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Posts posted by SigmaIN

  1. I have no idea where to post this, or if this is intentional or simply a bug or oversight, but while playing around with Arcane Battery, I noticed that there's no mention of gaining an additional Revive at Rank 3 like there usually is in arcanes for Warframes. So I decided to test it, and as I thought, I didn't get an extra Revive from using my Rank 3 Arcane Battery.

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  2. I tried doing a Circuit run today, and the first stage was Alchemy. The stage went well during the first crucible with good spawn rates, but when the second crucible showed up, the enemy spawn rates slowed down immensely, and the stage took 15-20 minutes to complete. Sadly I don't remember which tile this happened on. This issue makes the Circuit unplayable for me currently and I really hope this gets fixed soon.

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  3. My wishlist:

    Orokin Catalyst

    Orokin Cell Decoration

    Konzu Noggle

    Rhino Noggle

    Ivara Noggle

    Clem Noggle


    Chroma Dynasty Skin

    Hunhow's Gift

    Izvara Syandana

    Weapon Slots

    and really any ship decoration


    I'm on PC

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