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Posts posted by NotoriousAnduin

  1. 4 hours ago, UncaIroh said:

    I don't know if the defense objective blocks the zenistar, but if it does, place the disc just above the defense capsule or a nearby choke point.. For standing capsules like in void, lua, or ODD, choose a side that will cover the most approaches.

    if you place it badly, then retrieve the disc and throw again.

    then what about stairs?like this\
                                  __o________\  _____ O________________
                                    - I -                 \     
                                     / \                    \_________

    shouldnt zenistar attacks through the gaps between staircases lol. by the way,dont you need a rock or something to make sure that your disc is in the right place?and it would cost you half of your covering area now,doesnt that feels like quench a thirst with poison?

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