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Posts posted by Kyuubi927

  1. I know what the first bit sounds like, trust me, but I assure you that this is not a clickbait.  Just hear me out.

    I'm running through Orb Valis to complete my Perfect Animal Captures for Nightwave- not that much of an issue there, just run around and pray that the Corpus patrols don't screw you over while lining up shots- but when I started to go after Stovers, and followed the map markers on where to start.... there was no dung.  Three separate locations, and not one of them has the initial starting point for capturing Stovers.  I've checked the interiors, and even around the cave entrances, but nothing came up.  Like a big tease saying that they're there, but not available to you.

    Is anyone else having these issues??

  2. I'm in a mission and was setting down Wisp's reservoirs but when Haste was put down, not only was the reservoir not passing around the speed buff, but it's also not showing to have the buff, despite standing inside of it.  It's also not showing when Wisp channels her 4 ability, nor is it providing the damage boost it's supposed to get from the Haste Reservoir.  

  3. I'm pretty sure this has been a long-running issue that everyone has been suffering from when it comes to having an actual Kubrow with them: take a Kubrow with full loyalty into a mission- my pet never dropped from loss of health nor did they die- and when it's done, you come back to find, to your absolute horror, that their loyalty has dropped a whole 60%.  

    I've personally been seeing this issue having STILL EXISTED ever since Khora was first announced.  I was hoping to do a sort of Kubrow/Kavat sort of run going for the cat-lady, and yet the dog's loyalty has dropped faster than anything I've ever seen happen before, regardless of going down or even dying.  


    DE, I know you've got quite a lot to work on, but please for the love of God and all things good in the cosmos, fix this before people just outright give up on the Kubrows, keeping them in stasis until the end of time.  #SaveTheKubrows

  4. I was checking through my gear, specifically the loadouts for the Conclaive, and it offers the option to install an Orokin Catalyst into the Arcata.  So I had the Catalyst for it and selected to install it... and then the whole game crashes that I had to turn off the power to the computer to get it to respond.  Is the Arcata not supposed to have a Catalyst installed at all?

  5. I've been finding that, when I empty a clip from Limbo Prime's signature pistol- Pyrana Prime- instead of reloading, he switches to his melee?

    I've been caught off-guard by this several time, having to manually switch back, and finding it rather annoying when this repeats over and over again.  

    If this could be addressed before it affects the performance of others, I'd appreciate it.



    P.S.: LOVE the new look, and a basic energy-boost mod is gonna make him a real monster on the field XD

  6. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to put this, but I need to address an issue about a bug for Limbo Prime.


    I'm finding that, when his pistol- Destreza Prime- empty's it's clip, instead of reloading he switches to his melee.... even though I have more ammo for another full clip.  

    If this could be addressed, I would appreciate it, because it's getting VERY annoying to have to waste time switching back to firearms from melee.




    Sorry, just realized this isn't the right place for this.  My bad.  Ignore this XP

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