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Posts posted by Technomole

  1. As others have said, learn the damage system. Different factions have different resistances and weaknesses. Note that some enemies, especially bosses, often have different resistances and weaknesses from the rest of the faction.

    My personal preference for this boss is Ash and Rubico with rad build as I prefer invisibility to facetanking so I can get into position to hit his weak spots.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2019-01-19 at 11:25 PM, Scruffel said:

    But people making Excalibur skins and not Khora skins isn't really DE's fault, nor anyone's fault. That's just the creator's decisions.


    Which is why I mentioned creators to stop making them.

    I'm sorry to be blunt, but if Excalibur is the only frame you can make good skins for, then you shouldn't be making skins at all.

    You ask if DE should stop accepting them? In my (and a lot of others) opinion, yes they should. 

    • Like 2
  3. It's such a shame what had to be done to the Nidus Night-Hunter skin to get it to pass. That syandana was amazing and together with the skin, the whole package looked awesome. Still looks really good but it's not as good as it was.

    On the plus side, yay Garuda skin!

    Edit to add: DE, please stop accepting Excalibur skins. Creators, please stop making them. I know he is the poster child for Warframe but so many amazing skins don't get in but there's another Excal skin every damn round.

  4. I'd like to see the following Prime mods added in future.


    • Streamline
    • Stretch


    • Serration 
    • Point strike
    • Vital Sense


    • Blunderbuss
    • Seeking Fury


    • Hornet Strike


    • Vacuum
    • Fetch
    • Animal Instinct

    Can you imagine the forma cost....


  5. On 2019-01-03 at 4:29 PM, mvaldess said:

    I'm not having problems with Conservation. I hope this helps:

    First of all, I kill every corpus unit in the area as close as possible to the calling point, to prevent new enemies from spawning. I go with Ivara and Rubico Prime.

    After I do my response The Business says its OK to wait/search for the species. Then I become invisible and I switch to the Synthesis Scanner tovstart searching, when I find it, I use Ivara's Quiver and complete the rescue.

    The only species giving me some difficulties are the Sawgaws, they can appear near to you or in a distant giant mushroom, also they have clipping problems after the first shoot, most of the time I have to shoot a second time to be able to interact with them.

    Like mvaldess, I'm not having any issues with Conservation. Every animal I track appears when called and is successfully captured.

    I also use Ivara, kill anything hostile near the nest/calling point then call the animal. After The Biz says his dialog and you do a second call, when the white box on the echo bar thing disappears then you know the animal is on the way so I switch to primary, go invisible then use Ivara's sleep arrow to "tranq" the animal.

    100% success rate of having animals appear and bringing them home.

    Sawgaws are a bit of a pain as they do tend to drop through the mushroom and hang underneath but if they're tranqed you can use Archwing to hover up there and capture it.

  6. This has happened to me twice now with the Fire-Veined Stover. The first time I filed a support ticket and they removed it and put it back in my inventory. The second time seems like a waste of their time so I'll wait for a fix in (hopefully) the next update.

    I have three of the Fire-Veined Stover floofs and I can not select any of them to move/remove.

  7. 3 hours ago, Tyreaus said:

    I don't get how people are talking about weapon switch times increasing difficulty when the vast majority of players stick with using one weapon (if that) and a melee and blaze through things—Sorties, Arbitrations, and ESO included—with little issue. It can't increase difficulty if it isn't a factor. It can't do anything if it isn't a factor.

    That it isn't much of a factor is exactly what sets it apart from suggestions like unlimited ammo. In the current gameplay, reload times always matter. Weapon swap times, generally, don't.

    Moreover, some people (not naming names) really should be more careful with how they're critiquing an idea. Relatively vague rationales like "it adds capability and thus makes the game easier and we shouldn't have that because (insert reason, e.g. 'it leads to a slippery slope')" can be applied just as well to Parkour 2.0, among other things that I'm sure those same people are all for. There is much more nuance to these ideas and ignoring those facts just does everyone a disservice.

    Difficulty isn’t the issue, at least for me. I want to be able to use all my weapons in a timely manner because if I can shoot things then jump 40 meters to whack the same thing in the face with a giant sword, I should be able to switch to my secondary without having the time to make a cup of tea while my remote controlled robot ninja killing machine swaps weapons like the sloth from Zootopia. 

    “Reload times always matter” I would make the argument that reload times wouldn’t matter nearly as much if you could swiftly pull out your secondary and finish slaughtering whatever is in your way. 


  8. Back in the day when I played Counterstrike (pre Source) it was quicker to drop your primary than it was to switch to pistol. 

    I think improving the weapon switching speed to the point where it’s near instantaneous would be ideal and massively improve the use of secondaries for those that currently don’t use them much. With the imminent arrival of Lego secondaries with Fortuna now is a great time to do it. 

    Alternatively, a “quick secondary” button could be implemented. 

    Or both!

    • Like 5
  9. 10 hours ago, (XB1)Ubern00ber88 said:

    I did a similar riven yesterday. Didn't have trouble spawning them at the Lua Crossfire like I normally do. Where specifically were you going for them?

    Mainly the crossfire on Plato but I ran every node at least twice.

  10. I got a riven today with the "killing blow on Sentients" challenge, I was running around like a headless chicken for over an hour looking for where the damn things spawned as I didn't know about this bug.

  11. I've not read the entire thread so apologies if this has been covered but something needs to be done with extractions when dead. 

    For example, if you die near the start of a 2 wave interception, say wave 5, being forced to sit there and wait is excruciatingly boring but you can not leave the mission because you forfeit everything.

    In my opinion, if a player chooses to leave then they should keep the rewards for the 2 rotations they have completed but forfeit all loot pickups. If they choose to wait then they keep the loot they have collected up to the point that they died.


  12. What has been done to the mod sorting? I used to be able to click on a polarity, then sort by drain, then it would put the mods in alphabetical order as a secondary sorting with aura mods placed last, regardless of rank.

    Now it's polarity, sort by drain, then the mods are in some random order with aura mods chucked in the mix. It makes no sense!





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