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Posts posted by (XBOX)LoneDionysius

  1. 2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    But the thing is, what if anything does squadlink stand to add to the game? 

    That there is the question DE have a nasty habit of creating mechanics that will get mulled over in later released of content down the road. Only time will tell if it will be a worthwhile endeavor.

  2. Issue for me is that it just feels unrewarding. After the first five runs you turn your brain off and auto pilot this poor excuse for content. The rewards are too expensive and not very interesting as well, I mean ffs could they not had put a Catalyst in the weapons to make the grind a bit rewarding? I'll do the event, loathe it and move on....just as I do with most of the uninspiring content.

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, bibmobello said:

    I don't know, i haven't tried this crap, are the maggots useful somehow?

    Maggots are just good for CC/Fashion, thats about it as far as I can see. I use mine for my Nidus Fashion with the Strain set mods and it's not too bad for what I use it for and it's not as weak as others would have you believe with a Condition Overload/Berserker/Bloodrush build. People forget that on weapons with an innate element you can do some terribly powerful things in short order. If you do wish to use this I'd suggest you forgo the Fury/Primed Fury mods and just use Berserker as the speed from crits ramp up pretty quickly.

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  4. On 2019-09-26 at 6:15 PM, bibmobello said:

    Nice another glaive weapon for my ivara! And no you don't need prime fury on throwing weapons...

    Primed Fury is a must if you plan to actually attack with the damned thing. Throwing it is nice and all but I use both forms of attacking to get the most out of my Glaives. I also find that using it as a stealth weapon is very ill advised as I see my stealth multi die continuously to maggot spawns.

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  5. This is why you always do research before you nonchalantly buy anything Warframe related. The info is out there if you need it so it's always in your best interest to gather it. Warframe doesn't spoon-feed any info and most of us know better than to do anything on a whim expecting it to "just work" in Warframe. This issue here is twofold, Warframe not being forthcoming and clear with new content and you not educating yourself beforehand.

  6. 3 hours ago, (NSW)TheFrontz said:

    When will this series ever end the Wolf is one of the worst boss fights i have ever faced in any game 4 warframes with high up weapons cant even shave 10% of the wolfs health after like 30 minutes of attacking this guy are you kidding me a challenge is fine the teryalist is a challenge this is a massive massive headache not necessary all for what a chance to get parts for his sledge hammer weapon to me its absolutely worthless seriously if the sledge is need for mastery points they have to put it in the game later some how even after the wolf is gone so why would i even care to go for the sledge in this headache way wouldn't surprise me if its next nightwave creds alot of them but creds none the less to get this sledge this just needs to end the whole boss fight is nothing but a horrible frustrating mess of a fight and sooo not worth anyone's sanity when does this end just end the Nightwave already its nothing but disastrous as it is

    Let me see if I'm addressing the issue of your complaint correctly. So, since YOU can't defeat it you want it gone? I will agree that the manner in how we get the sledge is absurd but the Wolf himself is easy as pie. 

    Just because you and your teammates weaponry are not the types to take him down doesn't mean that someone else doesn't enjoy the challenge. Hell, I can and do solo the Wolf and I've done this with hitscan weaponry, projectile weaponry and Melee(all done on different times). 

    In the words of some others "Git Gud" and fighting him IS NOT advised if you can't do it and don't expect a teammate to carry you to victory. How did I solo him with a sword? Max rank Paracesis, Corrosion built for crit. 

    I'm not here to be a Debby Downer but if you know you can't do it then extraction is usually an option on all but def I believe. There is no shame in running.

  7. On 2019-02-27 at 4:11 PM, Wolfways said:

    How the hell are you supposed to fight him?

    My wife and I fought him. Both with fully modded weapons, we ran out of ammo with both primary and secondary weapons and had to kill him with Amps. It took about 40 minutes.

    He dropped a normal crappy mod.

    40 mins? I killed him solo In less than 10. Use puncture and I believe rad.

  8. Mine? Grab some warm tea, sit down log-in to warframe, view the forums on my phone during loading. After the load finishes I collect my daily, view alerts, invasions, sorties. Then I view my syndicate standing to decide what I'd like to sell/farm. Next head to my foundry and peruse the options available to me. I then head to my arsenal say good day to each of my Warframes (21) and fashion frame a few until I'm ready to look my best. I then alert the wife to hop on with me, sip my tea, wait on her to join then run Hydron to begin my daily XP slog. 

  9. Sorry OP, all I see is a bunch of complaining because you want others to do as you'd like in game. Here's an idea, branch out, meet like minded people and play exclusively with them if you want longer missions. Playing in public matches gives you 0 right or lee way  to complain about the results of what/who you're getting. Someone also said this and I agree that "life gets in the way" and its unfair for them to be stuck in a game mode for anyone, least of all you because of what I'd call selfishness. If you can handle it go solo and rely on yourself and your issue will resolve itself. If you can't solo then I'd strongly suggest partying up with others and have a stated time of extraction.

  10. To the OP, the Zenistar isn't going to make or break your gameplay experience.  Being made to wait a bit longer isn't anything new if you've been playing WF for any span of real time. I own one myself and it can be great if modded correctly but there are certainly weapons that can far surpass this, even before you cab get you hands on the Zenistar. The weapon is more of a novelty and show off weapon to prove how far you've come in WF. (which will be nothing with this patch, which may have some players a bit salty).  

