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Posts posted by TiberiusAlpha

  1. В 11.04.2018 в 11:44, TheJagji сказал:

    Short answer, NO.

    Long Answer: NO, and here is why. Sentinal vac dose does not pick the stuff up, it just pulls it in, and then drops it on the Warframe. How do I know this? Limbo. Limbo does not take the sentinel into the void when you 'double' and so it still picks stuff up, but it hangs there till you come out of the void to collect.  So putting it on a dogo or a katty is kin of pointless, given that they are not locked to the Warframe. 

    Then there is the 'making them different' aspect. Kubrow and Kavats should not become like the Sentinals. They should be different. There should be reasons for taking a Kubrow over a Kavats or Sentinal. Making them all the same is the same as removing the pets. It's not something I want to see DE do. GayGuyPlays put up a really good vid on how Pets 2.0 could make them all different.


    >They should be different
    Yeah, they already diffrent - useless. Carrier Sentiel a more useful what all kubrows and kavats. Carrier has one job and its do it good. I can't say same thing about another pets.

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