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Posts posted by _Achillean_

  1. Hello guys, i would like to give my ideas to a chroma rework abilities that i hope DE will see and may take some ideas from it or even change few things to fit their convinience......So lets begin and please read until the very end !!!

                                  Passive :

    Chroma could keep the fact that he has a second double jump. (it might be great with the use of a sniper or the strongest bows) but he could also have the ability that no other warframe will have and it is to be able to have self-damage on its own because now no one use chroma because of the fact that we can't get a high porcentage with vex armor without it.

                                1st Ability :

    The same old spectral scream we have always know with of course the ability of choosing a element between fire, ice, electricity, and poison but it has way more punch (so we keep the 100% statut) And it has a synergy with the 2nd ability that i will explain soon.

                               2nd Ability :

    Same old elemental ward with the effects that are provided by the elements ( fire give more health, ice give more armor, electricity give more shields, and poison has a chance of dealing poisoning to ennemies ) BUT lets talk about the synergy i've imagined !!! So my idea is based on the fact that  we can have now a fire breath but having at the same time a ice shield, correct ? So why not fuse the two differents elements. Let me explain, if at some point in a mission you need more armor then you can change the element to ice, cast the ice armor and then change the element to fire and so combine the elements and making a more powerful breath that deal explosive damage (blast) and there is 6 combination in total and if you had the same element in both abilities it just make the elemental breath even more powerful and thank to my idea chroma will be able to deal with every kind of foe and to use that combined element ability you only need to press one more time the 1st ability button after chose the elements like a normal spectral scream cast.

    So let me explain my vision of this synergy and all combined elements of what it should looks like but of course they keep their advantage like Corrosive still strip ennemies armor by 25% or even more if we use vex armor and etc... :

    Heat + Cold : Blast -> Release multiple fire stream that froze anything it touch and then the crystals explode after few seconds.

    Electricity + toxin : Corrosive -> Release acid puddle on the path of Chroma where it aimed.

    Heat + Toxin : Gas -> Release and spread clouds of gas that have a high chance to poisons anyone who dare breathes them.

    Cold + Electricity : Release some sort of sphere made with ElectroMagnetic Pulse the disrupt the ennemies shields.

    Heat + Electricity : Radiation -> Release a nuclear beam like Wisp more or less but with less graphics details than wisp. 

    Cold + Toxin : Viral -> Release spores in the air that goes randomly around chroma and infect any foes to close to him. 

                               3rd Ability :

    Typicaly a huge buff to vex armor so it still gives an enormous damage stacks to his abilities, weapons and like elemental ward, he shares it with fellow tenno on his team but with something new.......We all know that chroma transforms the damage he recieve into energy that make him stronger but my guess is where does all that energy go after the time limit, did it simply vanish ??

    So my idea is that chroma could store all the energy he would amass during that time period and when he reach the limit, he focus all of the porcentage he got into a energy orb (with the size of an hand) on the palm of his right hand and then break it by clench his fist, this will create an huge burst so to say a massive explosion that will do void + current element of spectral scream damage. Or it can be something other than that, DE will be the judge of the final decision ;) 

                                4th Ability : 

    For the ultimate, i have thought that we could keep the name effigy but change the whole ability by making chroma turn himself into a dragon. This ability, even so will be really good at apparence could make all of his abilities have a great range  so we can share even more buffs to far allies on the map and because vex armor boost only the damages not the range.

     I know there will be size problems so i think that on this form, chroma should stand on his arms and legs like an horse and will be big enough to still passes doors but bigger than his human size. In apparence, his wings will always been active. His claws, horns, tails, arms , legs and his neck will grow and gets bigger and sharper during the time limit and because of the fact that he can't use his weapons but only his abilities, and his signature melee weapon will be his tail. And with the different skin chroma has, he could transform into different types of dragon, for exemple a chinese dragon like with the dinasty deluxe skin but i understand that it will take an huge effort from DE to make all those dragons forms.

    I really hope that you guys enjoy reading my ideas on this topic, and if so, don't hesitate to take and share those ideas so DE could saw them and maybe (in my dreams) they will apply and add them to the game so we can all enjoy chroma, the elemental dragon frame, once again !!!

    (Ps: if you want to take my idea and call them your own I don't mind at all, you can even upgrade them at will. All I wish is to see one day those new power be given to chroma, my favorite warframe. )

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  2. (NB: This is my first topic, so be gentle)

    Hello everyone,

    I'm here to know if we can change chroma's abilities, because it's kind of disappoint. I mean Chroma IS a powerfull warframe and we all admit that. But most of the actual players only use him because of the vex armor, the third ability. And maybe no one know but the concept of Chroma has been made with many reference of the legend of Bahamut, the true dragon king and one of the most powerfull creature in our legend of dragons (Yeh I know I am a dracomaniac). That why I decide to know if we could do that and to share my opinion of what should be those abilities:

    Passive abilitiy: For each elements chroma possess, he get an immunity but only if he has the right element. For example, a grineer who use an flamethrower will deal no damage to chroma only if he is in in fire mod. However, he get the weakness of the equipped element. In ice mod, fire deal x2 critical damage. (fire>ice>poison>thunder)

    First ability:Elemental scepter: It's a fusion between elemental wall and his actual passive ability. Chroma can change his element in battle with the effect of elemental wall for a short periode and share it with nearby teamates.

    Second ability: Effigy 2.0. With his scales, Chroma create a dragon like he always did but that dragon is a little different. He has 3 secondary abilities: First, it shoot an flame/ice/poison/thunder-thrower like chroma actual first ability; Second, it make a huge howl who distract the ennemies; Third, it charging hitself and charge on a foe. With the touch X, Chroma can make it follow him or stand on a point. Of course the dragon has new stats.

    Third ability: Vex armor: The same at it is now but with a different show. It may be cooler if we can see chroma's wings when the power reach 100%. This improvement will be really usefull because sometimes in battles we don't have the time to check.

    Fourth ability: New dawn: Bahamut's greatest ability. Chroma concentrate all of his energy in his chest and shoot it in the sky. The mass explode, making thousand light arrows made with the equipped element and fall to the ground, those arrows deals critical damage but that ability can only be use if chroma have more than 200 in energy and consume all the rest of the energy.

    So that all I have to say. Thanks for reading and give me your opinion about my ideas.

    See ya



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