  11. 17 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

    So the minority doesn't matter? I pay for my content, loyal supporter who purchased Tennocon pack, Prime Access and etc. So people like me, we don't matter? "Yep, you played the game cause you wanted, now it doesn't matter if you are 6 days ahead, wait another 194".

    Actually no, the minority doesn't usually matter. Their voices are quelled beneath the louder majority and silenced. Well, I mean that the minority does matter but the majority has a greater voice as they're usually heard in greater volumes/numbers. Hell, imagine a group of 80 people yelling yes at the exact same time 20 voices are yelling no, whom do you think is heard?

  12. 1 hour ago, Dragoncroac said:

    Furthermore, if the team can't kill them, it would have a high trolling potential on defenses.

    I never thought about that! I don't enjoy trolling or troll myself but I could see how this would be an issue. I was on the Plains last night and the mission objective wouldn't complete until all available enemies were killed which I enthralled. Thanks for that as I had totally forgotten.

  13. Anyone else feel as though Revenants thralls are a bit underwhelming? I mean they are great for distraction and such but I'm a bit annoyed with the fact that others can kill them. I guess I feel that its a waste of button pressing for me to create a thrall time and again just for a teammate to just wipe out the moment it's created making me feel as though both my time and energy creating said thrall was wasted. Its not a complaint about Rev himself but the ignorance (trolling?) of some team members to continuously do this countless times while asking me to create some for extra shielding.

    I find this counter intuitive to what I'm trying to do to be a team player and just wish that DE would make it so they only die by my hand(4th) or work similarly to Nekros and his SOS. At the moment I'm loving the way he plays with others or solo but being in games with others(at least for me) makes me not want to use him or attempt to do anything but gun things down or play selfishly (4th spam)which isn't my play style at all.

  14. I noticed you mentioned this was a free roam. There's 0 obligation from anyone to kill a teralyst there. Your best bet would've been to ask in the recruiting channel for vets that (or anyone with experience) have done and are about to go hunting. There you could pick up some moves and tips and learn the craft yourself. Hell, I've been hunting them myself recently and finally at MR19 I can solo my own and can teach others a thing or two, though the lures still confuse me. In conclusion, just ask around before you try to go with complete randoms, do a bit of homework on YouTube as well as the forums, upgrade your amp, and for the love of God bring a decent frame/weapon combo. Good Luck Tenno.

  15. 2 minutes ago, miomima said:

    Things is not about "You can avoid and dont use urself" but about how large this gasp between frames, and how low effort needed to gain succes with one frame when for other frame this is realy challenging. (i dont even want to talk about how people actualy tell to throw away matchmaking in online game, a tool given by developers to see new people, play with new people etc.) And can give another horde slaying coop game as example - Killing Floor, there is no perfect balance between classes, but with any class you need aim, precission, quick reactions, teamplay, map awarnes, and without them even on most broken class you probbly gona fail and fail your teamates.

    If something isn't working to specifications we as people have the power to sometimes change our activities,  but not always anothers actions.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

    No, it just sounds dumb. Complaining about elements that make a game not fun to play is an opinion that many agree with. If you don't, that's fine, but it's the furthest thing from a "personal problem" agree or not.

    No, see it is indeed a personal problem if the OP complains about a non issue that's completely avoidable. If you don't like the options presented then why stay?  Why is it so difficult to just leave a match or communicate what you're trying to accomplish with the team? Most posts up here are just b*tching and complaining about something an OP could fix themselves or outright avoid. 

  17. On 2018-09-05 at 9:14 PM, Kraythax said:

    So you go into elite onslaught to farm a bit of focus, maybe level up a weapon and there is one critical problem. Saryn. Every Saryn player I have met acts selfish and instead of going in solo if they want to solo the map, they go in with a full team of 4, take 90% or more of the damage and you get nothing. And forget leaving if there is a Saryn in party, I tried that and 12 games in a row I left,  until I said "to heck with it and logged off." I am a paying customer and don't pay to be bored. SARYN IS STUPIDLY unbalanced. She makes the old "Entire map on fire" Ember look like a minor player.  Either NERF SARYN hard .. or at least enable meditate in ESO so that I can just sit there while Saryn kills everything. 

    Just bought more plat before I logged on today, but now I feel stupid. I think time to put this game down a while. 

    This IS going to sound snarky but if you don't like playing with Saryn(s) then quite frankly that's a personal problem -your personal problem. I can't believe you have the audacity to come up on the forum and essentially whine about something that is more or less your choice. If you don't like playing with nuke build Saryns id strongly suggest you either quit once you see one, join the pack or join with friends. 

    I'm a Saryn player myself with a 40% power strength, dura/range build. Though I'm not as greedy as others. Also the point(s) of Elite Sanctuary onslaught is really to post times up on the boards not really to focus farm, kill quickly to keep up affinity and pass on to the next wave. If you want to focus farm I strongly suggest playing with friends that may bend a bit because realistically in Onslaught we just want to get in, get out and go on with our lives especially with randoms. 

    In closing, you don't get to play with randoms and then complain about what happens in your game due to you not being friendly and playing with those you know or are like minded. You play with unknowns and you'll get unknown variables.

  18. Taxi services are good and bad, good bc it allows lower ranks to get to alerts they would otherwise not be able to reach and bad bc like the op said "they should earn the right to play there".

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