from the ceiling, then a Terror Totem. The enemies run away, terrified, into a room without an alert console, and the door closes and locks behind them. Pan to Nekros and company.


    Nekros (Alternate) - A Grineer/Corpus/Infested passes a Melee Grineer/Melee Crewman corpse. When he isn't looking the corpse comes to life via Shadows of the Dead and kills the enemy offscreen. Pan back to Nekros and company, showing two corpses ahead.


    Valkyr - An empty room. A vent grill drops from the ceiling. A Ripline comes down, grabs it, and pulls it back up out of view. Valkyr and company drop from the ceiling.


    Valkyr (Alternate) - Two Grineer/Corpus/Infested are patrolling. To the left Valkyr's cry is heard. The enemies run off-screen to investigate. Fighting sounds, then corpses of the enemies fly across the screen from the left. Pan back to Valkyr and company, showing the corpses ahead

  4. I like the idea, but would this mod be exclusive to rifles, or would similar mods also be available for shotguns and/or secondary weapons?


    Off-Topic (somewhat): Should weapons have headshot damage as another stat along with crit chance, crit damage, and status chance?

  5. This might look familiar...


    My Go-To Loadout (what I use in between batches of mastery fodder)

    Warframe: varies (planned to be Vauban and Banshee)

    Sentinel: Carrier currently, but any sentinel will do

    Sentinel Weapon: Sweeper currently, but any sentinel weapon will do

    Primary: Snipetron Vandal (planned to also be Strun Wraith)

    Secondary: Lato

    Melee: Machete Wraith


  6. Right now there are ten kinds of elemental damage floating around (for those who don't know, they are Fire, Electric, Frost/Cold, Toxic, Blast, Radiation, Gas, Magnetic, Viral, and Corrosive), but elemental resistance mods only cover Fire, Electric, Frost/Cold, and Toxic.


    What if I want to get some elemental resistance to Blast damage, for example? Can I equip Fire resistance and Cold resistance to give myself Blast resistance, or is there no way to mod in elemental resistances to advanced elemental damage?


    Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.


    EDIT: This is not about the viability of elemental resistance mods compared to other defensive mods. I already know that they are useless almost all of the time. All I want to know is whether the potential is there to mod against advanced elemental damage.

  7. @Dziki94


    The Aklatos seem to have a lot of Slash damage compared to Puncture and Impact. After Hornet Strike and multishot mods, try putting on Razor Shot and the corrupted pistol damage mod. If that is not enough damage, add the elemental which adds the largest percent of damage, but don't expect to see any special effects due to the very low proc rate.


    Then go use it on Infested enemies because they have no shields or armor.


    I don't know whether this will make it as good as it was before, but it's better to use Razor Shot and an elemental rather than No Return only on this weapon (elemental damage is calculated off of Impact + Puncture + Slash, so increasing the highest damage of the three makes for a bigger increase in elemental damage).


    Hopefully that helps, but until then take a primary with a lot of Impact and/or Puncture damage to take out shields or armored enemies (i.e. almost every Grineer unit). Also, headshot multipliers are your friend.


    OT: If you tailor your weaponry to the faction you will have more success. A good guideline is to focus on Impact damage when facing Corpus, Puncture damage when facing Grineer, and Slash damage when facing Infested.


    As for the weapons themselves, Burston does equal damage in all three areas, so just slap on the specific damage mods you need. However, for the Akbolto focus on Puncture damage and slap on an elemental mod so that it's not completely useless against light Infested.


    Again, I hope this helps.


    EDIT: Have you even tried the Gorgon on Corpus? The Impact damage should do wonders on their shields. And if the 50% crit chance is for real, then a crit build will make it do even more damage.

  8. Had:

    Excalibur (tutorial only)

    Loki (starter frame)









    Sitting in Foundry waiting to be claimed:


    Frost Prime


    Currently building in Foundry:



    Have Systems and Chassis, but not Helmet:



    Do not have:

    Excalibur (outside of tutorial)





    Excalibur Prime (not a Founder)


    Mag Prime

  9. Well, the "upside" to the glitch is that you have a renewable source of credits if you want to take a risk (see my edits in my other post).


    As far as I know, the bug does not affect affinity gain, and the mods are not reverted until after the mission is over, so with some tedium one can still level weapons and warframes. Resources are still gained per usual, I believe, so you can still craft Corpus Void Keys and go on Corpus Void runs.


    But seriously, this is quite the inconvenience. [/understatement]


    I can't think of anything else useful to contribute at the moment, though maybe I should take a screenshot of my inability to sell the transmuted mod.


    EDIT: Took a screenshot. I had two Vaporizes, one transmuted and one not transmuted. This is what happened when I sold one and tried to sell the other (the Vaporize card is outlined in red to show that it is selected for selling):


    Find the picture here: http://postimg.org/image/vu9gc0nt1/ (It's been shrunk from 1280x1024, so details might be hard to see)


    (I didn't know how to get a screenshot onto the forums [didn't allow .JPG or .PNG], so the next best thing was to upload it and post a link. Could someone tell me how better to share images?)

  10. Similar issues here.


    After every mission I run, I find that all the mods find their way back to where they were at an arbitrary period (probably when the hotfix was implemented, possibly when I did a transmutation). However, it seems that any mods which were placed onto weapons which you used in the mission do not behave this way (EDIT 9: only mods in a matching polarity slot do not revert to a previous setup; all other mods still revert), but the same is not true of warframe mods. Also, the fusion I did after the transmutation got undone later.


    Also not finding the mods from missions in my inventory, and I can't fuse the mod that I got from the transmutation.


    Warmoer brings up a good point, though. It might be caused by possessing a mod attained from transmutation. I will also try a run after selling the transmuted mod to see if anything changes.


    EDIT: I can fuse mods into the transmuted mod, but I can't fuse the transmuted mod into an equipped mod of the same polarity. Also, it won't allow me to sell the transmuted mod.


    EDIT 2: Tried fusing it into an unequipped, different rarity, different type, different polarity mod, but it won't let me select it for fusion. If this transmuted mod is the cause of my problems, I can't get rid of it. Ugh...


    EDIT 3: Just ran a mission, came back and looked. Sure enough, the fusions were undone, and the equipped mods reverted to the setup I had after the mission before this one. Will try to sell the transmuted mod again.


    EDIT 4: Tried to sell it again, but when I click while I have it selected it says "None of the selected items can be sold.", just like last time. I can't fuse it, I can't sell it, and transmuting it would probably not fix the problem. I'm pretty sure this is not what DE intended transmutation to do.


    EDIT 5: Gonna try restarting Warframe now, see what happens.


    EDIT 6: Nope, still can't sell the transmuted mod. Also, its non-transmuted lookalike which I had sold came back. It seems that gaining a transmuted mod has effectively frozen my entire mod library. I can't add to it, I can't subtract from it, I can't make any lasting changes. However, I do not know whether the credits total is frozen or not. Testing now...


    EDIT 7: Sorry about all these edits :P. In other news, the credit total still acts normally, meaning that you could sell your entire mod library, relog, and have all the money in your account while still keeping your entire mod library intact, as long as one possessed a transmuted mod (which, in my case, cannot be destroyed). That is, it's possible to get unlimited money using this unintended behavior (not sure if it's a bug, glitch, or something else entirely).


    EDIT 8: Wait, if DE has had a history of not correcting exploitations of glitches after the glitches are fixed, then I could give myself free money without having to worry about the money being taken away again. But that's just unethical and probably violates some sort of user agreement that I agreed to follow as a beta tester.


    EDIT 10: Just tried a transmutation with the transmuted mod, but once I go to Foundry and back, the transmutation undoes itself.


    EDIT 11: Yay, it's all fixed!

  11. I have some trouble seeing how a melee toggle system with multiple melee buttons would work with the maneuvers already ingame:


    -How would toggle/multi-button melee work while sliding on the ground or sliding in the air? While falling? While wall-running (vertical or horizontal)? While aiming at a ragdolled/knocked-down enemy? In short, would it revert to single-button melee for situations in which one is not standing, walking/running, sprinting or crouching? If not, what changes would need to be made to the aforementioned special moves to accommodate the change to toggle/multi-button melee?


    If I get good answers to these questions, I would more seriously consider multi-button melee as a viable option for melee overhaul.


    Currently, though, I am biased towards adding a damage-increasing combo system to non-charge melee. The way I see it, it would diversify melee by making risky maneuvers such as wallrun melee (when was the last time you saw anyone use that?) more useful.


    I definitely like Mietz's implementation of a combo system, but I would not have warframe abilities boost one's combo meter. Instead, certain maneuvers would boost the combo meter more than others. Below is a sketch of how I envision it (values are not final):


    Combo Meter Increases

    -Basic Melee: +1 + .25 per additional target hit

    -Charged Melee: +0

    -Ground Execution: +2.5

    -Ground Slide Spin Attack/Uppercut: +1.5 + .5 per additional target hit

    -Air Slide (Flying Kick) Spin Attack/Fist Weapon Attack: +2 + .5 per additional target hit

    -Ground Slam from Jump (no wallrun): +.5 per target hit

    -Ground Slam from Horizontal Wallrun: +1 per target hit

    -Ground Slam from Vertical Wallrun (Wallclimb): +1.5 per target hit

    -Wallrun Melee: +5

    -Stealth Attack (kills target): +0

    -Stealth Attack (does not kill target): +3


    Currently, wallruns in combat are discouraged due to enemy damage being incredibly accurate hitscan (at least for Grineer). A system such as this would refine wallrun maneuvers into a high-risk, high-reward option for beginning a combo in addition to improving non-charge melee in general.


    There has been great discussion so far, and I hope my contribution gives some new insight on the issue and its possible solution(s).



  12. I disagree with having a gunsword occupy both primary/secondary and melee slots. It would be too much work to rework the system just for one or two new weapons.


    The way I see it, the gunsword would go into the melee slot and act like a longsword, but its ground execution would be a gunshot to the downed enemy (whether it hits the head or body or whether it counts as armor ignore would be up to the devs). Also, the ground execution animation of a gunsword would be faster than those of other melee weapons (no need to do a dramatic stab when you can just shoot him) to enable multiple executions in quick succession and potentially a new way to play melee.


    This way one could have the awesomeness of a gunsword which fills a unique niche (melee style focusing on knockdown and rapid execution) while being relatively easy for DE to implement (compared to other implementations of gunswords).


    I apologize in advance if this has already been suggested. I only looked at the first and last pages of the thread.

  13. Similar things have happened to me on other Exterminate missions. However, there is a temporary fix. If you're in a group and the host leaves, the host migration will fix the map markers and make the last enemies appear, allowing everyone besides the host to complete the mission. Obviously that is very inconvenient for the host, but I know of no better solution until a fix is provided later.

  14. I've had a similar problem several times on Extermination missions in general, but I've found that forcing a host migration fixes the problem and allows the rest of the party to finish. Unfortunately, that is very inconvenient for whoever is hosting (the player first in the list when you press Z), who has to abort the mission. Hopefully this will help for now, but this is not an isolated case.

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